Hellobee Boards


How long would you leave your kids for?

  1. Reese

    pomegranate / 3521 posts

    I think it’s hard because most people don’t have such an awesome grandparent/child care situation.

    I think if YOU guys won’t be overly missing your kids by the third week/feel like it’s too long then you should 100% go for it! Kids stay with grandparents for entire summers in some situations /or visit for long periods of time with family... and it’s all good


  2. Mrsbells

    squash / 13199 posts

    @PawPrints: the longest we both left our child was one night. We havr taken loner work trips individually but never both of us gone more than a night. Our kids are 6, 2 and an infant and I'm not comfortable going on vacation without them. Maybe when they are much older but at this stage they seem too young for that.

  3. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    I'll tell you, my husband and I went on a 2+ week vacation to Italy last summer and left my then 5 year old twins with his parents. It was the best vacation ever for everyone involved! I didn't feel they were too young at all.

  4. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    The only time we’ve been away from B was when I was in the hospital for 2 nights having W, and even then my husband picked him up every afternoon, did dinner and bedtime, and then came back to the hospital while my parents stayed with B. Other than that I’ve been away for 2 nights on a work trip and my husband left for a week, but we’ve never both been away. We were talking about doing a long weekend in Vegas in the fall to celebrate our 40th birthdays, but I think we’ve decided to save the money for a family trip to Disney in the winter.

    My parents are older and I feel like they have a limited tolerance for full time care - when we all go to their house they can handle about two hours before they hand the kids back to us, so I’d be worried about leaving them fully in charge. If I was going to do it it would have to be during the week so they’d be at school/daycare for most of the time.

  5. MrsADS

    nectarine / 2262 posts

    @erinbaderin same - my husband and I have been away for a night or two separately, but we've never been away together since my 3.5yo was born. My mom watches them when she comes to visit during the day or for a date night, but even that is extremely overwhelming for her. She can't handle them, there's no way she could handle them overnight or for a weekend. So as far as I can tell, we'll never be able to go away together.

    It sucks so much and honestly I get very depressed about it sometimes.


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