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How many hours/days after giving birth did you go home?

  1. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    about 40 hours so almost two days. I gave birth at 7 pm and ended up staying 2 nights b/c I needed more help with getting started with BFing. I just didn't feel comfortable enough with BFing to go home after 24 hours. The nurses helped me get him latched every time. Next time I would just like to stay just one night.

  2. deerylou

    pomegranate / 3003 posts

    Our birth center recommends 2 days post-birth for a vaginal delivery, and up to eight after a c-section. We will likely be staying the maximum amount of time we can - the place is like a resort!

  3. anewme

    kiwi / 500 posts

    With my 2nd, I gave birth about 1 in the morning.
    Stayed that night and the next night then had to wait for the ped to clear the babies circumcision which he was having an issue with controlling the bleeding. We didn't get officially discharged until about 6pm. It was killer! I'm one of those that luckily felt fine right after birth so I was itching to go home!

  4. bisous

    persimmon / 1304 posts

    DD was born at 3 on a Sunday and I left at around 1 on Tuesday. Felt like the longest two days ever!

  5. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    One week. We had a few complications and LO and I both had to stay longer for IV Antiobiotics and to be monitored.

  6. Honeybee

    pomelo / 5178 posts

    I went home about 36 hours after having DD; we had a nurse who refused to complete all the checks we needed in order to discharge, so we had to wait an extra day until we could get everything straightened out. With DS we were there about 60 hours because of some complications.

  7. Ginabean3

    pomegranate / 3401 posts

    48 hours after I gave birth....I didn't want to leave because LO was in the NICU, but then at the same time I couldn't wait to leave because she was in the NICU and everyone else on the PP floor had their babies with them in their rooms and I could hear them crying and felt like crying myself because my baby wasn't with me. It was such a mind trip. The worst was when a nurse came into my room and cheerfully announces "I'm here to do the hearing test for your baby!" and I was like, "My baby's in the NICU". Sigh. But all is well now. She's home, happy, and totally chunked out.

  8. MrsMaine

    coffee bean / 40 posts

    Had him at 2:11am on a Wednesday and was discharged Friday afternoon.

    It felt super long to me though because I had technically gone in on Tuesday night so I was there 3 nights instead of the usual 2.

  9. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    I had both babies on Thursdays (morning and afternoon) and I was discharged on 1pm on Saturday.

    I was induced on Tuesday for my first and ended up with a C-section....4.5 day stay. Scheduled C-section for my second...2.5 days!

  10. mrsbookworm

    pear / 1823 posts

    I had a c section on Sun and went home Wed. I could have stayed longer, but wanted out!

  11. cyndistar3

    pomegranate / 3980 posts

    With our first we were at my midwife's birth center and was given the okay to go home 4 hours pp but decided to stay until the morning even though we had no help, the midwife was just kind of there. We stayed about 18 hours. With our second I had a c/s so I had to stay for 2 nights at the hospital

  12. LazyLightning

    pear / 1664 posts

    Delivered at 6:30 PM on a Tuesday, went home about noon on Thursday. DD did not come with me though, she had to stay at NICU for a week. She came home 7 days after her birth.

  13. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    I had a fever so they made me stay 48 hrs...

  14. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    I delivered at 7am and went home at 4pm. I could of gone home earlier except I had a lot of stitches and they wanted to monitor me for a bit.

    It was awesome and the best thing about the birth centre. I got to go home and sleep in my own bed with my husband, who wouldn't of been able to stay if I had of had to of been admitted to the hospital. LO slept well that night so we all got a good sleep with no nurses checking on you etc. It was amazing to come home and be the 3 of us straight away. Highly recommend.

  15. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    About 42 hours after birth. From the minute I got there to the minute I left, 50h.
    So, 2 days and then I left at noon on the 3rd day. My insurance covers 3 days, so my OB was, you can stay or go? And I was like, I'll stay!!! I was sore. But when the time ran out, I was ready to go home.
    I'll do the same for the next. I'll need a rest before going home and starting my crazy life :)))

  16. Penny Lane

    nectarine / 2163 posts

    checked in 11:30am, LO born at 12:14pm, went home 6pm the next day ( would have left at lunch time, but we decided to wait for the hearing screening instead of trying to set up a home visit I could have gone home a few hours after, but I wanted BFing help. they all ended up being useless, but that's another story

  17. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    We went home about 39 hours after he was born. He was born at 8:02 pm. We stayed overnight that night and the next, and we were discharged at 11 am. I had an uncomplicated vaginal birth.

  18. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    I delivered just after midnight so there was a "loop hole" with insurance and we got to stay an "extra" day...I delivered 12:05 am on Sunday and we were discharged early Tuesday afternoon. If DS would have been delivered at 11:59 pm Saturday we were told we would have gone home Monday! I was induced starting early Saturday morning and had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery.

  19. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    Our midwives offer a 4-hour early discharge if everything goes well. Initially, I was super nervous about this, but the midwives come to the house on day 1, 3 and 5 after baby is born. So it should be okay.

  20. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    I had lo at 4 am on Saturday and was discharged on mo day around 2 pm. Longest wait ever!!!


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