So DS has just started this week in a home daycare. It's a friend I met at baby group and we have spent the year hanging out. She has three kids (her youngest is the same age as DS, her oldest will be in kindergarten this September). I like her parenting style, it jib es well with mine. She is going to be taking DS and one other little girl. We started this week as I'm a teacher, I go back to school starting September but need to get my classroom set up. This week he was supposed to go 4 days, 3 mornings and one full day. She has cancelled two mornings as her kids have had fevers (Tuesday, and Friday) It's kinda ok now, I don't have to find a substitute teacher to teach my class, but I'm not getting my classroom ready either, and am probably going to have to go in on the weekends to make up for it. I'm worried this is going to be a pattern and that this won't work once I'm back to work full time. I'm Not sure what to do. Stick it out another few weeks and see if this is the pattern? I have him On the list at a daycare (I put him on that before we arranged this home daycare, and left him on as a back up).
What would you do??
How often does your home daycare close becusse their own kids are sick??? How sick do they have to be? How high a fever??