My in-laws just asked about visiting lo again and it got me thinking. If your in-laws live out of town, how often do they want you to come visit or come visit you? Are you happy with the frequency?
Mine basically freak out if they go more than a month without seeing lo, and it's a lot...we aren't that far (DC and NYC) so it's an easy enough trip, but it gets so stressful. Like, our schedules are totally different-- we are up early, go to bed early; they can't get themselves over to our apt before 11 or 12, eat dinner when I usually want to get ready for bed, and stay over much too late since they're night owls. My fil is very frail and my mil barely walks anywhere either, and our whole lifestyle is walking basically-- last weekend we basically spent the whole time out and about (brunch and then the park and various playgrounds). If they come visit we feel badly about making any other plans, and I already feel so limited about when we can maintain our friendships...luckily they don't stay with us but they really expect us to bend over backwards catering to them during their visit.
If you struggle with this too, how do you nicely set boundarie about visits? We've tried and they just basically blow us off...