LIttle B is 8 months old, and I've finally gotten her into a routine that works awesome for us. She's very happy with it and I've noticed a big change in her mood since sticking with it. Now I'm finding if we get off schedule it totally throws her off. Last night we went to a friends for dinner and she didn't fall asleep at her usual bed time. She was up multiple times last night then slept way in this morning.

I also notice if we don't go for our walk on time she starts to get super agitated. She definitely needs to get for a walk every day! She's just as bad as the dog!

So, if you get off schedule, does it mess with your LO?

( These are our key points in her schedule)
Typically up at 730, breastfeed
10 - bottle of BM
1130 - lunch ( fruit, youghurt, and oatmeal typically )
2 - breastfeed
330 - walk the dog
5 - dinner of solids
7 - breastfeed
8 - asleep in crib