I've been at home since my 9mo was born. At first I was on maternity leave, then I worked from home until he was 7 months old.
Our plan was always for me to SAHM. Well we can't afford it. I have over 800 in medical bills per month (COBRA & bills from delivery). Combined with our credit card debt and household bills...FI does not make enough to cover them.
We talked last week about me getting a night job, but now he thinks I should get a day job....as it would bring in more money.
I'm so so so sad. I'm loving the time I spend with LO. I know there's some good day cares out there but they are expensive!
It seems my options are:
1) get a night job - Macys, a call center etc.
will only pay about $12/hr - this might not even be enough but I still get to stay home during the day.
2)try and find a child (or two) to watch in my home. I'm not sure how that works legally and as far as liability. FI was originally against this for liability reasons but maybe he would be open to it now considering our situation.
3)try to find a WAH job. I would still need childcare but I'd be at home with him too. Might be hard to find.
4)Build my freelance web design & social media business. I've done this in the past, and do it word of mouth...I've never been a good salesperson, so I wait for clients to come to me.
5) WOHM and put LO in daycare. I really really really don't want this, but I know there are lots of happy kids in daycare. It's more about me than him, I will be devastated if I only spend an hour or two with him a day.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Emotional support?
I am so sad.