So when lo was a new newborn (lol) around 2 weeks old, she would eat every 2 hours but noticed she would fall asleep at 7pm every night for a good stretch. We started waking her up at 10-10:30pm to feed her so that when we went to sleep, she wouldn't wake up 5 minutes later for a feed. Well guess what? This has become a habit. LO is now almost 12 weeks and she still falls asleep around 7:30pm but wakes up at 10:30pm like clockwork every night for a feed. This past week though, she gets so angry when we put a bottle in her mouth at that time and only eats 1.5oz at most of her feed then screams like crazy until we put her down.

HELP! What do I do? How can i break a habit/routine that I myself started.