A good friend miscarried this weekend, she was just over 6 weeks pregnant. They were on their way to our house when her husband called and said they were headed to the ER. I sent her a text to check on her Sunday morning and she told me they lost the baby. I told her I was sorry and that I was here for her if she needed anything and kind of left it at that. I didn't want to say something stupid and make her feel worse. She told me she doesn't want pity and doesn't really want to talk about it and that we should reschedule our board game night.

I'm kind of confused on how to handle this situation. She's the first person in my day-to-day life that has had a loss and I want to be there for her, but not be pushy or too distant. I feel like it's a delicate balance.

Part of me thinks that, knowing her, it's probably best to just carry on like she was never even pregnant to begin with. She made it clear that she doesn't want to talk about it and not to bring it up (which I wouldn't). I thought about asking her if she wanted to grab lunch this week but I wasn't sure if that was insensitive, considering she would have to deal with C (who is 1). I also kind of wondered if I should see if they wanted to reschedule our plans for this weekend and maybe we'd all get sloshed for Cinco de Mayo, but again... not sure if that's insensitive or not. I wasn't sure if it was better to give them some space for a few weeks and then try and make some plans. She's the one who brought up rescheduling our couples night activities. I told her we were free whenever.

I'm sort of at a loss here. I don't want to be the person that just makes it worse for her but I don't want her to feel like we've abandoned her or are ignoring her (especially since our husband's are friends and work together also). I know there's no real way for me to make her feel better but I want her to know that I'm here when she's ready.

Advice? For those who have been in her shoes, what is the best way to handle it?