We were at the mall and DS was playing in the crowded play area. I was sitting there watching him--or so I thought-- and got distracted by a phone call from my doctor.

I suddenly look around and realize he's not playing in the corner I thought he was. It was like slow motion. I scan all around and immediately fear he's gone for the escalators that are right there. Then a woman walks up with him by the hand. (I guess she figured that he had escaped from the play area since he wasn't wearing shoes.)

He wasn't crying or in the least concerned that he had totally just run away. I have never been so happy to see his little face! I quickly felt humiliated when the lady disapprovingly told me that he was way far down the mall. I was just in shock!

I can't believe that he just ran off like that. Where did he think he was going? I'm sick about it right now thinking about all the horrible things that could have happened. I feel like the Worst Mother in the World!

Has your toddler ever scared the life out of you?