My son is 14 weeks (3 months) old. We bought the arms reach co sleeper for him, and form day 1 he never slept in it for more than 15-20 minutes at a time. We spent the entire first month of his life taking turns holding him through the night since it was the only way he slept. Every few days or so I'd try him in the cosleeper again, and if he slept, it was never more than half an hour. The only place he would sleep? our bed. He will take 2-3 hour naps on our bed, and he worked himself into our bed at night. It's the only way any of us get any sleep is by cosleeping. For awhile I didn't mind it, and it sure was nice to breastfeed him while half-asleep and never have to "wake up" to feed him. But it's taking it's toll on me and I don't think I can do it anymore. My husband and I still haven't had sex since he was born because he's always in our bed! I am ready to just sleep with my husband, and I want LO to be okay with sleeping on his own before he's old enough to develop a sleep habit of only sleeping with us.

But, being that he's only three months old - "sleep-training" seems wrong to me. I've tried more gentle approaches, as he cries when I set him down, comfort him by laying my hand on his chest, shushing him - but he just cries and cries and cries until I pick him up. He gets these huge tears that roll down his cheeks and seriously hearing/watching him cry breaks my heart so badly I start bawling! I can't do it. So I always give in and pick him up. Then I'll sway and shush him in my arms until he's mostly asleep, set him back in the cosleeper, and he wakes up crying again. I don't know what to do! Even when he can see me, he still cries.
We are going on vacation at the end of June and if will be an awful vacation if I can't get him to sleep on his own.. and quite frankly I really miss being with my husband!

Any ideas? Tonight we basically had "unintentional" CIO. I sat next to him where he could see me, I gave him his pacifier and soothed him without holding him, and he cried and cried and cried for 20 minutes until I picked him up.

I don't want him to cosleep until he's 4 like other cosleeping families I know! I want to sleep too.
Oh, and I think that BECAUSE we cosleep right now, he has been waking up MORE often to nurse. He will be up like 4 times at night because my boob is just right there!!