Situation: I find these days my relationship is on the rocks for various reasons outlined below. I need some unbiased advice on how to approach my husband on some of these things. I am dealing with anxiety and depression that is made worse because of some of it, and I don't really know how to communicate it with him without it feeling like I'm attacking him.

- His mother lives with us. While I was okay with this in the beginning, it's now 3.5 years in. She moved in with us before we were married as DH's dad put her into bankruptcy. She had nothing and we weren't going to throw her in the street. She is in her early 50s, young looking, dating now that she's divorced, works hard, recently paid off her bankruptcy and recently inherited some money on the sale of her father's home.

While I understand where she's coming from, I don't feel married. I need my space, she needs hers. I can't say anything to my DH because in typical Italian boy fashion his mom is everything, and he will throw the "would you throw your parents out on the street?" line in my face. He did ask her to pay rent (400/month) about 18 months in, which she pays. This is a huge strain on my emotional well being, and I know that's probably bad of me to say.

- Communication - because of the reason above, I can't talk to him about his mother. He just doesn't see how much we've sacrificed for her to be there. His brother is a big douche and doesn't offer to have her stay there (they are 5 minutes away) and she said she wouldn't go anyway.

He also shuts down when he's angry (like he has been for two weeks). He doesn't talk to me, acknowledge me, but puts on a good act when people are around.

I have said to him on several occasions in the past "If you're not happy, tell me and I will move on. I want you to be happy." He's had an out and doesn't want it, but tells me I'm totally selfish in everything I do (wanting our place to ourselves, etc.)

Since he hasn't been speaking to me, the pregnancy part obviously isn't going to happen. I know that I am not in a worse off situation like some other bees with infertility issues, but I do find it emotionally hard to be around so many other people who get pregnant in a heartbeat, and at least 2 people every week since about 2 years ago have announced their pregnancy. We were trying up until a couple of weeks ago and I'm losing hope quickly.

There are other things I put up with but those are minor issues, and definitely involve my self esteem/confidence. We have had our differences in the past, but he does not see how bad it has gotten since his mom moved in.

Sorry if this is long, I needed somewhere to go.