papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: I see it!! I see it!!! I totally see it!!!! What sensitivity are those two tests? Test tomorrow with FMU.... I really do see that line!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@strawberrybee: I see it too! Yay! Hopefully tomorrow you get something more definitive. This thread is preggo-liscious right now. That's good news for @chibee and @mrssquirreld.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@mrsvdv: @Cherrybee: @marionberry: Thanks!! The non-digi test I think was supposed to be more sensitive by a day than the digital one. I couldn't find anything on the box at quick glance that specified to what extent the sensitivity was. This was with FMU this morning.
Now all I have left are digitals, so I'm debating getting more of the first response to see if it gets any darker tomorrow morning. *bites nails*
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: It the risk of sounding like Jojogirl: Do it! Do it! Do It (I'm chanting like an English football hooligan by the way!!!);
pear / 1974 posts
@strawberrybee: i definitely see it in the second picture - do you have a wondfo you could test with? They are super super sensitive from what I've read! If not I wish I could send you one real quick I have a ton! haha
pineapple / 12802 posts
@StrawberryBee: OMG! I seeeeeee it! I really hope you get something a little darker!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: I will stop by Target tonight and pick up more :).
@chibee: no wondfo's. I guess I'll just have to be patient XD!
@.twist.: Thanks!!! I really really hope this is real!
pineapple / 12802 posts
@StrawberryBee: It will be!!! You got magic baby dust from @Cherrybee: remember!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@strawberrybee: Congratulations! So happy for you. Now, you and @cherrybee can be pregnancy buddies.
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: Oh yeah, we can! I worked out the EDD (if everything goes well etc) using an online calculator and got 31/7/13. What would yours be??
@marionberry: Hello, lovely. How are you?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: thanks again!! Listening to my DH snore away next to me. He still has no idea!
@Cherrybee: based on an ovulation date of the 6th it calculated July 30th for me :). If I go off of the first day of my last period it's August 2nd. Not sure when this will start to feel real!
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: Ahh! I'm the other way - August 2nd off O date and July 28th off last LMP date. So I've settled half way in between until they tell me otherwise! We really are due date twins! Let us know what your DH says when he wakes up - I've wake him up myself!!!
Join the July due date thread!!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: I know, I don't know how much longer I can hold out! I was asleep when he came up to bed. How will i keep this secret from everyone during the holidays??
So excited that we got our bfps the same cycle!
papaya / 10570 posts
@StrawberryBee: We're going to have to tell friends and family around Christmas time (we'll be 9 weeks) because we have the same rituals every year and it will be so weird for me not to be drinking (I love wine!) on Christmas day and New Years. I'm going to pay for a private scan the week before (all being well) just to make sure it's all okay in there before we share the news. We'll just have to remind people that it's very early days and keep a record of who we've told in case we need to revoke the news.....
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: this is the one good thing about me not really being into one will ever notice. ;D. I'll definitely tell my mother right away, and my sister when she's home from Japan for a visit right before Christmas (definitely going to have to get a worlds best aunt shirt!). Work us going to be hard tho, because we share everything!
DH knows!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: I told him I couldn't sleep (to test if he was really awake; it was 5 am here) and when he mumbled "I'm sorry" we cuddled for a few moments. I pulled away to bring up the pic of the tests on my phone.
"Remember when I blew out the candle on my cake?"
"Well, I got what I wished for." And I showed him the phone.
It took him a few moments to focus (we both have bad eyesight), and the he said "yay!" and hugged me tight. "Good job!"
"I'm pretty sure this took both of us"
"Good job, momma! Strawberrybee jr" he paused. "First name princess, middle name strawberrybee."
And then we cuddled a lot
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: awww super sweet... and super congrats!! so happy for you!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: @StrawberryBee: I hope you both will come back to this thread to visit!!! we love you here!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: You won't shake me off!! I'll be here cheering you guys on whatever happens with me!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@Cherrybee: @Mrs squirreld: hee, yeah, he's good like that :).
Wild horses couldn't drag me away!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Kinda in a grumpy mood. Was spotting yesterday night, huge temp drop this morning, so I'm pretty much just waiting for AF to greet me. Glad you're not in the same spot this cycle!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I'm so so sorry AF is here. It must be so hard. You are so strong! You seriously amaze me girl! Much love to u.
So after a bit of discussion DH & I have decided to NTNP for the rest of the year. It's just that if we were to get pregnant now it would be at a difficult time... Moving 2000kms away... Living out of boxes. In saying that if I were to get pregnant I would be over the moon... So as much as it breaks my heart, I mentally need the time off too. Last month was scarey- I have never been that down and depressed- that's not who I am.
I want to be positive and healthy when I get pregnant. And if having a child isn't in natures plans then I want to know that I could be ok with that.
Thanks for all the supports ladies... Xoxox
pear / 1974 posts
@strawberrybee: omg i knew it! congratulations! so happy for you!!!!!
@mrssquirreld: totally understand about NTNP - i'm in the same place. I put too much pressure on myself and the process and I needed to take a step back from it.
@marionberry: i'm so sorry about the temp drop. i am so annoyed for you on your behalf on the impending AF.
so guys, DH has dropped a total bomb on me this evening. He has been um, having trouble finishing during BD ever since we started TTC. He said he was afraid/embarrassed to tell me. Of course I was extremely angry because here I was going around the last 3 cycles wondering if it had taken, while all the time he knew there was no chance. We have had issues throughout this whole TTC thing w/him being not completely on board. This thought never crossed my mind - he has NEVER had this type of problem in all the time I've known him, and I know it is a very mental thing - he gets very into his head, and it was making him nervous. So, what I took away from this was, that we have never truly been through a real cycle of TTC even. We talked for a very long time and finally, we are both on the same page. I am still going to continue to NTNP to take the pressure off the both of us, but I am now more hopeful than before, that it may actually work. Since, you know, there will be sperm to count on. I know this sounds ridiculous and we sound ridiculous but I see it as a positive thing. DH and i are finally totally honest, totally on the same page.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh chibee!!! That must have been sooooo hard to hear I would be so mad!!! But in saying that at least he decided to come clean with you.
I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. Are you happy to be on the same page now?
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: *hugs*
@Mrs squirreld: I know what you mean about the depression. I don't think anyone can really understand the highs and lows unless they've been in it. NTNP sounds like a good way to let things relax a bit. Good luck!
@chibee: oh my...! Glad to hear you and your DH worked things out, but what a rough thing to hear. Good luck with NTNP!
We had a pretty rough weekend with the step kids (son has anger issues that his mother refuses to address, and my stepdaughter is in the throes of adolescence ) so I'm looking forward to a calmer week and time to process. I wish I'd start getting some symptoms so that I had some confirmation something's really happening inside!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: Strong seems to be my middle name lately, lol. Thanks hun. Please say that your NTNP doesn't mean you're not going to be writing on HB anymore. I need you now that we already have two graduates on this thread haha.
@chibee: My DH has had the same anxiety issue, leading to ED. It's not uncommon. Hopefully NTNP helps him relax. If not, my DH got meds for anxiety and it super helped. And I'm glad he finally felt like he could be honest with you. I would be SO mad if DH wasn't telling me that.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: no no don't worry I'm not going anywhere! haha I'm just tryin to relax and not be obsessed... Shame on me.... as today I bought 3 new cloth diapers, a few onesies, hats, baby legs, some pants and a wetbag
lol they could always be gifts right?
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Aaw hun. It's so hard. I've been super depressed these last few weeks. DH said to me the other night that he feels like I've not stopped crying since we got married. I felt dreadful because I am happy with him - but I guess that's when my baby fever kicked in and I feel like I've been waiting (for him to be on board, for AF, or O, TWWs) forever. NTNP isn't giving up - it's how the majority of people "try". Good luck with it and I hope you can get back to your old self easily.
@chibee: GASP!!!! I bet that's why he's been getting funny with you about BDing - because it was so stressful for him and he couldn't finish. You know, I was convinced my DH was doing this by the end of our last fertile period - going, erm, floppy and then faking ejaculation. Your poor DH. Poor you!!!! I can't believe he watched you endure three TWWs without telling you there had been no sperm! Still, he must have been really embarrassed. Glad you two talked in out - do you think things will get better going forward?
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry @cherrybee @mrssquirreld @strawberrybee i was PISSED i mean i couldn't believe he watched me cry through the end of 3 tww's, knowing full well i had no hope. it was so ridiculous to me, he doesn't ever have problem getting started, but apparently never finished - he said maybe 2-3 times. in the last THREE MONTHS he was able to finish. can you imagine? after i got over the initial shock and anger, i also felt kind of... relieved. I was really getting crazy that I was timing things right the last couple months and it wasn't working.. so since we have never truly tried maybe those weren't failures, just.. i don't know what they are but now i have this renewed hope. I do feel better now that we have aired it all out, and we can try again. I know it was just in his head and it's not an actual physical problem, so I'm not too worried about it going forward. so with that... how's everyone else doing??
persimmon / 1491 posts
@Cherrybee: Congratulations on your BFP, i am starting to catch up on HB...i missed a lot of BFP's over the last week...too a Happy and healthy 9 months...
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsCastro: Thank you! I'm so nervous and trying not to get too excited but it's hard - because it's so exciting!
pear / 1974 posts
@cherrybee: how are you doing? I've decided I will be living vicariously through your pregnancy since we started at the same time haha
So I think I am failing at NTNP right now - I am still not temping, but I may have used an OPK yesterday "just to see" and I can't help but be aware that this is a fertile week for me, through the weekend. I knew this would happen. How do people actually NTNP? This is still a mystery to me. However, I've calmed down a LOT with the baby fever stuff, or at least I am trying so hard to distract myself, and with the revelation that came to me via DH this week, I feel kind of all over the place. Why is this so hard?
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: It's hard because it means so much. Everything that matters is hard - love, family - it's all a challenge. It's also because it's so out of your hands - you want it so much but it take two people to generate at tiny chance of something happenning, Cue frustration!
I think you should be super seductive this weekend. It's still NTNP (kinda) - just don't mention to your DH that you used an OPK (and try not to get upset if he's not up for it - again, harder said that done). It's only "trying" if you schedule BDing, seducing at the right time is acceptable, right?!
As for me - I'm good, thanks. I'm going to hit 4 weeks tomorrow so it's still so, so early. The days are going really slowly!! I did another digital this morning and the conception indicator moved from 1-2 weeks to 2-3 weeks, which made me dance around thanking God! My hormone is increasing!!! At this point last pregnancy, I got a negative test, which I thought was a broken test (but I bled 2 days later so it wasn't). I've also booked myself into a private clinic for a scan at 7wks 2 days. I'm so nervous - but also really excited: I hope we see a heartbeat. Keep keeping everything crossed for me!!!
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