pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: We frontloaded ours too and totally skipped the day after ovulation. You never know. Lots of us are in a similar TWW this cycle. You, me, spaniellove, shutterbug, and ladybee. Hopefully that means a BFP for at least a few of us.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Cherrybee: If you look at my BFP chart, we didn't BD the day of O either (per FF). Frontloading is more important. I read a study somewhere that shows most couples conceive when they BD O-1, I think. Sperm last somewhere between 3 and 5 days in the right conditions. You're golden.
So many good looking charts this month, ladies!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@JoJoGirl: Thank you for that!! It's great to know I have a chance this month - I'm finding TTC timing really stressful!!!
@marionberry: @JoJoGirl: I just told DH what you both said about "frontloading" and he said "it rhymes with front". GASP!! He's now doing ninja moves around the lounge, feeling very pleased with himself! Frankly, I'm shocked!! Lol.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Cherrybee: Bahahahahah. Took me a second to get that, but yeah that makes sense I calculated that since we BDd 4 times in the 5-day window before O, I had approximately 1 *billion* sperm swimming around up there. Loaded indeed!
papaya / 10570 posts
@JoJoGirl: Had you ever, ahem, loaded up that much previously, in your time TTC? The month we got our BFP we BD'd O day and the three days prior. Last month (BFN), we BD'd the two days before and O day.
cantaloupe / 6206 posts
@Cherrybee: Absolutely not. That was the advantage the monitor gave us that month - 5 days of notice instead of 0-1 OPKs gave us, and because my cycles were irregular, it was hard to guess with any regularity when O would be month to month.
papaya / 10570 posts
@JoJoGirl: I'm sure there's some scientific learning behind that fact but I've just got up this morning and I am too bleary eyed to draw any conclusions! I have really long surges - I imagine that it's my body struggling to O - I get all the signs starting CD14 and then a positive OPK around CD16 but it's still days and days of positives before it manages to pop that egg out. I've been wondering if this is a bad sign but I guess it has it's advantages timing-wise!
papaya / 10570 posts
Ohhhh.... you guys.....!!!!!
I'm 4DPO and I really, really care again!! I've been telling myself all cycle that I'm not in any rush for my BFP, that I can take it or leave it this month... I've even tried convincing myself that I don't want that BFP until next cycle so I can have a drink at Christmas.....! But it hasn't worked and I still really, really want it - now, now, now!!!
I hate wanting it so much because it's blatantly setting myself up for a big disappointment.
3rd (extra long) cycle TTC - COME ON!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: I think we we all really really want it each cycle, but we do our best to tell ourselves otherwise. Sometimes, if we have an inkling that our chances are better (BD at the right time, etc.) then we stop convincing ourselves against it and start giving ourselves hope. This is also me this cycle. I've never had a chart that looks like this, and to me, it looks like every pregnant chart I've ever seen on FF. But I know that I've gone 7 cycles with no baby, so I'm really trying hard not to get too excited, because it will be quite the fall if it's a BFN.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: This is your Jenny Renny cycle too, huh? It doesn't matter how much we tell ourselves it's just a bit of fun, one can't help but wonder if there might be something in it and hope she's right. Are you having any symptoms yet this cycle?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Yep Jenny Renny cycle....which makes me hope (more than believe) she's right. Of course Cheri22 said something very different, so at least one of them is wrong haha or talking about our 2nd child lol. I had some weird symptoms right after o (on fire, really thirsty), but then nothing really until yesterday. I peed a ton yesterday but I also drank a lot of liquids, and by 8pm I was working to keep my eyes open. I have sore boobs, but I always have those. So really nothing substantial. What about you?
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: Nah, nothing! I didn't have anything on the BFP cycle, either, and I barely get symptoms pre-AF so I'm not concerned. Besides, I'm onlt 4DPO. I'm not temping this TWW, either, so we'll see what happens!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Wow good for you for trying that. I don't think I could skip temping the TWW. Ya, even 7 dpo for me is pretty early.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: I left my thermometer behind in a hotel room 2DPO while I was away for work! I did mean to buy a new one but kept forgetting so I'm going to try not temping for the rest of the cycle and see how it goes!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Maybe it's fate giving you a break! Just make sure to get a new one before next cycle.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: nice temp jump!! how are you feeling?
We decided yesterday, to officially NTNP going forward. No charting, no OPK - and I will try to be less baby-feverish. Not too sure yet how this is at all possible, but I am sure going to try. It's been too stressful and my obsessive personality has really gone off the deep end with this process, I am type-A to the extreme and it really hasn't helped me in this process. So, time to focus my energy on something else, but I will never leave HB! haha
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: no definitive symptoms yet just a lot of ones here and there. I've never had a temp this high so keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm just like you on the extreme type a category so I totally get it. You're obviously stronger than me though because I don't honestly think I could NTNP. Best of luck with it! And yes you are not allowed to leave HB.
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: well, I never said I could really DO the NTNP - I will for sure try. At this point it's easy bc AF is still lingering, but who knows, how can I turn my mind off to something I know is going on in my body? I'll let you know how it spans out. I'm trying to keep myself occupied - they've almost finished gutting out my in-law's house and now I'm helping them design their new kitchen, and I'm having a great time with it! So googling baby-related things has become looking up kitchen designs. So far so good!
papaya / 10570 posts
@chibee: Good luck with the NTNP. I think it's ok to kinda know when you're Oing etc - there's no need to take NTNP to type-A levels and worry that you know too much, either! Have fun designing the kitchen!
@marionberry: Glad your chart is looking great!! I've got high hopes for you!!
Well, my best friend had her baby. A little boy, 8lb odd. He's gorgeous, I'm head over heels in love! I've been at the hospital with her this evening. I'm delighted to report that my jealousy wasn't an issue at all, I was so excited to go and see them and I just adore him! What I will say though is, coming home tonight, I feel so empty. While I was there with them, I was really happy but now I feel a bit odd, I can't describe it. DH has asked what's wrong because he says I'm really quiet and I've told him nothing - and it really is nothing, I guess - but I do feel really strange. I guess I feel a bit sorry for myself that I don't get to take him home....! Lol! My time will come..... it has to come.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Thanks for the high hopes! I spent a bit on FF looking at "charts like mine today" and it looked pretty positive but there were some that looked like mine that took a nosedive about 10-12dpo so I'm trying to keep my hope in control.
I know that baby feeling! I absolutely love the times I spend with my friends' kids. I visited my friend in the hospital when she had her daughter recently and it was so much fun to hold her baby for an hour. It makes you happy, but I get that when you go home and realize you don't have one for yourself, it could be a let down. I guess visiting them just makes me excited for a baby even more, and looking forward to the moment when I'm the one sharing my baby with friends. Your time will definitely come soon and then you'll be in the opposite role, where others are jealous of you!
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: Thanks for the vote of confidence, I hope you're right. I've actually plummeted into almost-in-tears misery in the last few minutes! Must cheer up quick!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Aww hun, I know it's hard. Had a total melt down for about 3 days when one of my really good friends got pregnant recently. I was in fits of tears randomly everywhere. It's natural to have moments in the process where you're down. But do your best to hold out hope and stay positive. You will have a baby!! And if it helps (because it does for me) buy baby things in the meantime. I find it really fun and I figure this way I'll be overly prepared when it finally happens. *hugs*
pomelo / 5041 posts
The world's too quiet here right now...check in ladies. What are you all up to?
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: just winding down for the night! I just uploaded a bunch of books on the kindle app on my phone. This is how I'm trying to NTNP - by occupying my free time with anything other than baby obsessing, because i was SERIOUSLY 24/7 preoccupied with all things TTC, like in an unhealthy way. Like embarrassed to even admit on HB level of obsessing. Also, had a delicious burrito bowl for dinner - after a horrendous commute home. Commuting between two Sandy-disastrous areas has been rough! How's your night been?? How's your tww going?
pineapple / 12802 posts
I am currently watching Ink Master! Star Wars episode. Epic.
I'm also wondering if I should buy a pregnancy test because I've had these weird mild cramps for 2 days. Probably over thinking it, but I'm sooooo curious.
papaya / 10570 posts
@.twist.: How many DPO are you? Very exciting!!!
@marionberry: Its half seven here, just getting up for the day. I'm FULL of cold! Not good! 8DPO today, no symptoms. I'm just hoping AF stays away until 14DPO as she came at 10 last month which was a bit worrying. I might buy TCOYF if she does arrive. How are you doing?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@strawberrybee: great chart!
@chines: what types of books do you like to read?
@.twist.: I'd pick up a few cheap dollar tree ones and try.
@cherrybee: one of my friends had no symptoms her whole pregnancy. I hope you get a sticky baby. I'm good. Afraid of puking up breakfast again though.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: Really??? You still feeling....erm.. well, pregnant?!! Oh blimey, I hope you are!!! I'd give up a BFP this month for you to have one, straight up! You've done your time, it's totally your turn!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: no I don't really feel pregnant. I just ate the apples, felt sick a few mins later and was fine afterward. So I'm not sure if it was just random or not. Otherwise no big symptoms. I hope we both get bfps. It doesn't matter how long it has taken, I'm sure the want for a baby is the same.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: I'm sure it is, too. I'm really, really trying to take it in my stride this month - not succeeding too well but certainly doing better than last cycle!! I had a total breakdown the other night - but as soon as I started telling DH about it, it all came flooding into my mind and I realised I was upset about my dad - my friend and her baby were in the ward directly below where my dad was for three of the last three and a half months of his life so I had to walk down the same corridors, use the same lifts and the sadness just came back. It wasn't at all about her baby (phew) and I can't wait to go and see him again (at home!) in a few days!!
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: well I just finished reading water for elephants (i know, a little late but it was in my kindle forever and i never got around to it) and i'm in the middle of reading the game of thrones series (book 3 i think) and i just downloaded the new JK Rowling book, Gone Girl, the pillars of the earth, and the dexter book. My taste is all over the place!
@cherrybee: it must be a tough time for you. stay strong!
@.twist.: are you going to test soon??
pineapple / 12802 posts
@Cherrybee: @marionberry: @chibee: Ladies, I don't know!!! I'm so scared to try!! Not sure how many DPO I am, I should be about 10DPO...ish. I could go at lunch and get one.....
pineapple / 12802 posts
@marionberry: Is there something about apples that makes people sick?? I ate one yesterday for lunch and totally felt nauseous right afterwards.
@Cherrybee: aw! Sorry about your dad, at least you can separate the two now. *hugs*
@chibee: That sounds like my books selections. I'm reading water for elephants next, any good?? How are you liking the Game of Thrones series? I've read the first 2. Also, I LOVED Pillars of the Earth and the Dexter novels. We have a lot of the same book tastes!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@marionberry: thanks!! The open circles are kind of all over the place because daylight savings time really threw me off (and I was concerned that at first I didn't get a high temp rise like I did every other cycle). I finally got myself back on track so the last couple of days have been at 6:15 instead of 4:30. Still feel no different though.
Work has been crazy busy lately!
pear / 1974 posts
@.twist.: i loved water for elephants! I read it in 2 days (long commute) - it was a fast, moving story. I love the game of thrones book! I'm dragging a bit right now in the third book, but what great books they are, i love the stories, and I love the HBO show! Was Pillars of the earth a fast read? What else do you recommend?? Btw, if you think you're only at about 10 dpo, and you're afraid of a BFN disappointment, I would hold out a couple more days. I know how that BFN feels!
pineapple / 12802 posts
@chibee: Oh! I'm excited to read it then. I was a little worried, I borrowed it (and a few others) from a friend and the one I picked to read first has been terrible and made me question her taste. HAH.
I've heard the 3rd & 4th Game of Thrones are a little slow but still totally worth it. I'm kind of saving them because I loved the first 2 so much that I'm scared to finish the series and then feel emptiness!
I found Pillars of the Earth to be a fast read, the book is about 1000 pages, but if you're really into it it moves along quite quickly.
As for recs, I just recently read a book called Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt, it's a modern western, and not my usual type of novel. Not a "deep" book but totally cute. Red Dragon by Thomas Harris for a thriller, the first in the Hannibal series, very very good. I can't believe it took me this long to have picked it up.
I think I'll wait! I totally thought about going out and getting a test at lunch but then decided against it! No symptoms other than the cramps so, I won't jinx myself.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: So glad you feel better now.
@chibee: I watched Water for Elephants and it was a great movie. I really want to read the JK Rowling book too!
@strawberrybee: Work is really crazy for me too right now! Hope it gets better for you.
@.twist.: Who knows, but we're both 10 dpo and having apple aversions. Crazy!
@mrssquirreld: Where are you?
papaya / 10570 posts
Okay ladies, I am doing my usual trick of driving myself crazy peeing on stuff. Im 8DPO - okay - 8DPO. This is too early to tell anything, anyway. I had a cheap internet pregnancy test strip in the cupboard and I decided I may as well use it, just to stop myself wondering all day if I might just see a result if I tested today. 8DPO. Waaaay to early. Well blow me if I can't see a really, really, really faint line. A ghost line! A greyish ghost line! On a super cheap test! It has all the marks of an evap line AND this picture I'm about to show you was taken 20 minutes later (the line was there within 10 though, honestly!!).
Why oh why do I do this to myself?!!!!
apricot / 431 posts
@Cherrybee: Well I don't know what it means but I see that line!!! It looks a lot like the internet cheapies I took two days ago with the very very faint positive that freaked me out - and then a real early result test gave me a nice pink line yesterday. Don't worry, just test again in a few days! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!
apricot / 431 posts
And like you said, 8 dpo is so early! I took one at 9 dpo last week and it was negative... Good luck, I know how hard this is!!!
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