Hellobee Boards


I think there is something in the water!!!

  1. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: hmmm for it to be a dip it needs to go back up ...so time will tell...
    glad there was BD'n happening in your house!!

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Cherrybee: Just started..so pretty easy so far. Hoping work will keep me busy. I have bw due Cd 21 to confirm ovulation and I'm wondering if they'll try to run a pregnancy test too although 7 dpo would seem way too early to tell anything. I saw a big drop in your chart today. I bet that's your o drop. How exciting!

  3. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @chibee: have you tested again? your chart looks mighty fine!!!!!!

    no AF for me so far.. fingers crossed she stays away and my temp goes up again tomorrow!!!!

  4. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: No, I think the temp drop was just my temp going back to normal after my over sleeping and drinking at the weekend! 35.9 degrees C is a fairly standard pre-O temp for me - the temps prior to that are crazy high!! Good news about the bw to confirm O - it's good you're finally getting some help to see what's going on in there! Yeah, 7DPO would be really early to test.

  5. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrssquirreld: i didn't test today with FMU but I brought a wondfo with me at work in case I am tempted later on - but my chart kind of did the same thing last cycle, a rise at 12 dpo and sustained at 13 dpo - AF came right on time anyway. the good news is that it looks like AF will stay away for you!

    @marionberry: did i see a positive OPK on your chart?? what's going on??

    @cherrybee: it must be nice to have a volunteering DH! Something i need to work on!

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @chibee: Yeah! If I tell him I'm definately Oing, he does what he needs to. The only worry is that it'll still take me a few days to O - he gets a bit annoyed with me waving positive pee sticks at him night after night!

    I really, really hope you get your BFP this cycle. I want it for all of us, so much!!

  7. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @cherrybee: just tested - BFN. ugh!

  8. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @chibee: Nooooo

  9. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @jojogirl: ugh no hope anymore.

  10. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @chibee: Don't lose hope. It's still early (12dpo, right?). Are you definitely going to put ttc on hold after this?

  11. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @chibee: Yep had two positive opks over the weekend which coincide with my peaks on the monitor. Technically we could still BD today but DH is worn out and he has his SA at the end of the week, so we probably won't have any more sex. With my temp spike today I'm just crossing my fingers we did it this time! I'm sorry you got a BFN, but like I always say, you're not out until AF comes, so hang in there!

  12. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @chibee: don't give up hope yet!!!! Xo

  13. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry: i'm so dumb i got your chart mixed up with ladybee's - but i would assume you o'd on CD13 and you'd have excellent timing then, right?? that's a huge temp spike!

    @mrssquirreld: i'm trying but it's hard! i'm thinking maaaaybe i'll skip testing tomorrow. FF says AF is due Wed, but my last LP is 14 days long and if it's the same this cycle it shouldn't be due till Thurs. I usually start spotting 2 days before so... i'll see tomorrow night! i think this is definitely the hardest part of TTC, getting your hopes up every cycle only to have it crushed.

  14. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @chibee: aargh I have become to really hate testing... Which is why I was like no way not poas until AF is late... And now two cycle days over my last cycle... But I O'd so late so areghhhh! Tomorrow is 10dpo. I don't have any tests- but maybe if AF isn't here tomorrow......
    I felt like I had all the symptoms she was coming and now nothing...my chart seems to be not tellin me anything either. Hugs to u.. I want us to both have good news!!

  15. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @mrssquirreld: my problem is that i have these wondfos laying around and they are so cheap i don't feel guilty using them all the time! maybe that's the issue! too bad i just ordered a wondfo combo pack of 50 opks and 20 hpts... haha i'm down to my last 3 wondfo hpts - but then my new batch should arrive just on time - i have serious problems.
    i have felt zero pms/pregnancy symptoms, my boobs aren't even sore. omg how much do you just hate the tww????

  16. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: That looks like it was an implantation dip to me. This is a very good sign so stay positive!
    @Chibee: Having wondfos does make it so that you feel like you could test all the time. I have the same problem. And yes, the TWW is horrendous! I'm just starting it lol.

  17. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @marionberry; the tww went by super fast for me until about yesterday - bc i was dealing with the hurricane disaster and i had no power for a week but now it is crawling let me tell you, it is torture. i almost just want it to be over so i can stop stressing.

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @chibee: I totally understand. Last cycle I was super busy at work and the days raced by but this TWW I don't have quite as much to do and it's like the clock just takes forever to tick by. At least you're a few days away from an answer either way. I hope it's positive news for you.

  19. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Positive positive positive!! Lets all be positive!!! Lol.

    I had coffee today can u tell? I had a serious sleep issue last night... I think I got about 4 hours urgh!

  20. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    This was my brain last night in bed...

    What if my temp goes back up? What if my temp goes down? What is AF comes? What if AF doesn't come? What if cause I can't sleep my temp measures wrong? What if my them thermomater is wrong?

    I just wanted to scream at my mind!!!! Does the TWW make us mentally unstable??!

  21. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: YES. Why do you think there is a board dedicated to it?

    Just keep in mind your temps don't change whether or not you're pregnant - that's already been determined and it's just a matter of finding out the result. Hang in there lady

  22. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Girls, I’m having a nightmare here!! I got my first positive OPK on Sunday. I told DH and he willingly BD’d twice that day! I should have told him he didn’t need to do it twice but I thought maybe he actually wanted to??? I don’t know. Anyway, yesterday, my temp was still at a pre-O level and I got another positive OPK. I told DH that evening that he needed to save some energy for me and he was all “Uhh, really? But I’m so tired”. I made a joke of it – but last night was actually horrible – he was forcing himself to BD but he made no attempt to hide how much he didn’t want to – sighing, grumbling – flopping down half way through and telling me he didn’t have the energy to do it anymore. I can tell you, nothing makes you feel so attractive as your own husband clearly not wanting you at all…. I kept my chin up, laughed it off and made him finish the deed – but I was pretty upset to be honest; not angry with him at all, just…. Well, I just felt so un-sexy. Anyway, this morning, you guessed it – my flaming temp is still down!!! Which means, really, we need to BD tonight as well. And I’m scared to tell him. This happens to me every month – why can’t my husband actually enjoy BD with me?? I mean, come on, once a night for a few nights shouldn’t be that much of a hardship – once upon a time, he actually wanted to…. but I feel like that stopped before we even started TTC. It just makes me so sad.

  23. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I'm so sorry. TTC does turn BD into a chore and my dh hates that as well. He says he feels like he's only good for a baby and nothing else. I wear him out and I know it which is why we should've BD'd yesterday but I gave him the day off. I don't have an answer for you but just know you're not alone.

  24. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: Thank you. It does help to know I'm not alone. I just thought TTC would be this exciting and liberating experience, that it would reignite the passion for us..... but instead, I'm having to beg for BD while he plays games on his phone or reads a book night after night. Tragic, really. We've only been married 7 months - where is the desire?? I'm sure he had it for me once? Now I'm just a chore; a chore he can put off the rest of the month but has to suffer if he wants a baby. I really hope this isn't how he feels - but I'm so scared it is.

    I can do everything else myself - taking my vitamins, waking up to take my tep every morning, charting, peeing on sticks - the only thing I can't do for myself is provide the sperm. I get a few days every 5 weeks to make a baby.... it's just so unfair...

    Sorry, I'm just grotty today. Two of my friends started their maternity leave yesterday and FB was full of "I'm nesting" and "I'm washing tiny baby clothes" statuses. Plus, I got an email this morning from an online service I signed up to, telling me I'm 11 weeks pregnant and what to expect. Except I'm not. I really do need to workout how to unsubscribe.

    So yeah, just feeling really rubbish about it all today - being a grotbag.

  25. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    @cherrybee: i totally, totally feel you on this. i went through the same thing with DH last cycle and it's really terrible. You're allowed to be upset, and rant as much as you want here. TTC is probably much easier with a super enthusiastic DH, right? i wouldn't know.

  26. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: No worries. I've felt everything you're feeling many times. DH and I didn't get busy all that often right before we got married but when we started trying to get pregnant we BD'd all the time. It was like BD'ing so often during the prime times spilled over into BD'ing often the whole month. But it has gotten to the point where now he's just so depressed about no baby that it's really work to get him to BD...and he always seems so confused as to why we need to BD that day even when I tell him. It's annoying. But I can definitely understand where you're coming from. I would talk to your DH and explain to him how you're feeling. I used to be the "DH of our relationship" and we set an amount of times we'd like to get busy each week so that I was never letting him down. We don't need to do that anymore, but it helped me make sure I was meeting his needs. If DH could do that for you it could help...and like I said above, I found that once we were BD'ing a lot, it just never stopped.

    I too have a lot of frustration geared at not being able to control baby making. I've controlled every aspect of my life. If I wanted a man, I went after him, if I wanted a job I worked hard to get it, but here, with wanting a baby, there is nothing more I can do and I can't do it without DH. This is why the failed SA attempts last week killed me. He is the other piece of the puzzle and I need him to do his part.

    FB is really hard too and I try to ignore all the baby posts and photos but it's hard. I can imagine it's doubly hard getting that info about being 11 weeks pregnant. I can't imagine how that hurt and yes, you should definitely figure out how to unsubscribe or it may get worse.

    In the end, I'm totally here for you and feel free to vent any time you feel bad! On a side note, when did you get married? We're approaching 7 months on the 14th so we can't be that far behind you. Thinking of you! *Hugs*

  27. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: @chibee: Thanks for the support today. It really helped. And Chibee, I'm so sorry you have to go through this with an even less enthusiastic DH. At least mine really wants a baby - even if the making it is too much like hard work. I feel for you. x

    I have an update! By the time I got home from work, I was virtually in tears. DH saw instantly that something was wrong and when I tried to tell him I was fine, the tears started running down my face. I told him my temp hadn't gone up and, in an instant, he knew what I'd told you earlier, without me having to say a word. He insisted he was joking about not wanting to BD with me - and then said "apart from last night, I was really tired. But I still wanted to, it just wasn't happening". He assured me that he still loved me - and I felt awful and stupid (in a good way) for how I was feeling earlier today. I always underestimate him - he never fails to surprise me and just be totally cool, as long as I talk to him about it! I should learn this and talk to him about things BEFORE I get into a tizzy.

    Anyway, tonight, after the gym, he was really tired and so suggested we BD as soon as we got in so that "I wouldn't bother him later when he wanted to read a book". Well, let's say, we had a physical repeat of last night - it happened but I was certain we'd have to give up! - but we laughed about it and it was okay. He's been in bed ever since, with his book!

    So, yeah... TTC is still on in this house. Just pray for a temp rise for me tomorrow (after 3 days of +ve OPKs) because I'm so ready to be in the TWW already!

  28. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    Oh and @marionberry: we got married 30th March this year. You must have got married two weeks later? I had such a come-down after the wedding it was unreal! Post-nuptual depression! I'm much better now but it hit me hard for about 4 months - I just felt so.... deflated!!! My big day was all over and it was back to the grind! People kept saying "how's married life?" - and I just thought "the same as unmarried life only with nothing left to look forward to". And all the nudge nudge wink winking, like we were going to be swinging from the chandeliers - it just wasn't happening and it made me worry that we weren't normal newly weds.

    Anyway, I'm much, much better now and, honestly, enjoying being married. I love my little house and I love my husband (even if I do moan about him!)!

  29. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: awwww hugs! But the most important thing is you talked to him about it!!!! I didn't think we should hide our feelings from each other. Ofcourse your DH loves you but this TTC business is ridiculously exhausting...we aren't all 17 again right??

  30. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    OK... so here I am 10dpo. I've come to admit my full blown insaneness..I think you should all call the mental asylum. FIrst things first atleast my LP made it out to 10 days! Yay...and counting cause AF still isn't here... now my cycles is 3 days longer than last month.,, ok now here's the insane part.
    I poas this morning and obsessed over it for 10 minutes because I "thought" i could see the faintest, faintest, FAINTEST existance of a line. I'm talking about seeing a human on the moon from earth ..with the naked eye ( that kinda of faint). SO DH is running around the house looking for his glasses..finds them picks up the stick and gives me a weird look and I say it really really faint. So he gets all serious for a few minutes..tilting the stick back and forth.... and then says "i see what you mean".
    So...either we are both mental and are hallucinating, or i don't know...maybe??
    I won't even bother taking a picture as there is NO WAY a camera would show up this line...it is FAINT!!
    so yeah...thats me this morning.
    I'm not getting my hopes up but we'll see what tomorrow brings....

  31. ladybee

    grapefruit / 4079 posts

    @cherryberry: you are not alone. Dh is the same way and it makes me feel horrible. No amount of talking has helped but he does appear to suffer quietly a little more these days. I'm afraid it'll eventually make me resentful because I always wonder if he would have done it one or two more times would I be pregnant? I have no advice, just hang in there!

  32. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: What great news! I hope it really is a pregnancy! How great would that be?! What did Jenny Renny predict for you?
    @cherrybee: I'm glad that you guys talked through things. Being open and honest always helps us too. I too had a bit of a depression after marriage...it was like the thing to look forward to was gone and now I was really stuck with one person for the rest of my life. I think that had to do with my childhood. But after a month I started to feel much better. I hate when people ask you how's married life...I was like, the same as before marriage?! Literally no change haha other than getting used to being called a different name. Crossing my fingers your temp goes up tomorrow!!!
    @chibee: I'm sorry about the temp drop today.
    @ladybee: you're right, it only takes once..look at us...we've done it like 10 times and still gotten nothing. Crossing my fingers for my TWW buddy.

  33. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: fingers crossed!!

  34. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: I think it was January. I can't remember.. I'll check the other thread. I hope I can prove her wrong!!!

  35. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: yep end jan/feb. pffft to her. I mean i might be wrong and it's totally a BFN, but I'll enjoy my fantasty for a bit longer.. Do u think my chart says anything? My temp hasn't dropped below the line yet....

  36. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: downward temps aren't typically good, but you can never tell because there are so many instances were people have huge drops and then huge rises back. Until it's below cover line you're definitely safe.

  37. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: hmmmm... Urgh so Not patient!!! Lol

  38. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld, @cherrybee: Just a question, do you guys (in other countries) pay attention on days like today where we have a national election or not? Just curious.

  39. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: I do.. It interests me. I have had my news page open all day watching the progress. I'm still amazed that voting is optional(?) Here in Australia you HAVE to vote or you get fined. They even have polling booths in the hospital!!

  40. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I just saw someone else say that on HB and I was so surprised! I'd love to see that, but in America we're not really good at holding individuals accountable for much in my opinion. I love to vote, but in my state I'm a minority, so it never really counts. Polling booths in hospitals sounds so crazy!

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