nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: hehe yeah I'm always happy to vote.. even if my vote never really means to count for much... but hey every vote matters!! You can have a medical certificate to not if you are having surgery or something but most people in hospital still have to vote!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: I'm bummed that in my 4 years of a political science degree in college we never really talked about elections in other countries...just political systems. It's fascinating.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: really? that surprises me? Although in saying that.. when other countries have elections do you follow them?
I think I need to throw this preg test away... as I'm thinking about breaking it open. lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: I think we hear "oh so and so got elected in XYZ country" but that's about it. I think it's part of America's "full of itself-ness". We're always very concerned with ourselves above others when it has no consequence to us.
I think you should throw it away or pee on another one. Breaking it open will do you no good! lol
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: every country is full of themselves to some extent!
I was home in my lunch break obsessing again. Back at work now so can't look at it anymore! Lol but how good is the POAS November group looking!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Ya but odds would say if so many look positive, some have to look negative (there goes the data analyst in me). But I hope you're right. I'd love it for us to be some additional women with turkeys in the oven.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I think but maybe November is counteracting the poor BFP results in October!! Lol
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: OMG! OMG OMG! Don't do this to me!!! Actually - do do this to me!!! ARGH! Get a digi tomorrow -pee, pee, pee (I'm chanting btw!). DPO is way early! 11DPO is way early.... oh, I don;t care, pee!!!
@marionberry: Yeah, we were really interested in the election. DH and I even stayed awake til the early hours to watch the first results come in. DH had a FB status about it in fact (I'm not going to repeat here in case if offends people - but let's just say my comment was "maybe the Mayan's got it right?") - In fact, my news feed was full of friends in the UK saying "Come on America, do the right thing" etc. I think the entire nation breathed a collective sigh of relief this morning!
In other news - my temp is still down ARGH!!!!!! 3 days of positive OPKS and the EWCM dried up days ago - what's wrong with me?! My body's broken!! I'm going away for work tomorrow - sob sob.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: i'll see what the test says tomorrow but i've got a digi just in case> so nervous!!
i'm sorry about your temps...our bodies never do what we want/think they are going to do!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Cherrybee: This election was very divisive in our country. I can't tell you how it really was a 50/50 split and people are either really happy or really pissed right now. No matter anyone's position, that won't help anything get done over the next 4 years because right now it's like trying to get oil and water to blend.
I saw today that you had another positive OPK with a low temp. Crazy! Are you sure the first OPK was really positive? Your poor DH will get asked to BD once more lol. Hopefully this is the the last day of low temps. I'm sorry!
pear / 1974 posts
@cherrybee: what kind of OPKs are you using? as @marionberry said, are you sure the first was a for sure pos? Crazy!! I hate low temps all around!!
Huge temp drop when I woke up, light flow an hour later, i am pretty bummed out guys. No, I lie, I'm majorly bummed out. It's been a rough 2 weeks for me, between dealing with the hurricane, watching my inlaws go through the devastation, going to work where there is no heat (I work near battery park and the area is a total mess still), and the cherry topping - found out the sister in law is pregnant last week. I desperately want to be happy for her, but I am only heart broken and angry. I had a mini melt down at work yesterday, a friend of mine had a baby through IVF 2 years ago and she's the only one i can talk to in person about the whole TTC process, and I just started crying - I NEVER cry in public, at work, in front of people, etc. I am having a hard time being positive, and even though it's still early, I am exhausted from this process. Even with the exhaustion and consistent let down, I don't even know how to really take a break from TTC. Ugh sorry for the rant. I'm having a lot of trouble this morning.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I'm so sorry hun. The SIL thing has got to be hard! I had the same problem not so long ago. She's due to deliver at Christmas, which I'm sure is going to make the holidays all about the baby. On top of all the other things you're worried about, I hate that you have to deal with this too. I really hope things get better. I think you shouldn't stop trying going forward, but just have sex when you want to have sex, don't chart and just see what happens. You may end up with a happy blessing!
I did find out yesterday that a coworker of DH's (who I really like) is pregnant and I guess they had a discussion about fertility. She tried 6 months, had a miscarriage, gave up and did not try for 5 and then tried for 2 months and got this baby. She wished me baby dust when DH told her our problems. This is such a hard process but it made me feel better to know that not everyone in my life gets pregnant the first try (like 2 of my best friends).
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh chibee- I'm so sorry I wish there was something I could do. We just spoke to our friends in NJ and were telling us there is still no power at their house and what a mess the shore and surrounds are. My heart goes out to u- this ttc business is heartbreaking enough as it is. I know I'm on the other side of the world but seriously if there is anything I can do...
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: same here, i have a couple friends with "oops" babies and it sometimes does feel like I'm alone. I mean i have no idea how long my SIL has been trying, but they have been married for 5 years and she is older than me, but it still stings. a lot. Esp because i know they are announcing it at xmas (i'm the only one that knows right now) and i am just absolutely dreading the holidays now, it makes me want to jump out of my skin, crawl into a hole, and hide for the next year. And i can't talk to DH about this, he knows, but he doesn't understand how much it kills me. Esp because i know he is thinking we are done TTC for a while (which I understand) since the inlaws are with us now, and we are doing so much other stuff. you are right, i think i need to try something different this cycle, stop actively ttc and just see what happens, but that is hard for me - how do i stop my brain from thinking about cycle days, CM, O days, DPO?? can someone just knock me into 6 months ago when i didn't have so much knowledge about my body?
@mrssquirreld: thank you, having you guys here to talk to is the only thing keeping me sane. it's nice to come here to vent to people who absolutely understand what I mean and can share in my misery, that's all i can ask for.
papaya / 10570 posts
Oh @chibee: I'm so sorry. I'm heartbroken for you. The news about your SIL must have hit you really hard, especially given everything else you've been through these few weeks. Big hugs. You *will* get pregnant - I know it. As for "how do you stop trying?" well - I don't know. I don't think I'd be able to do it now I know how my body works - I'd probably be more stressed wondering what my body might be doing...Big big hugs, hun. xx
@marionberry: @chibee: I was using cheap OPKs last month and this cycle until two days ago. I was convinced last month they were not working properly, wasn't I?!! Anyway, I thought it was positive the first two days, then I bought the OPKs I used on my first month and started using them yesterday - and I wasn't 100% sure yesterday's was a positive (it was the same darkness as the control line - which is a positive, if it is, but hard to judge). Then today - it was a really dark T line, much darker than C. So I don't know! What I do know is I had EWCM and a real ache in my cervical area (this has happened every month) which I imagine is my cervix moving and opening - and that's all gone now. I do have sore bbs though today! Urgh. My body is so weird!!!!!
@Mrs squirreld: Thank goodness you're 7 hours ahead of me! That means it's almost midnight where you are - and so I'll know what your digi says as soon as I wake up!! I'm really rooting for you lady! Come on! We need some babies "in the water"!!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
meh.... i took another test this morning, can still see a very very faint line. digital was negative, boobs are super achy. Another night of restless sleep. I give up i'm not testing for another 2 days.
I'm sorry I know you probably don't want to hear about my test drama...its stupid i know.
nectarine / 2530 posts
@chibee: aww, hon, if you ever want to drive over to PA we can commiserate together.
So I expected my temp to go up this morning, but it only went up a tiny bit. I *thought* I had O'd yesterday, and there was no time to BD this morning, so I hope it really was yesterday because if not we probably completely missed the window :/.
If I felt 'odd' down there at around 5/6pm and we BD'd before we left for work (6:30am) and then again when we went to bed (11:30pm), is that good enough? I know they say sperm can last for days, but what's really the time frame we should be aiming for for the best chance of success? I was too cheap to buy more OPK's (I do the digitals so I don't drive myself crazy looking at the lines getting darker lol), so I only know when I got my first positive (Monday afternoon).
nectarine / 2522 posts
@StrawberryBee: I'm pretty sure sperm can last up to 5 days- so you'll be fine !!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: Your temp went up today. That's good news. And you're still early, so wait a few days and you may get some good news on a stick lol.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: yeah I'm gonna wait before I test again. This might sound dumb ( and settling myself up for major disappointment) but I am convinced I'm pregnant. I'm a mess today. Poor DH copped it this morning. He probably thinks I hate him. Everything is annoying me. I even stopped taking my BP medication cause I'm terrifed it will make me miscarry. I've never wanted something so much in my life
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Aww sweetie, well then I hope you are because it may be a big disappointment if you're not. You have seemed very emotional lately which could definitely be a pregnancy symptom! But give your body a few days to have enough hCG to actually produce a positive. I get how bad you want it. I want it that bad too!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Oh, I'm so sorry it wasn't a positive today. But you still saw a faint line? Sometimes the digis are not as sensitive - and it is still really early. I'll Keep my fingers crossed.
Well, finally, I gave up pushing DH to BD. He looked so miserable when I told him I still hadn't had a temp shift last night, I just said "you don't have to if you don't want to" and he didn't want to so we didn't. Guess what, this morning I had a temp shift. So, we missed O day. After all that work, we missed O day. I know there's still a chance but it's not the point. I wanted the best chance! Fancy missing O day because we couldn't be bothered! But - I still have a positive OPK. A strong positive. Weird! Either way, it doesn't matter because I'm going away for work today and I wont be back until the weekend. So I guess it'll be another FIVE WEEKS before we get another chance....
On the positive side, DH wants to have a lesson on charting and review my last three charts for next month. I think he thinks I'm doing it wrong and, as he put it, we're "scraping the bottom of the sack" by the time we get to O day. This is a really good thing because if he's involved in that side of things he will be really into timing it right - he's such a perfectionist!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: It's great to hear DH wants to be involved and I was excited when I saw your temp shift because I knew how hard all this BD'ing had been on you guys lately. I would not worry about one day you didn't BD right before ovulation. With sperm living as long as they do you're just fine.
@mrssquirreld: So when are you testing again?
persimmon / 1491 posts
sorry ladies...i know i am not a normal poster on here...
but i feel @Cherrybee frustration, because i just got a positive OPK this morning...tried to BD with DH but he wasnt having it, he was "sleepy" and had to get up at 330 this i left with my tail between my legs and saw the positive this frustrating!!! arrrhhh, men!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsCastro: Hey! Welcome to "the water"! Argh, that's so annoying!! I feel you!! I just think that if I was told I had to get up at 5, jog to the gym, do two hours there and then bounce home on a space hopper to get pregnant I wouldn't like it but I'd set my alarm and darn well do it every single day until I saw that temp shift. Its just a quickie once a day, gawwwwd, grit your teeth and do it! Men!!!! (some men, not all men of course, in case Mr Bee is reading. Aaw, Mr Bee, I bet he never did that! Lol!).
You can come here and rant any time @MrsCastro: and you still have a chance of catching that egg if you can get him to do it later xx
persimmon / 1491 posts
@Cherrybee: oh you better bet i will be jumping his @ss when i get home tonight...i just did an internet search to see if there was a timr frame and it pretty much said 72 he will be getting jumped multiple times over the next few days...LOL...
"O" came super early this time for me CD14, usually its been CD21 or CD17. I think this is my "normal" pre M/C and B/C.....
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsCastro: Its great news that your cycle looks to have returned to normal. How long did it take? I'm a 5-weeker at the moment but O seems to be getting 1 day earlier each cycle so im hoping I'll O on CD14 one glorious day!!!
persimmon / 1491 posts
@Cherrybee: technically this is my second cycle after took 6 weeks for AF to show up, and now it took 4 weeks...i got BFP on my first cycle after removing BC....
papaya / 10570 posts
@MrsCastro: Wow! Your story is so similar to mine!! I got BFP on my first cycle after BCP, m/carried and now this is my second cycle afterwards! I O'd CD21 last cycle (CD22 on my BFP cycle) and this month I've O'd earlier! And if you O tomorrow we'll only be 2 day apart POAS! Eerie!
nectarine / 2522 posts
Turns out I am just crazy. Life is cruel. I mean a 34 day cycle....what the hell is with that? Faint lines.
AF is here. I give up
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Mrs squirreld: I'm so sorry! I had checked your chart earlier but you hadn't woke yet...then just checked it and saw the bad news. I'm really sorry. You're now granted 5-6 days to be totally in a bad mood, drink lots of alcohol and get ready to try again. It's really hard, I know...but you'll make it through it.
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: oh hey cycle/ttc twin - I spent 2 whole days looking at a faint shadow line on a test at 10 dpo. 2 DAYS - i mean kept fishing it out of the garbage only to throw it away again because i could have SWORN there was a line. Then AF came right on time. I know the feeling. Hang in there. It will happen for us, right?
CD3 for me today. Im gonna decide in the next 2 days whether or not to continue to actively TTC or NTNP from now on. The past 2 weeks have been incredibly stressful for me, not sure I want the added stress/disappointment of TTC!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I hope you are able to make a decision that works for you shortly. One thing to think about, ladybee stopped charting for a month and then decided she wanted to do it again, but then she tried doing the first part only, and not the TWW and that really frustrated her. So I just want you to consider if you think not charting/temping would help or stress you out further. As far as actively TTC, do what's right for you. A month maybe not trying to get pregnant (on purpose) could be a nice reprieve given the things going on in your life right now. Best wishes making your decision!
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: thanks! I think I definitely won't be charting. As for TTC otherwise, I'm still not sure. I would love to be able to walk away from it, even just temporarily, with no regrets, and just live my life. But how do you walk away from something you want so badly? And how do you stop yourself from thinking about it? Who knows.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Oh, I'm so, so sorry. That's so rubbish. Don't give up - you can and will get that BFP soon. xx
I've only gone and left my thermometer in the hotel I was staying in for work, 200 miles away! Gasp! So no 3DPO temp this morning to finally confirm O - ARGH! I might just make one up!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: That totally sucks! I'm sorry. I see that you did make one up. I guess once you get one tomorrow you'll be able to drop the made up one.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: I only just made it up now so you must have been looking at yesterday's temp! I had to get up really early yesterday - two hrs earlier than normal - so yesterday's temp was probably off too. I just made one up now and got crosshairs!! I'm pretty sure I O'd that day, my CM is post-O now, definitely. Bring on the TWW!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Sweet! I love getting CH. Totally makes my day. Happy TWW lol! I'm only 6 days's going SO slow!
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: You're only 3 days ahead of me this cycle!! Come on!!!!! Get that BFP lady!!! I want it for you so badly!! And for me, of course - although I think we mistimed it this month, did too much too soon and then hoped the pathetic, crusty sperm we had left right at the end would last for 24 hours!
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