Hellobee Boards


I think there is something in the water!!!

  1. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @mrssquirreld: A couple of times a week, its not too bad. The rest of the time I'm in the Birmingham office (40 min drive) or at home so I can't complain!

  2. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: That's still quite a ride. At least it's not a drive! I just have a 20 minute one each day...and sometimes that's annoying.

  3. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Marionberry: The first 2hrs are a drive!!! It's pretty tiring but as long as I've got something to sing along to, I'm happy. Sometimes, when I get to work, my voice is all croaky from singing so loud!!

  4. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I sing my butt off in the car too! I usually raise the music really loud and then sing louder. Whenever DH has to get in my car, the volume practically bursts his eardrums and he always turns it down and says, "I'm surprised you're not deaf yet".

  5. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: Same!! I turn it up notch at a time, every time I get to a bit I really like, so I don't notice it getting louder and louder!!! DH is the same, only he listens to really heavy rock music so it blows my head off!!!

    How are you feeling, anyway? Better I hope? Are you near this hurricane?

    @Chibee: I saw on the news that the hurricane is heading to New Jersey. I hope you are okay and safe?? Thinking of you and your neighbours/family.

  6. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I've been feeling better, but had an issue with DH not getting his SA done today, so that's made me not so happy. I'm not anywhere near the hurricane..over on the other coast, so just enjoying normal rain vs a hurricane.
    @chibee: Hope you're doing ok! I've been watching the tv to get updates!

  7. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: wow I can't believe you drive so much.. You must get up super early! I live 5 minutes from work!! Lol

  8. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: And pretty soon you'll live 0 minutes from work!

  9. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: woooohoooo! I'm having a crappy arse day at work to today - thankgoodness for hb!!

  10. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I had a crappy day today too! HB gives me something else to think about.

  11. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: it totally does!! The weeks when DH is on night shift are the worse... As we don't see each other. I'm sitting at a job I hate and he's a home it's pretty late where you are yeah?

  12. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: Ya I can't imagine how much it has to suck to have your DH working nights. Luckily my DH works with me, so we are on the same schedule for the most part. It's about 8:15 here, so not too late. I wish I could do like you, and just do something I loved as a career, but it just wouldn't cover the bills. Maybe one day.

  13. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: oh I forgot u were west coast
    It does suck having him on nights whilst I am workin but when I'm no longer working it will be nice to have him home during the day. It changes all the time so it might be harder to adjust when we have a bub! It is nice to do what I love - it hasn't been an easy task though. The first few years of my business I was trading at a loss, now that I have worked a second job and cleared that debt it is worth it.

  14. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @mrssquirreld: I'm so envious that you'll get to be a SAHM. Not that I'd want to do it for a long time, but it would be nice to be able to do it for 6 months or a year without worrying about work or money. I wish you the best of luck (and lots of money) doing what you love!

  15. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    You guys, I'm really worried about @chibee. She's lives on New Jersey Shore and I've just seen some of the footage of the devastation there - 40 people have died, according to the news.... I was on the treadmill at the gym, watching it and I realised that tears were streaming down my face.

    @marionberry: I know you believe in God - please pray for her. I will be doing the same.

    @mrssquirreld: @strawberrybee: and everyone else who pops in to talk to us on this thread, I don't know if you believe in God but if you do, please pray for her, if you're superstitious keep your fingers crossed, if you believe in fairies make wish..... just hope that Chibee and her family are okay.

  16. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Cherrybee: it's probable she's without power/Internet access. If she was st the shore she probably had to evacuate. I do hope with all my heart that we hear from her soon and she's safe and sound!

  17. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @Cherrybee: we only just got in contact with our friends in New jersey ... They have no power so I'm presuming a lot of places are the same! Positive thoughts - she'll be back on here in no time!! Xoxoox

  18. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: I'll keep her in my prayers. I'm sure she's ok. We get really bad flooding and power outages around here all the time. I'm sure we'll be hearing from her in a day or two.

  19. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @strawberrybee: I'm sorry AF came!

  20. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @marionberry: aww, thanks! Onward and upward, as they say. Maybe I'll get a good birthday present instead

  21. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @StrawberryBee: ooh when's your bday?! Did u drop any hints of what u wanted?

    I'm convinced this isn't my month now that I O'd so late unless my cycle is getting longer

  22. StrawberryBee

    nectarine / 2530 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: should be right around when I o, assuming my body keeps on the same schedule. And yes, I was as subtle as a Mac truck to my DH ;). I'll even make a wish when I blow out the candles!

    And awww, don't count yourself out yet! You never know what sort of wacky curveball your body will throw at you, so you can't lose hope.

  23. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @strawberrybee: I wished for a baby on any sort of candle for my birthday last week. You definitely should too! It can't hurt.

  24. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    I can't stop thinking about chibee - I hope she and her family are safe. Point pleasant NJ ( I think that's where she is from) has had a lot of damage so I'm presuming she might be staying elsewhere. We are all thinking of you @chibee hope to hear you are safe soon! Xox

  25. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I saw Point Pleasant on the news this morning and was thinking the same thing - it's one of the towns with many feet of water. Hope she's okay.

    Actually they interviewed a girl from there this morning and a small part of me was like 'maybe that's her...."

  26. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @jojogirl I wonder if it was?! Isn't it weird having friends you don't really know?! I think of you as Jo and I know that's not your real name! I do hope she's ok and her home isn't damaged, that would break my heart.

    In other news.... I have EWCM! For the first time! Now I know what you mean by egg white! I wonder if this means I will O at a normal time?!

  27. JoJoGirl

    cantaloupe / 6206 posts

    @Cherrybee: Hahah nope not my name at all, not even close. Funny, isn't it? And HOORAY for EWCM!!!!

  28. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @cherrybee: Yay! Super good sign!

  29. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Check in ladies.....
    How's everyone going? I'm 4/5dpo and cranky as... I'm thinking Af is due at 8/9dpo - so I'm pretty sure this is not my month due to the short LP. I'm not even gonna test until AF is late there is really no point in the heart break.

  30. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: I'm sorry! You never know...maybe you'll have a longer cycle this time. I'm about 3 days from ovulation I think, so we're in the BD cycle now. Jenny Renny predicted this is my month, so I'm crossing my fingers she's right.

  31. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: yay happy bd'n! I hope Jennyrenny is right for u! Statistically speaking one of us on the board should be pregnant soon!!! Lol
    Yeah i still have a little hope my cycle will just be longer, but atleast ill save some $$ by not poas!!

  32. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    Here's my office makeover ladies.... not quite finished yet but getting there!!..........

    BEFORE: Yes, it was messy. I had already pulled out some tubs to start sorting stuff, so you could usually see the floor....sometimes. And yes, my husband is a geek, but I still love him. ♥ Usually I end up doing editing on the tablet in the lounge as this space was horrible to work in. The rest of my house is so nicely decorated this room had become a bit of a "dump zone "

  33. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    AFTER: YAY!!! loving it. Not 100% finished yet... still a few bits and pieces to do ...like recover my files so they are matching, get some storage on my "craft corner" desk. Recover the old desk chair ( now my craft chair) Sorry about the dodgy phone pics, but I am busy with client work and don't have time to bust out the real camera. will do some proper photos when its 100% done!!

  34. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @Mrs squirreld: It looks SO good! What a dramatic change. Great job!

  35. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    @marionberry: Thanks!!!! although the before picture is a little shameful! lol

  36. Mrs squirreld

    nectarine / 2522 posts

    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh @chibee just updated her temp for today on FF... SHE"S SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    aaaaaannnnd..... breathe. Phew. Thank you @mrssquirrelD. I was trying not to worry too much but every time I saw footage of Jersey Shore I felt sick to my stomach. I hope her home is ok, too. It just doesn't bear thinking about....

    MrssquirrelD - the office looks great by the way! Huge transformation!

    I'm a bit grumpy today. We've entered BD time and, although I said I wasn't too bothered this month, I was pretty annoyed last night when DH was too tired to BD. I really don't want to go down the wailing "I might be Oing" route because I never seem to O when I think I am - and it means I say this every night for about 10 nights (which really annoys him). But at the same time, I'll be mighty annoyed if we miss our chance. Sigh. I hate this, I hate that my fertile window is such a miserable time for me.

  38. chibee

    pear / 1974 posts

    HI GUYS! I missed you all! No power whatsoever, my town is totally messed up but my house is fine, and we lost nothing! I did a little update on the charting thread, inlaws weren't so lucky so they will stay w/us indefinitely. It sure is making my tww fly by! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Hope I can get power back soon... my town is a disaster, it's just.. insane. hope everyone is doing well, I don't have time to read over everything but once i get back to work (been off this whole week, i work across the street from battery park in manhattan and you know that area is totally screwed too!) i will get back on track here!! love you all!

  39. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @chibee: So great to hear about you, but I'm sorry for your in-laws. Hopefully you won't mind them staying with you..although that might make the BD'ing a little more difficult.
    @cherrybee: I'm sorry he didn't want to BD. It's really frustrating when you're trying to convince your hubby but you're really not sure if you need to. For instance, yesterday was my first H on the monitor and I wanted to BD but DH didn't and while they say ideally you get 2 H's and then 2 P's, sometimes I get up to 4 H's, so I feel bad trying to make him, if it's really way too early still. I'm sure he understands...and as long as you BD every other day it really doesn't matter. We already know you're fertile ;).

  40. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @marionberry: Thank you for understanding! I mean, if I told him I was Oing he'd be right there BDing through the pain but I don't want to use my "I'm Oing" card too soon.... because I don't know if I am!!! Sigh. This shouldn't be the problem - I'm fertile, he's fertile, we just can't be bothered to BD!!!

    @chibee: It's so good to hear from you. I'm so glad your home is okay - and you're all okay. I'm so sorry about your in-laws' home. How awful. Love to you all.

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