pineapple / 12802 posts
So excited for all you ladies with your BFP's!
@chibee: Don't feel alone, my husband has, on occasion, not been able to finish. I guess the nerves really get to them, especially if they see how much you want it and are stressing themselves out about it.
Still nothing happening here, I was supposed to get AF yesterday, my temps keep rising and I've had random cramps for days! like... DAYYYYYS. Although last night, I had a couple sharp cramps? Meh. I even had a dream that AF came, that's how much I just wish something would happen.
ETA: Oh, and I swear my taste buds are acting all weird but I don't want to even think about it because I don't want to get my hopes up.
pear / 1974 posts
@cherrybee: i'm so glad this little bean is a sticky one for you. Are private scans different? Is it because it's earlier than you're supposed to go in? Either way, i can't wait for it!
@.twist.: yes the nerves really really get to him, he's an anxious person to begin with so i think the stress was just too much. I don't know how to relieve him of the anxiety other than to try this NTNP thing so hopefully that'll ease his mind up a bit. what dpo are you? i had dreams consistently during all my tww's that i took a pregnancy test and it was positive. it was kind of heartbreaking when i woke up and realized it was a dream!
pineapple / 12802 posts
@chibee: Hopefully the NTNP will ease it up, just kinda keep him out of the loop for a while?
I *think* I am about 9dpo, but my chart is so messed up this month (my first time charting) so only the last probably... 10 days have been accurate. Haven't tested yet but a few girls on WB have been putting the pressure on! I might test tomorrow morning which would put me at at least 10dpo.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: I would so be you. NTNP seems so hard! I'm glad you feel like you finally have a shot now and it's like starting to TTC all over again. I wish you nothing but the best!
@cherrybee: so glad everything continues to look good! I may be living through you too lol.
Turns out we face one more obstacle with DH's fertility, as he has too many white blood cells in his semen sample. We're hoping it's just an infection that his antibiotics will cure...but it seems there's always something new. I just want a baby. Trying (due to the meds) won't be of much use this month.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: oh hugs..... but atleast there is a solution for the white blood cells right? I'm sorry there always seems to be something.. is tryng 100% out for this month?
@chibee: I hear ya....I took OPK's the last two days.... shhhhh... don't tell anyone
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: antibiotics but if it's not an infection then it won't change anything. Crossing my fingers it is. You and @chibee are cute, unable to really give it up. I'm the same way. We said not really trying this month but I'm still temping at least until the taw and we'll bd when my monitor tells us to but it's just unlikely to produce a baby.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: I'm sorry they've found something wrong with your DH's sample. What does white cells mean/do? If it's not an infection then what is it??
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: apparently having lots of WBC's (white blood cells) in your sample can change the genetic makeup of the sperm affecting their ability to fertilize an egg. If it's just caused by an infection that's fabulous and we should be on our way to getting pregnant after he's done with the meds. If it's being caused by another reason, it's likely due to prostatitis, or an inflammation of the prostate, which in small cases can mean cancer. His doctor doesn't seem too worried about it, so I'm trying not to be either. We just have to wait 2 weeks until he's done with the meds and get another SA to see if the WBC's have gone down.
papaya / 10570 posts
@marionberry: Oh my goodness. How scary. Well, either way, it's a good job you found out. If it's cancer (v. unlikely) then it's a good job you caught it early. If it's an infection - well - they can clear it up and you're well on your way to a baby. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this - I really, really hope it's easily treatable and it's the reason you've been struggling because that means you'll get your BFP soon. xx
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: so sorry you have to go through with that - how's your DH taking it?
@mrssquirreld: yeah who am i kidding with NTNP? that apparently only meant that I was not going to temp, but secretly use OPKs and check CM. were your OPKs positive?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@cherrybee: Ya it's definitely better to know than not to know. And I hope it is the reason we haven't been able to conceive because then we'll be close to having a BFP!
@chibee: He didn't take it well the day he heard it. Really scared and wanting to cry at work. But he seems better about it now. I'm trying to get him to just take it one day at a time.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: I'm sending some serious positive vibes your way!!! Hugs to u and ur DH.
@chibee: haha yeah. I'm not temping.... But using OPK ( jut because they were there....) mine were negative. But I O'd so late last time... I'm curious if it will be the same this month. DH and I are both mega stressed out with work- bickering with each other all the time . We need a holiday... Have to wait for feb for that though.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: hey I just saw your post on the July board. How you feeling? Try not to stress out too much (yeah right huh?) sticky baby vibes coming your way. Xoxox and remember cramps are a common pregnancy symptom!!!
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Oh MrsS, thank goodness for you!! I'm lying here in bed, DH is sleeping and I am panicking my ass off! It just feels so AFy! This is what happened last time and then AF came. Its not the pain as much as the open feeling, you know, like my cervix has opened. Meh. How are you, hun?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: many ladies experience AF like symptoms when they are actually pregnant from what I've read. Are u still POAS? Your lines were getting darker right? I'm sure everything will be fine positive thoughts!!
I'm ok. Bit frazzled, but looking forward to the weekend. It's DH's bday so hopefully we can have a nice weekend.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Are you doing anything nice to celebrate? No, DH stopped me buying tests, he said I was spending too much money on things to pee on. He goes to work in an hour though so I may go and buy some!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: even just order some Internet cheapies... It's worth it for the piece of mind!!
Yeah we are having a weekend away. Nothing to exciting. He got a big present so we'll prob just do dinner or something... And some BD'n ofcourse.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: oooh! Is it that time already?! Not that you'd know of course, what with you NTNPing an'all! Lol!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: nah no Positive OPK yet... But we are trying to BD every second day.... Instead of temping.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Are you finding that less stressful? Or more? Or the same?!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: I think I'm less stressed about it but I don't think it's because of that. I think it's because now I know the deadline has passed of when I could have had the baby here. Now I know I WILL have already moved and I won't be around family. Which sucks and I'm disappointed as hell, but I know feel like I don't have the pressure of that timeline anymore.
papaya / 10570 posts
@Mrs squirreld: Its funny but that's how I felt when I though id passed the deadline for my child being in the same school year as my best friends baby. This was our last chance cycle and I was convinced it hadn't worked - and as soon as I accepted that I just felt less stressed! You may have moved but you'll be on the most beautiful place ever!!!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Cherrybee: yeah I know but there are people who won't w able to visit... The ones who won't be able to afford to and the ones who are too old too. Jenny Denny predicted January which is kinda funny since that will be the first cycle after I finish up at the bank. I think she might be right.
nectarine / 2522 posts
I got a package of baby buys in the post today! Sigh. I want a baby!!! Argh. Lol.. I know I do it to myself buying stuff before my BFP. Ironically they have accidentally sent me DOUBLE of all the things I ordered!!!
Might pop up a photo when I get my other package I've been waiting for.
How's everyone going... It's too quiet on here. I had a full on weekend. Firstly my 90yr old grandpa went missing. he's got dementia and wandered off from home. Police, search parties and a search plane were out looking for him. They finally found him 30hourd after he went missing... And he'd spent a night out in the bush. Apart from sunburnt exhausted and dehydrated he's ok. He doesn't remember a thing!
DH's bday was on Saturday. We had a pretty nice day and I spoilt him we actually spent a lot of the day dreaming about having a baby on his next birthday and getting a card that says dear dad. Sigh... We both want a baby pretty badly.
Good news is his parents have taken a job offer whicheans they are moving and will only be a few hours away from where we will be moving to next year!!! So that's awesome!! I love his parents!
The whole NTNP thing is going not very well... We've been BD'n every second day and using OPK. No positives yet. Although I'm still a few days away from where I got the positives last month.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: @marionberry: have our cycles all lined up now?!!?! We seem to be POAS all around the same date! I think that's a good sign!!'
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: I hope it's a good sign too! Plus at least we can tww together. Since DH is on meds it's unlikely we will get pregnant this cycle but anything is possible. Another good friend who got married a month ago found out she's pregnant today so it's been a rough one. I really want a baby so I feel your pain. I hope we all have babies next year!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: URGH... that must have been hard... my cousin just had a baby..he's so beautiful I cry everytime I see photos.
Good things WILL happen for us! xox
nectarine / 2522 posts
Some of my recent baby buys... Can u tell I love green blue and grey... Lol
pomelo / 5041 posts
OMG I am super sick with a stupid sinus infection and it's making my chart all messed up and because I'm TTC I can't really take good meds so I'm relying on extra strength tylenol and dumb light sinus meds. I feel horrible and knowing that this cycle was already somewhat unlikely to result in a baby, this has me just totally giving up on the cycle already. Ugh..maybe this is the world telling me I need a break from baby making.
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: i do believe our cycles are lined up once again! i'm still waiting for a positive OPK as well - i'm 1 day past when i first tested positive last cycle so i'm getting a little antsy. you me and @marionberry are destined to get bfps in the same cycle i think!
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: oh I so so so hope so.
More cute stuff in the post today.... I'm addicted. Lol hey atleast it makes me happy!
@marionberry: hayfever sucks. It's harvesting time here and my sinuses are going mental
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: your cloth diaper covers are SO cute! They almost make me wish I was going to cloth diaper...almost haha.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: hehehe you coul always just get a couple try them out... Or purely just for cuteness factor!
pear / 1974 posts
question for everyone, possibly TMI but we do TMI well don't we? i'm supposed to be nearing O - I'm CD21 right now - I've o'd cd19 and cd20 the last two cycles - and my ewcm disappeared 2 days ago, but according to the OPKs i'm close to having a positive - but now i have this creamy, almost sticky cm - if i'm nearing a positive OPK where is my ewcm?? is it possible i'm not going to O for a while now? There's no way the CM i have now is conducive for sperm survival.
how's that for a failed NTNP? cannot get my head out of the realm of TTC...
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: could it be that you missed it? How often have you been using the OPKs? I never really get EWCM but as long as you have watery CM you're still good to go. Do you have some preseed? That would combat any CM issue. It's so hard to NTNP huh!
pear / 1974 posts
@marionberry: embarrassingly, since CD12, every day, twice a day since CD17 or 18 - so i'd be extremely surprised if i missed it because i do tend to O very late - but this is really weird? and you read my mind - ran out and got preseed this morning. and i think no one has failed as hard as i have failed at NTNP.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: We're kinda NTNP this month due to DH being on meds, but I've still temped (although it doesn't work because I haven't been able to sleep more than an hour or two at a time due to my cold) and used my monitor. DH is not in the mood to BD so we haven't BD'd at all this cycle. I know I'll get a peak tomorrow, so we better BD tomorrow or the whole cycle is blown. I think I may not temp during the TWW but I'm not sure if I could really do that. We will have to see.
Sounds like you will O soon though so congrats. Get to BD'ing and use that preseed. You'll still be good to go!
apricot / 319 posts
@chibee: Oh dear, you sound like me! I'm the WORST at NTNP. So we just called it like it was and switched to TTC. Good luck!
pear / 1974 posts
@littlegbee: yeah i think i was really kidding myself when i thought i was going to try NTNP - basically it's what i told DH that was going to happen but i couldn't really stop the OPKs haha i am not very good at having a nonchalant approach to things that i truly want in life, i always go in head first! I was just browsing your blog, your little girl is just precious!!
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