pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: still so close...hopefully tonight! I prefer getting a positive on a Friday or Saturday because you have so much more time and flexibility to BD than during the week.
persimmon / 1491 posts
@chibee: I am CD8, last cycle i O'ed on CD14, i have a feeling it will be the same or a little bit sooner...i am gonna to take another OPK when i get home tonight also...
pear / 1974 posts
i'm so confused - 3rd day in a row of almost positives - usually right after a dark line like that i get a positive the next day - any idea as to what might be going on anyone?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: don't get our bodies!! I've had 3 days of what I'd call positive OPK's..... hmmmm just do what we are doing BD'n everyday just in case!!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@chibee: I'm jus as confused over here so no advice, just an "I sympathize" comment after all my darker ones, I swear I'm stuck on line lines.
pear / 1974 posts
i'm having one of those pity party nights. I have a coworker who is (was) going through TTC with me, I showed her the world of charts and OPKs, after she had been trying for about 3 months, and first month of charting/opk - just checked her chart this morning and she got her BFP. i'm so happy for her but now i am feeling pretty depressed. after another digital negative OPK tonight i am tired of BDing and trying and not knowing wtf is going on with my cycle and i am just a big ball of no fun tonight.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@chibee: I'm sorry. Hugs tonight. A fellow coworker, who is currently bugging me, changed her fb cover post to her positive pregnancy test. Now she is bugging me even more.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@chibee: I'm sorry!! It's only natural to have those feelings no matter how happy you are for the others. I think pity parties are good for the soul - clears things out and can start fresh. I am pretty new with TTC, but I remember all the pity parties I had waiting to be engaged back in the day
pomelo / 5041 posts
@chibee: You will o and you will get pregnant, but for some of us it takes much longer than others. Dealing with jealousy and frustration are super normal. I hope you ovulate very soon!
pear / 1974 posts
thanks all, i had a rough night last night. i kept busy all day today since we were working at my in-laws flood damaged house, but came back to find out once again, OPK is negative. I'm CD26 right now, this is craziness. Could i have missed my surge? I've been testing since CD12, often times twice a day! is it possible that i could have missed a super short surge?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: are u getting a negative on a digital? Or just the normal ones?
I'm so exhausted. Does anyone else get exhausted? DH and I tried to BD this morning but we were so both exhausted from BD'n everyday for the last week and we had a busy weekend. Anyone else get like this? DH got really upset. I hate it too... It's starting to feel like a chore cause we both want to at pregnant so much.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@Mrs squirreld: the past two days were really crappy here... he was feeling pressure on himself and as much as I tried to make it "fun" he was having a hard time not thinking too much at end goal. I've been really down on myself for starting the BD'ing too early, now we have to keep going cause I still don't have my + OPK. I feel so guilty for putting pressure on him cause he never has those issues normally.
pomelo / 5073 posts
@Mrs squirreld: honestly, our next to O is after Christmas and I'm bringing some bottles of champagne with us and just having fun. I feel like he is down on himself since we are not pregnant yet. Now, I just want to have fun.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@Jennimac: @runnerd: oh glad you guys feel the same! Champers sounds fun!! Yeah we had to keep going cause I had 4 days of positive opks??!! What is up with that. I'm negative today though so will do it tonight and then give it a rest. Argh it's just so hard to mentally relax! Maybe drunken sex is the answer... Lol
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: definitely. the pressure gets to the both of us, i get too nervous thinking "will it work" that i forget to have fun, and DH feels like im using him and i only want intimacy for the sperm. It's definitely been a struggle for sure! @runnerd and i are having the same problem - playing the waiting game for a positive OPK and keeping the BD going, and it's exhausting, both physically and mentally!!! we are just going to have to cheer each other on!
pear / 1974 posts
could it be? is this my positive or.. still JUST not quite there?? i'm out of pee, can't confirm with digital ugh! I have never held my pee so sacred until i started TTC. what do you guys think? btw @runnerd: i've been confirming negatives on the digital for the past 4 days when i've had these close positives!
pear / 1974 posts
sorry i just have to point out how ridiculous it is that i now say things like "ugh i'm out of pee!" haha what are some other things that you find ridiculous through this TTC process?
nectarine / 2522 posts
@chibee: I hate it when I pee and then think oh no.. I wasted it!! I also hate feeling like I have to pull out my acrobatics to make sure the sperm is staying in there... Lol
pomelo / 5073 posts
@chibee: that looks good!!!! I completely get you! I would keep a cup of my pee out in case I needed to take another test.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@mrssquirreld: they say once you get a positive opk you then BD for 12-36 hours regardless of if you keep getting positive opk's. Had you been charting this cycle you'd be able to BD until you saw a serious temp rise and then you could stop. If you go every other day (once you've gotten exhausted) you're still pretty likely to get pregnant, so maybe consider that option next time.
@chibee: Yay finally! Get to BD'ing.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@chibee: I think you got it!!!! Yay, cheering for you!!
My ridiculous is how I feel like crap all month long b/c I'm so hyper aware of every cramp, bloat, headache, pain.
nectarine / 2522 posts
@marionberry: yep we've done it everyday since positive and will keep going for a few more days past positive just to be sure... I took my temp this morning and will for the next few days jut to see if my temp spikes. I definitely missed that assurance with not temping this month... Pfft so much for NTNP!!
pear / 1974 posts
@runnerd; what's more ridiculous is that during the TWW you are excited about any crappy way your body feels because there's always that hope that it's a symptom
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: i honestly regret trying the NTNP approach this month haha i wish i temped so i could have been assured that i didn't miss o!
pear / 1974 posts
@mrssquirreld: we were trying to be all "i don't care" but in fact we really, really cared and couldn't pretend otherwise. let's just own up to it and get back to normal haha
persimmon / 1491 posts
@chibee: Yay!!! That looks very positive to me!!!
AFM, I am pretty much on the same boat as @runnerd: I was getting darker and darker lines at CD 7-8 but yesterday they were a lot light then the two days before. And today was just the same as yesterday. We have been BD since CD 6, except yesterday. His niece, 4yo came and spent the night with us so we missed a good day of baby making. We will get back on track tonight.
I got a +OPK on CD14 last cycle. Hopefully it's just still early.
Question: how many times a day do u use OPK's? Do yo start with one and then increase to two? What time do you test?
Thank you ladies!!!
pear / 1974 posts
@mrscastro: i know i o late (average has been around cd19-20) so i start using them cd12, around noon, once a day. then around cd17 i start using them at noon, then again around 7:30pm or so when i get home from work since it's close to O time, in case i miss a surge.
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@MrsCastro: this was my first month using the OPKs, so I started casually at day 13-14, expecting + around 21, but didn't want to risk missing anything. Of course those first two were the dark ones. I've been doing one with FMU, and then around 2pm. I suck at it though since know I'm not suppose to use FMU, then all the water drinking all day. Hoping to do better next time!!!
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@MrsCastro: I have no idea - I read that somewhere that it wasn't the best
persimmon / 1491 posts
@runnerd: crap!!! 90% of my OPK's are from FMU!!! I guess I have some research to do.
pear / 1974 posts
@mrscastro: i read that LH isn't synthesized until well into the day after we wake up or something so it's best to test between 12-8pm.
Crazy check in time - after my first positive OPK at around 5:30pm or so, i tried a digital at 3am (don't ask, it was an insomniac night, no work tonight thank god!) and got a clear negative. is my surge over already? Usually it lasts 2 days for me!! Just checked 20 min ago (11am) and negative again. Bd'd last night though so hopefully i'm o'ing soon????
grapefruit / 4311 posts
@chibee: that's so frustrating!! how strict are you about time and fluid intake before testing? Think it was just diluted?
In my crazy head, I am still trying to figure out if I missed O cause bad testing, or if I'm gearing for it. I have had headache, tingly nipples, and light AF like cramps for 2-3 days - I'm driving myself CRAZY trying to decide if its O sign or feeling crappy during TWW. And all this while today is when I thought was time. But everyone says they don't have a lot of O symptoms
grapefruit / 4311 posts
So here are the two I took today both after 2 hr holds, but still drinking some fluids. These positive right??
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