Hellobee Boards


IF Check In - 5/1

  1. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    Brief update before I run back to work:

    Ultrasound was normal. A bit of compression towards the top of my uterus, but nothing of concern. My doctor wants to wait until after my HSG on Friday to make a plan of action. He "forgot" that we have been TTC (*grumble grumble* - it's in my file and a big part of why I had an appointment today!!!!!!) so he seemed pretty shocked when I told him this is the 17th cycle we're on. He pretty much said, "yeah, you need to be pregnant by the fall." THANK YOU. Basically, if my tubes are clear, he wants us to try naturally for a few more months. If there are any tubal issues, he wants to schedule the lap. I'm almost hoping (ok, maybe that's the wrong word....) something comes up on my HSG because I'll be so annoyed if we have to wait x number of months doing the same damn thing we've BEEN doing!!

    I so wish an RE was covered by my insurance :-\

  2. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @MrsTal: I love those chairs!! I've always wanted one! Did you paint the shelf unit green? Looks awesome!!

    @doxielove: Glad the u/s was normal but I hear ya on wanting to find something wrong... Despite him "forgetting" you were TTC, it sounds like you have a good plan of attack going forward!!!

    @happygal: No, we won't be preventing. Just regular BDing along with the medication I previously took. But, as you'll see from my update below, it might not matter anyways!

  3. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    So it looks like I don't have any decision to make... Nurse at the RE just called - I'm surging as we speak. Way to speed things up body! So looks like IUI isn't happening (no results yet) and no need for a trigger. I don't even know if we could do IUI if we wanted to since I'm already surging? Anyone have any idea? Always something here, LOL!

  4. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I don't know about surging but I am just hoping the Clomid alone works for you guys! I'm sorry about all this up-in-the-air business.

    Going for the very last of our testing on the 23rd and 10 days later we meet with our RE for a final decision and 3m plan. He likes to give 3m plans so that we can reevaluate every 3m and get more aggressive as we go. At our initial appointment with him, he said he suspects my uterus is somehow mishapened and if so, it's a quick fix. Our #s all came back normal and I've had nice, strong O on Clomid, so what gives if not the damn uterus?! I just want it to be something tangible so we can fix it and move on. That's not to say I'm expecting this to be easy, but at least we can have a diagnosis other than "inconclusive".

    @doxielove: how irritating! 17m in and he should be more aggressive and less forgetful than that:( boo:( I really hope it happens for you without anymore help or (haha, like you said) that there may be something in that hsg to light some fire under his bum;)

  5. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @doxielove: could you explain that you're ready to move forward and don't want to try naturally any longer? (I'm assuming that is what you want.) What other testing have you gone through so far?

    @LindsayInNY: My first reaction was no, it's too late, but then I realized I really don't know! Some people do back to back IUIs, so there are doctors out there you see a benefit of doing an IUI at a later time. For me, my husband is to abstain for a day to get as high of a count as possible, then the sample is provided and they wash it, and I have the IUI done an hour later. All that is to say it takes a little planning.

    @CupQuakeWalk: what makes him think your uterus is misshaped? I like that he lays out a plan for you like that. My kind of doctor!

  6. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @Happygal: he doesn't really think it, he just said it's got to be something physical "off" on the inside so he's guessing that. He said it could very well be that- based on our #s (my bloodwork and dh's SA and all other tests) being REALLY ideal. He said it usually only happens after a late term abortion or a very messy c-section, but it could happen after a MC too. I did have a MC at 9w along about 12+m ago (which we never did anything about. I mc'd naturally and b/w showed my hcg decline). I just hope it something, ya know?

  7. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @Happygal: It's always nice to have something to celebrate! This IF thing is tough on the guys, too, sometimes ...

    @MrsTal: LOVE the room!!!

    @LindsayInNY: Maybe it's meant to be? I think unless they tell you different, now might be the time just throw caution to the wind and BD...

  8. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @CupQuakeWalk: @doxielove: Good luck to you both!!

  9. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @Happygal: I would think timing would mean IUI tonight or tomorrow? But we don't have results back so we're going to do it the usual way instead... Hopefully the Clomid helped beef things up a bit (that sounds pervy...)!

    @FliegepilzHut: I thought the same thing. How ironic of timing?! We're going to BD it up tonight/tomorrow and let fate decide...

  10. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @LindsayInNY: Sounds like a plan!

  11. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @LindsayInNY: fx for some fruitful BD! unless you have male factor issues, the clomid is probably going to make more difference in your odds than the IUI. as in, still a good shot!

  12. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @bhbee: Ooh, that's good to know! No, we have unexplained issues...

  13. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @bhbee: that's what I always thought too. What other benefit is there for an iui? I mean, if his SA checks out then how is it any different than normal TI? I kind of just want him to give me a trigger shot and let us do TI but since insurance covers it anyway, I told our re to just go it.

  14. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: LOVE your update soooo thrilled for you!!!!!!

  15. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @MrsTal: That room is incredible!!!!!!!!!

  16. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @doxielove: I like his thinking PG by Fall, I will vote for that for you too!!!! Doesn't it stink with insurance I think it is such a scam!!!!!!!!!!!

    @LindsayInNY: I say BD away!!!!!! Sounds like clomid really got your body working!!!! Praying for you!!!

    @CupQuakeWalk: Best luck with your RE

  17. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @Kelli_Deluxe: that is a beautiful line! i'm so happy for you!


    @alohaorchid: that word stings i'm sorry. i don't like that word either & refuse to use it for myself.

    @MrsTal: i love your reading room!! what a beautiful space!

    @doxielove: good luck on friday! hope it goes smoothly

    @CupQuakeWalk: a 3 month plan sounds great! you're appt will be here before you know it how was your trip?

  18. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    Faithfertility: Due Date 12/17, saw heartbeat 5/1!
    Kelli_Deluxe: BFP on 5/4 & 5/5

    Hanging Out
    Mrs. Polish
    Mrs Tal: med free cycle
    BhBee: faint positive, waiting for darker positive
    PurplePumps: med free cycle

    Swedishfish: hopefully will not need FET because of a
    FliegepilzHut: med free cycle, POAS 5/14?
    lazypanda: clomid, trigger, & IUI, POAS 5/14
    Happygal: injectables, trigger, & IUI, POAS ?

    MrsWin: 5/27 IVF protocol appt; IVF in June/July
    Leialou: on Lupron for IVF in May; 5/9 blood work
    Jenn23: going for IVF #2 in a few months
    LindsayinNY: Clomid CD3-7, IUI cancelled due to surge, will BD instead
    doxielove: HSG 5/9, will have action plan for next steps after HSG
    owlteach: laparoscopy on 5/22
    mrs. bird: 5/16 surgery to remove uterine septum, will be taking 2 months off TTC, followed medicated IUI
    bluestripedbee: suspended on CD4 with BCP, waiting for sonohistogram (5/5) to check for polyps, will do IUI after
    Fliegelpizhut: RE/IVF consult on 5/15
    Snowdrop: consult appt on 5/13
    Mrs. Bunchy: RE appt 5/20
    Mrs.Tal: WTF appointment Wednesday, 5/7
    Warbler: will be scheduling hysteroscopy to remove suspected polyp
    Boopers: new OBGYN appt 5/14
    CupQuakeWalk: last of testing on 5/23, meeting with RE 10 days later

    Life & Updates
    BhBee: new house, new car, new life in Texas, birthday month!
    PurplePumps: upcoming vacation to Jordan
    Shutterbug: upcoming trip to Mexico
    Leialou: passed the Real Estate exam
    MrsWin: vacation to Spain & France
    Alohaorchid: brand new house being built
    Mrs. Bunchy: planning for trip to warm weather
    doxielove: paid off high interest student loan
    Warbler: looking for new job
    Happygal: lazypanda: wedding anniversary month

  19. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @bluestriped bee: how did your sonohistogram go yesterday?

    @mrswin: if you're reading this in a little internet cafe somewhere in Europe, I hope you're having a blast!

    @lazypanda: ***update:--I think I'll POAS on 5/17. I don't know why, but just writing out a POAS makes me nervous.

  20. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    @Happygal: I just got nervous excited butterflies for you!

    I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and make the appointment for the referral. I told my husband that I need to do it for my own personal health, not even for TTC and he understood and seemed ok with it. I'm just struggling way too much not knowing what exactly is going on with me and even though I'm under the care of my regular doctor, I don't feel as though he is doing enough. So that's where I'm at! I probably won't be able to get in until next month because we're too busy with house appointments but hopefully I don't have to wait too long.

    Thanks to everyone for the support on the "I" word. I feel much better today but the past few days have been really difficult since hearing that... prior to it, I thought of myself as needing a little assistance, not full out infertile.

  21. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @MrsTal: Your reading room turned out lovely! Love it!

    @Happygal: I'm not sure how aggressive I'd like to be at this point, and I think that's part of the problem! Sometimes I think "17 months is long enough, let's get this moving!" and other times I think, "what's the rush? You're 26, "young," and only want 1 child, anyways - enjoy your time with your husband!" So far my husband has had an SA (normal), but that's about it as far as IF testing...

  22. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Happygal: Thanks for checking in on me. I was just coming here to post.

    No polyp. My SHG looked clear!

    So I need to get my next steps, but an IUI should be coming up shortly. I need to stop my BCP, then a short AF should come then off to IUI land. So just waiting on AF.

  23. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts

    @bluestriped bee: excellent news!!

    @doxielove: no one will know when the 'right time' is but you, but one thing i can say for myself is that i wish i had done the testing earlier, not because it think i would have been ready right then to start treatments, but because then i would have known what we were working with and that would have helped me to decide when the right time for us was. if i had known i needed surgery prior to carrying a pregnancy to full term, i wouldn't have wasted all those medicated cycles. i probably would have done the surgery sooner, then when it felt like the right time, gone forward with treatments. i think of tests as information gathering, once you have all the information at your disposal it can help you decide how to go forward, or choose not to but have an idea of what the plan would be when you are ready. the dr is eager to help you achieve a healthy pregnancy, but it's also okay just to find out what that would take and then hold onto that info until you want to act on their plan. it's a lot to digest, and you're right, you are young, time is on your side

    @alohaorchid: i think making the appt for yourself was a great step, knowledge is power! so glad that went over okay with your DH!


  24. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @bluestriped bee: That's great news!!! Happy for you!

    @Happygal: Excited! Wishing you the best!

    @alohaorchid: That sounds great! I love data so much! I hope you get a satisfying answer...and an effective treatment plan!

  25. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @doxielove: I can totally get where you're coming from (albeit I'm not in your situation). Do you have any specific concerns about your fertility (irregular periods, excessive menstrual pain, history of infections or similar)? I second @mrs. bird: -- whether you ultimately decide that you absolutely want to start a family right now, knowing if there is some specific impediment to you getting pregnant (which you would only know by going through the testing) would come in handy, whenever you are ready. It's so hard to imagine where people are in their lives at any given age (I was totally not ready to start a family at 26)...and there's also a social component, I think-- people sometimes feel driven to raise their kids at the same time as close friends. But there's never a "right time," you won't have the same degree of freedom (presumably for many, many years) once you have kids, and unless you know different, you are still quite young in reproductive terms. At any rate, I wish you the best, whatever you and DH decide!

  26. mrswin

    nectarine / 2433 posts

    @Happygal: I wish I was reading from Europe but we don't actually leave until this weekend. I haven't been posting because I was on the road for work last week again and I am at a conference this week.

    I have been following along and I have my fingers crossed for the ladies that are testing soon, hoping for more good news on this thread!

  27. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    Okay, one more thing... AFTER 7 WEEKS without so much as a peep, my initial IVF referral finally got back to me about lab they had ordered (and the imaging reports/disc I had sent them) today. They were apologetic, it sounds like there were extenuating circumstances, and they promise to give me their full attention in the future. And I want to believe them... But DH feels they've had their chance and it's time to move on. He's probably right...right?

  28. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @doxielove: @Happygal: I was/am in the same boat... At least prior to this cycle I was. I was in denial that we needed IUI or anything (still kinda am...).

    @bluestriped bee: That's fantastic!!!

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    As for me, I have a couple positives (pun intended?!) to add...

    - I got a + OPK this morning so clearly my body was ready to O! We're BDing as usual and just waiting for DH's genetic testing results. Praying it's not an issue but ready to tackle things if it is.
    - I gave my notice at work last night. It's extremely bittersweet but I think the best option in the long run.

  30. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    Just curious - based on the comments above about time being on your side (which at 26 I think it totally is! ), how old do you think you would be when time is no longer on your side? What about the man?

  31. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    @MrsTal: I love your room! I would probably have a few naps in there

    @LindsayInNY: Exciting news all around! What made you decide to give your notice at work?

    @FliegepilzHut: I think I'm with your DH on this one. I wouldn't be ok waiting that long, unless there was a really, really good excuse. What does your gut say?

  32. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @bluestriped bee: good news!!

    @LindsayInNY: exciting news for you too! hope the new job, whatever it is, turns out to be better for you

  33. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @bhbee: How are you doing?

    @LindsayInNY: All good news! Do you have something new and exciting lined up? Or are you taking a break?

    @alohaorchid: My gut says that there's no adequate excuse in the age of email...and in the face of multiple attempts to contact them. But for some reason, I'm still ambivalent about it. The APN gave me some really good information (months ago)...but there have been altogether too many ridiculously long waits and botched communications. Onward and upward, I guess... BTW-- was your question to the board at large? Or to @doxielove:?

  34. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: thanks for checking in! I am hanging out and trying not to think about it. today's test looked good but I'm going to have to get through a week of + to feel any hope for it. if I get another good test tomorrow I may go in for betas Wed or Thurs.

  35. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @bhbee: Thinking of you! Did you say you have taken progesterone supplements in the past?

  36. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: I took endometrin for my IUIs. I have about 3 weeks leftover and started that when I got my first +. I had my last chemical while on it so I don't really believe it helps me, but I'll try anything.

  37. alohaorchid

    persimmon / 1404 posts

    @FliegepilzHut: Just the board at large I guess. I'm getting so many "you're so young, you have time" and "you really need to think about your fertility" comments and it's just making me wonder.

  38. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    @bhbee: I can't imagine that it would hurt. Again, FX for you!

  39. bhbee

    cantaloupe / 6086 posts

    @alohaorchid: I saw my first RE when I was 29. he said something like "I'm glad you came in now when we have all our options open". I think after 35 you have more worries about DOR which is why they advise people 35+ to seek help after only 6 months, but of course there are younger people who do face DOR and older people who don't.

    eta: for the man I have no idea how age relates, but I'm sure they have longer

  40. CupQuakeWalk

    coconut / 8475 posts

    @LindsayInNY: yay for getting out of the job. Seems like you have enough stress going on:( I seriously hope clomid is all you needed. Early O may be the trick: FX!

    @mrs. bird: thank you:) Our trip was...FRIKKIN GREAT. I honestly just needed it for so many reasons. It was def all that we wanted it to be and more. I feel like a have a new take on life, haha. That is how badly it was needed.

    @FliegepilzHut: dude, that's a REALLY long time to wait in RE land. Usually they are on top of things. I'd probably give them another chance but i'd be super wary.

    @bluestriped bee: i'm right behind ya. I am hoping my SHG is clear too. So happy for you! Make sure to let us know when you schedule that iui.

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