Hellobee Boards


IF Check in - 7/18

  1. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @spaniellove: Wishing the best for you! I love Wisteria, sounds like its going to be pretty

  2. fairefaire

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @spaniellove: My fingers are crossed for you!

  3. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @kentuckygirl: It is so understandable how emotionally spent you must be, no need to apologize at all for leaning on the bees for support right now. I still hope that there's a strong swimmer in that bunch who finds one your your perfect follicles and makes this your magical moment. Hugs! Thinking lots of positive thoughts for you!

  4. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @spaniellove: An IUI followed by business as usual, perfect So glad you're just gardening and filling the time between now and some GOOD news Thinking positive for you!

  5. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Shutterbug: Is your IUI coming up soon?

    @kentuckygirl: Hope your 2WW is off to a a good start and you are keeping yourself busy!

  6. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    Ladies, I don't really want to post this separately on the boards, you ladies have been such wonderful support I thought I'd share with you and see what you thought.

    I think I may have had a chemical this week. I tested on Sunday which was when I was due for AF and I had the faintest of faint lines, DH could see it and I got a picture but when I try to post it online we couldn't see it. I was cautiously excited but then woke up Monday morning and AF was there in full force. I'm just not sure what to do, if this is the case this is my second one. I had another faint positive last year and then the next day it was negative, I figured it was a fluke and I started AF like 2 days later. I'm not really sure what to do here. Do I go into my OBGYN? Do I just brush it off?

  7. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @MrsTal: I'm so sorry Definitely tell your obgyn! They can do some testing to see if you have anything impeding implantation, and you can save yourself the grief of potentially another loss. Big hugs.

    @spaniellove: not yet - I have a monitoring appt tomorrow morning (CD12) but I'm thinking there won't be much to see yet. The last two cycles on Clomid I Oed around CD 18/19, so I'm expecting my IUI to be around the beginning of next week. Thanks for checking in how's your TWW going?

  8. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @MrsTal: I'm so sorry this is happening. It may be worth talking to your OB to see if he/she will be responsive and run some tests. (Like progesterone?) FX you get some answers and you get your sticky baby very soon.

    @Shutterbug: Good luck at your appt tomorrow!

  9. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @MrsTal: so sorry

  10. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @MrsTal: I am so sorry you are going through this. I agree that you should tell your Dr. They might be able to run some tests to figure out why this is happening and so that they know how to treat it. I just found out that I have a gene mutation that can cause miscarriages. There are ways to treat this and at least now they know. Knowledge about what is going on in your body is a good thing.

  11. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @MrsTal: So sorry you're going through this! Like others said, if you're up for it, its definitely time to start investigating with either your OB or an RE.

  12. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @MrsTal: I'm sorry you're dealing with this, and I agree w/others that I hope you can find some good medical support.

  13. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @Shutterbug: @spaniellove: @TheSwissWifeStyle: @justdarling: @Mrs.Someone: @Happygal: Thank you ladies! I am only hesitant because I had some issues with my tests this time and wondered if that could be the case. But the line did come up within the time frame. It's just so hard to determine if it was a chemical. I think I will call my OB office and see what they say. Thank you all again for the advice and support.

  14. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    @mrstal - i'm sorry for what you are going thru

    I'm a little late to this check-in but dh and i just went to an RE for the first time yesterday and thought now would be a good time to update:

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC? 1yr +
    What are your plans for this cycle? first iui and femara, as well as acupuncture and hsg scheduled for thursday
    How is your attitude/outlook? hopeful, especially with our new RE
    What have you struggled with most this week? stress and worrying about the cost of all of these appointments
    What is your diagnosis? pcos, stenotic cervix due to leep procedure 2 yrs ago and dh with low morphology
    When you get to the end of your life and could know for certain either everything you've been wrong about, or everything you've been right about, which would you choose? i think i'd choose to know everything i've been right about

  15. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    I have to confess that after our 3 IUIs and 1 IVF I've been starting to think more and more about The End. Our clinic is more than willing to have us keep cycling, but I'm so tired of the constant visits and blood draws and meds. We've been at this with the clinics for a year now and no one has any answers that will actually help us, nor can I spend all my time constantly calling and keeping on top of things anymore when it doesn't get us anywhere.

    I need to know that one way or another this will come to an end soon and then we'll either be parents or embrace being childfree for the rest of our lives. I don't know if that means one more IUI or two more or one last IVF, but whatever it is, it's okay.

  16. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @sweetooth: Thanks for your comforting thoughts! I hope your pregnancy is going well!!!!

  17. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: Thanks! I hope your TWW is going well too! I am trying to stay busy and keep my mind off of the wait. Trying not to dwell on either outcome. Regarding your most recent comment on "The End" of IF treatments, I have also started to have similar thoughts. With this current IUI cycle, it had a greater impact on my time away from work. With 2 of my other 3 IUIs, I had some stay-cation time already planned in advance and didn't have to miss as much work to go to all the appointments. I also started to get more frustrated at all the effort I was expending with no positive results yet. Thus far in this IF journey, I have had an attitude of "whatever it takes / what's my next step if this doesn't work?" I think that attitude has helped get me through the emotions and helped me think positively but the process has been draining. We will definitely do 1-2 IVFs before calling it "The End." I still can't imagine The End but understand that both physically and emotionally, there has to be an end at some point. It isn't easy to consider The End and my heart goes out to you. Huge internet hugs to you!!!!!! I hope and pray with all my being that we both get PG with sticky babies and neither of us has to consider The End!

  18. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @littleredhairedgrl: yay for your first RE visit and for having hope! Glad to hear that you already have a plan for this cycle! Best wishes!

  19. Mrs. Polish

    blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts

    @spaniellove: isn't this such a crazy feeling? The mental exhaustion is so hard. Whatever the end turns out to be for you, you'll know because even though it won't be okay, you'll feel a peace you haven't felt in a long time.

  20. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @MrsTal: I am so sorry. Hugs! I hope your OB or perhaps an RE can help you resolve what's going on. Thinking of you!

  21. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    Do you ladies mind if I join you? Here is all my info:

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC?

    Started TTC August 2011

    What are your plans for this cycle?

    We are just finishing our 2nd failed IUI + clomid cycle (bfn on hpt at 13 dpiui)...AF should be here tomorrow. So next cycle we are taking a break from the IUI and trying to figure out what is next. I will continue with supplements, acupuncture and trying to lose some more weight.

    How is your attitude/outlook?

    Honestly, it's not great right now. I have been really down this past week but I tend to get this way when I have taken clomid. I am hoping I will feel better about things soon.

    What have you struggled with most this week?

    The feeling that this cycle didn't work, and then the BFN this morning.

    What is your diagnosis?

    PCOS, and questioning whether I have endometriosis as well.

    When you get to the end of your life and could know for certain either everything you've been wrong about, or everything you've been right about, which would you choose? (Special guest question from Mr. Polish. He really gets into questions like this).

    I would rather end things positively if possible, so I am going to choose knowing what I had been right about.

  22. littleredhairedgrl

    persimmon / 1135 posts

    thanks @kentuckygirl and good luck to you as well

  23. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    Why do they have to make the pregnancy nurse call about my TSH levels? It brings back such bad memories because all I remember about her is all of our meetings with her where she had to console me that I wasn't going to m/c and then her finally telling me that I was going to and she could never look me in the eye again.

  24. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Sunshine1810: I'm sorry about your BFN...I saw your thread about IUIs and it seems like a good idea to talk to your RE about endometriosis. And around three IUIs seems like the norm, but everyone has their reasons for doing more or less! There are definitely some ladies around here who've had luck with injectibles + IUI.

  25. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    Hi everyone... not sure if I count as IF or not. I hope it's okay if I post here. I just am not feeling like I fit in on the TTC boards anymore.

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC? Cycle 3. I've been TTC for 7 months... however I haven't really had a chance to try because I have not ovulated. I am currently on CD119.

    What are your plans for this cycle? I plan on having my period induced starting Friday and I guess start charting again... I don't have much hope.

    How is your attitude/outlook? Bleak. Feeling hopeless and frozen.

    What have you struggled with most this week? I started spotting on Monday and I got my hopes up thinking AF was finally on her way. Today the spotting has stopped and I still do not have AF. I am feeling very discouraged.

    What is your diagnosis? So far I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which has actually since been sorted out. My last blood test showed all my levels in a normal range. I think there must be something else wrong with me... I'm thinking PCOS, however my doctor (GP) looked for that and says I do not have it.

    When you get to the end of your life and could know for certain either everything you've been wrong about, or everything you've been right about, which would you choose? Isn't this kind of the same thing? If I know everything I've been wrong about, isn't everything else something I was right about and vice versa? Maybe I am misunderstanding the question lol. I think I'd choose to know what I did right... what's the point after I am dead knowing what I did wrong?

    Here is my chart if anyone wants to see: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/pui

    I have a question... if I induce my period, should I start getting blood tests done on certain days of my cycle to see my levels? If so, what days am I supposed to get blood drawn?

  26. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    @spaniellove: I feel you on wanting to see the end. It's so emotionally exhausting and frustrating. It feels as if there is only so much you can take. I haven't even started the RE process and I feel like that. Before TTC we said we wouldn't ever move to a RE we would just be childfree or adopt. We have really struggled with that decision now that we are here. Whatever you decide, you are going to do what's right for you and your DH, we are here to support you.

  27. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @spaniellove: I can completely understand wanting to see the end. After years of this I am so drained emotionally I just don't know how I can continue to go through this and feel like it's never going to end. I think he hardest part of the whole infertility journey is trying to have hope. So much of the time I feel completely hopeless...it's so hard! *HUGS* We are here for you though! Thank you for the input on the IUIs. I think I am going to talk to my RE about endometriosis. I think I need to rule it out to move on.

  28. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @pui: Sorry about not getting AF! That is so hard, I have PCOS and before I was on medication having irregular cycles was the story of my life. SO frustrating. The question with the blood work...I am not sure all of the times during the month you should get it (your doctor should have recommendations), but when I first started my testing with my RE, he had me complete blood work on CD 3 (I would think the cycle that you have after your induced one). I might be wrong but I think they were checking my levels to make sure I ovulated the previous month. Good luck to you!

  29. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Sunshine1810: My worry is they will induce my period and then it just won't come again anyway... so I'll have to wait at least another 45 days before they'll let me induce it again. :\ Is there a reason I shouldn't test this next cycle?

  30. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @pui: The only reason I said they might not want to, is that usually if you don't get AF on your own it means that you didn't ovulate that cycle (or at least that's what it meant for me). So, testing your blood on CD 3 might not give them the information they are looking for if they are already pretty sure you didn't ovulate. They might want to test anyway just to make sure though!

  31. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Sunshine1810: Well I know I haven't ovulated any cycle I've been watching so far... I doubt if they induce my period I'll suddenly ovulate next cycle or the cycle after that... how am I supposed to find out what is wrong with my cycles if my messed up cycles are preventing me from diagnosing anything? lol...

  32. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @pui: I know, it's so tough! They might want to check your levels anyway, I'm definitely not a doctor! For me, I didn't have my CD 3 blood work until I started having cycles on my own again. I got the PCOS diagnosis after going to the doctor a couple times for my irregular cycles and having him run a complete hormonal panel on me. That blood work up showed that had had an increased testosterone level and a high A1C count (showing the insulin resistance). He diagnosed me with PCOS and put me on Metformin. The Metformin regulated my cycles and got ovulation started again with me, then I had the CD 3 blood work. I honestly can't remember what day he had me go in for the hormonal panel since it was a couple years ago. So there is other blood work they can do. If they are questioning PCOS, you can also have an ultrasound done as well.

  33. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @pui: By the way, my doctor didn't run the hormonal panel until I asked him to. He checked my thyroid and everything else. My best friend is as nurse practitioner and once I told her my symptoms and the doctor not finding anything, she told me to ask my doctor for one. I am so grateful she had me do that, otherwise I don't know how long I would have gone without answers.

  34. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    @Sunshine1810: My doctor ran a blood test and an ultrasound my first visit and he said it was all normal except for my TSH level which was too high (indicating Hypothyroidism)... but I thought you needed these specific cycle day tests to confirm PCOS? I guess not? I'm no doctor either!

    Man if I don't have PCOS and it's not hypothyroidism causing this I'm scared what the next lead will be. What are other causes of lack of ovulation and irregular periods?

  35. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @LITTLEREDHAIREDGRL: I'm glad to hear you're feeling hopeful!

    @SpanielLove: are you feeling a little boost after realizing the first two IUIs may have been a bust due to "user error?" Sorry for lack of better term, but that's the first that popped in my head!


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