Hellobee Boards


IF Check in - 8/1

  1. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @lovelyplum: your smiley face at the beginning made me hopeful, but I was nervous to read this update. I'm so glad everything is going well! Take it easy friend!

  2. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @TheReelDeal: congrats!

    And my fun for August: I will be glad to.start the school year again! It is a lot of work, but it is what I love!

  3. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @Happygal: thank you. I will! Trust me, after a day like today, that's not an option to not take it easy

  4. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Happygal: Hah, good idea on the club! But I don't even want to claim her as my RE, just another doc I consulted with. Can you switch REs? Also, where are you? There must be a ND around you somewhere.

    @LovelyPlum: I think your numbers sound like great multiplying to me! I hope you're feeling better soon.

  5. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Shutterbug: Crossing my fingers for you! Hoping it's your ONLY IUI! oxox

    @spaniellove: Thanks for the MC link!

    @Mrs.Someone: Sorry that RE was sucky! Yes, DH and I both had karyotyping done. All was clear. (But dang it was expensive!)
    South America sounds amazing though! Just think of all the yummy food you'll get to eat!

    @LovelyPlum: Sending you and baby plum tons of positive thoughts!!

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC? A year and 8 months ish?

    What are your plans for this cycle? In the TWW now, 3dpo I think. Originally we were gonna DTD EOD, but somehow we skipped the first day, then did every day for 6 days, minus day 3. (If that makes sense!) I think I got a UTI from all the BDing I can feel one brewing...how do I stop it in it's tracks?!??

    How is your attitude/outlook? Hopeful, but trying not to be too hopeful. I mean it was a LOT of sex. (Well, seemed like it!)

    What have you struggled with most this week? Jealousy (my fave!) my cousin in laws just had their baby boy. The new grandparents sent the whole fam, an email to announce. And for some reason in DH's fam, everyone always "replies all" instead of just replying to the original email writer. SO, every day I get at least 3 emails from someone. It just seems like a never ending reminder that it's NOT us. I'm happy for them, but well...you know the drill.

    What is your diagnosis? Possible blood-clotting disorder.

    It's August! What is the most exciting upcoming event for this month? DEF our Dubai/Korea trip! We leave on the 24'th!!! I seriously can't wait!

  6. Shutterbug

    grapefruit / 4703 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: ugh UTIs are the worst!! Drink lots of cranberry juice, and water (flush the bacteria out of your system).

  7. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC?
    Spring 2012

    What are your plans for this cycle?
    I started a B complex this cycle and also found some softcups, so I'm going to try those. Getting back into charting.

    How is your attitude/outlook?
    I'm feeling good. Whenever I add something new to TTC, I feel a little hopeful, but that's probably naive of me.

    What have you struggled with most this week?
    Nothing TTC wise. Just went back to work after a month off with mono and still not feeling great, I've had to leave early every day because I get so tired.

    What is your diagnosis?

    It's August! What is the most exciting upcoming event for this month?
    This weekend my BFF and her DH are visiting for my birthday and we are going out. Just hoping I'm not too tired.

    @LovelyPlum: I missed the news! Congratulations! Your numbers sound great!

  8. Happygal

    pomelo / 5000 posts

    @SwissWifeStyle: UTIs are the absolute worse. I would go to the doctor right away--that's the only way I can get rid of one. That bacteria is hanging out in such a small area that it multiplies quickly. Cranberry juice has to be without sugar, and it's too tart for me to handle.

    @MrsTal: Oh no! Mono is crazy draining. I hope you make a full recovery soon.

  9. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: I've only been successful with water/unsweetened cranberry juice at the very beginning of a UTI but...aaahhhhhh your trip! Have you figured out your itinerary for Korea?

  10. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @LovelyPlum: Congratulations! Those numbers sound great, and I am so glad that everything worked out!

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: I hate UTIs and I used to get them a lot. If you can't handle the cranberry juice with no sugar (I can't), the pharmacy sells cranberry pills and those work well (you can also take them preventatively). Also, drink A LOT of water.

  11. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @TheSwissWifeStyle: that trip sounds amazing! Though a uti sounds miserable.

    @MrsTal: ugh, mono is horrible. Hope you are better soon. And thanks!

  12. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @Sunshine1810: @LovelyPlum: @spaniellove: @Happygal: @Shutterbug: Thanks gals! I'm feeling a bit better, I've been chugging water. The "sting" is going away. Maybe it was just irritated? Talked to DH and if it's still bothering me tomorrow I'll try to get seen.

    @spaniellove: While we're in Korea we'll be staying w/ my friend and her husband. So...not sure! I know DH def. wants to do KBBQ, lol. As long as there's some ok vegetarian options for me! Also we'll be going to Jeju for a weekend with them. I didn't know anything about Jeju, I was picturing a deserted island! Then when I started researching hotels I learned it had a city and everything, dur!

    Also DH would like to try and find his old school and neighborhood if he can! He lived there from ages 2-7 I believe.

  13. TheReelDeal

    kiwi / 742 posts

    @spaniellove: Thanks again for those links. I learned something new about my PCOS and miscarriages.

    @Mrs.Someone: S. America sounds awesome! Hope you get to have a relaxing time.

    That RE sounds awful. My first RE was a lot like that, so it didn't pain me much to leave.

    @kentuckygirl: Yay for IVF!! Best of luck

    @Shutterbug: Thanks! These last 2 years have flown by.

    @Happygal: I'm getting my MBA. I am thinking about having a small party Labor Day weekend.

    @just_ju: Happy Anniversary! And World Wizard Chicago sounds Ah-Mazing!

    @LovelyPlum: Thanks! And YAY to good betas!

    @MrsTal: Feeling hopeful at the beginning of something new is not naive, it's great that after all we go through we can still have hope.

  14. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    And I'm now on Cycle 18 as of today. Rewarded myself with a mega Lululemon splurge, because I should love my non-pregnant body!

  15. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @spaniellove: so sorry

  16. TheSwissWifeStyle

    nectarine / 2600 posts

    @spaniellove: hugs.

  17. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @spaniellove: Boo on AF, but yay on shopping! Take care of yourself.

  18. fairefaire

    kiwi / 526 posts

    I'm late to join in this week...

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC?
    Since January 2012

    What are your plans for this cycle?
    Nothing - it's our last "break" cycle before IUI in September (finally!!)

    How is your attitude/outlook?
    Anxious? I'm so ready to move on to our next step, but I'm getting nervous about potential scheduling complications when it comes to all the monitoring appointments plus the actual IUI itself.

    What have you struggled with most this week?
    The worst period I've ever had in my entire life, while I was on vacation. Both are done now (thankfully for the first part, sadly on the second).

    What is your diagnosis?
    Mild PCOS, mild MFI (count)

    It's August! What is the most exciting upcoming event for this month?
    Starting a new job this month, and along with it - new insurance! It still doesn't cover anything IF related, but it's much better than what I've had for the past few years.

  19. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @spaniellove: I'm so sorry, lady. Enjoy that shopping spree!

  20. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @alie: sorry about AF. Where did you go on vacation?

  21. fairefaire

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @LovelyPlum: We were visiting family in California (Los Angeles area). It was great to get away for a little while!

  22. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @LovelyPlum: So glad your feeling better and home! Can't wait to see a picture of baby plum soon ;)))

  23. Sunshine1810

    pear / 1556 posts

    @spaniellove: So sorry! Hugs!

  24. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @spaniellove: {hugs!} definitely love that pre-pregnancy body and take good care of yourself.

  25. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    I thought I'd share something that has been on my mind this morning. DH has a close friend who is an OB in his home country. He told his friend part of what we've been going through (the 2 m/cs, and that my doc thinks its autoimmune). DH didn't tell him the whole story though.

    He gets a long email back (which I can't read because it isn't in English). But it basically says that in his time of studying it, there is a 10% chance of having 2 m/cs in a row (I've seen 4% in the US), and he doesn't believe the autoimmune issue can cause it because he has never seen it happen.

    My comeback will be that there is no way to know what caused my m/cs (and other potentially autoimmune m/cs) because they happen way too early, before there is any tissue to test. Which is why I think it is often written off as a chromosomal abnormality (which is what DH's friend suggested).

    It will be interesting to talk to him about it when we're there in a few weeks. But if I had gone to a doctor that told me nothing can be done after 2 m/cs and its just bad luck, I'd be seeing someone else So glad I'm seeing my ND, its nice to have a doc willing to help!

    How is everyone doing this morning?

  26. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @spaniellove: @alie: sorry about AF ladies!

  27. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @alie: So sorry about AF Yay for a new job though and your first IUI! Best of luck with the appointments, hopefully your dr. office can work with you on early a.m. appointments, etc.

  28. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @alie: So sorry about the awful AF! But glad to hear about the new job and insurance! Good insurance can be so important.

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    We decided to just cycle with the clinic (no IUI) this cycle because I can't use the ethinyl estradiol without monitoring...and I found out my AFC has doubled this cycle! I made a lot of changes last cycle, like walking/running every day and changing my diet, but I think it was really the luteal phase Estrace! Starting with 10 instead of 5 is a huge deal with DOR!

  30. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    @Mrs.Someone: maybe he's never seen it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I hope you have a great trip.

  31. Mrs.Someone

    pomelo / 5228 posts

    @Mrs. Jacks: I agree! Apparently he studied RPL for several years though. I know its a controversial theory, so it doesn't bother me too much. It will be an interesting conversation

  32. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @alie: Yay, to starting. IUI in September, depending on this month, natural cycle I will be starting round 2 of IUI in September too!!!! Are you taking an meds during the cycle????

  33. fairefaire

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @FaithFertility: I will be taking Letrozole (generic Femara) and doing an Ovidrel trigger shot -- my first time with either med, so will be interesting to see what happens. Will you be taking any meds? Or doing anything different from your first IUI?

    I should (but who knows) be starting a new cycle sometime during the last week of this month; hopefully this month's cycle (also a natural one for me) won't be overly wonky!!!

  34. fairefaire

    kiwi / 526 posts

    @Leialou: @kentuckygirl: @spaniellove: thanks for the sympathy, ladies!!

  35. FaithFertility

    eggplant / 11861 posts

    @alie: I was on Gonal-f injections with my first one and actaully had to cancel the procedure because even with monitoring my body went crazy and I had over 12 mature follicles.......not good for IUI, so this time around I'm actaully starting on clomid and going slow and seeing what that does and then trigger and IUI if all looks good..... AF is due 17th sooo we shall see!

  36. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    What cycle are you on/how long have you been TTC? Since Jan 2011

    What are your plans for this cycle? We're doing a FET this cycle. Already did one month of bcp and started the estrogen injections.

    How is your attitude/outlook? Bleh. Frustrated, but slightly hopeful, but trying not to get hopes up too much for fear of another big letdown.

    What have you struggled with most this week? Surrounded by pregnant women about to give birth, newly pregnant women, or newborns and it's just reminding me of what I can't/don't have.

    What is your diagnosis? MFI

    It's August! What is the most exciting upcoming event for this month? Heading to Boston in a few weeks to visit family


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