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If only one parent does bedtime...

  1. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    These days I'm usually doing the bedtime routine since nursing is part of the routine. It's a fairly short process, so DH just feeds the dogs and maybe does the beginning of dinner prep. I don't think it ever takes me more than 15 minutes to nurse her, change her, read a story, sing a lullaby, and put her down.

  2. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    DH does bath time. I'll tidy or get ds's milk ready. I usually get him from the bath and put his pjs on. He sits between us while he has his milk and we both put him in his crib together (literally just say good night and zip up his sleep sack).

    Putting pjs on is the worst part. He squirms all over and runs away sometimes. Or sometimes fake cries. Haha

  3. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    I SAHM so DH does bedtime. He does bath, books and then I come up and we both say goodnight. This is the only time they get together during the day so I don't feel guilty about sitting out.

  4. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Most nights I do the whole routine and DH will come up for part of it or at the very least to hug & kiss LO good night. He'll usually be cleaning up the kitchen or relaxing.

    About once a week I will ask him to do bedtime so I can relax. I will usually sit and play on my phone. I will go up to say goodnight though.

  5. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    I solo parent 4 nights of the week, so the first night DH is home, he does it all solo. The next 2 nights I usually do bath while he cleans up dinner, and then he comes upstairs and puts LO to bed while I grab a glass of wine and change into comfy pants.

  6. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    We take turns. But the person not doing bedtime doesn't really get a break...if DH does bedtime I clean the kitchen and tidy up around the house and if I do bedtime he does the chores. That way we get it done quicker and can both relax once LO is in bed.

  7. SweetCaroline

    pear / 1718 posts

    DH picks DD up from daycare, so usually gets at least an extra hour with her so I almost always do bedtime. On the weekends he will often take bedtime if I have done the majority of child card during the day. (This is all just habit and it works)

    Usually the parent not doing bedtime is relaxing quietly (computer time, phone,TV, etc.). If not that, they are downstairs or outside doing chores. No kitchen chores because our house is small and we rock in the living room chair next to the kitchen. That stinks, since usually dinner is waiting to be cleaned up!!

  8. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    I do solo bedtime duty every single week night as DH doesn't get home until after their bedtime. On bath nights (we don't do bath every night), the girls get their bath together and then I take DD2 out and get her ready for bed whilst DD1 plays a while longer. Once DD2 is ready for bed, I get DD1 out of the bath and repeat the process.

    Once both girls are ready for bed, DD1 goes into her room to play quietly whilst I read DD2 stories, snuggle and rock her for a little bit before putting her down (about a 20 minute process). Once she's down, I repeat the process with DD1 - reading stories and snuggling with her in bed for 10 or 15 minutes.

    On bath nights, the whole process takes about an hour and a half, on non-bath nights, it's about an hour. And then I go downstairs, clean the kitchen from the girls' dinner, clean the playroom, and then get started on our dinner....and then DH arrives home! Not going to lie, it sucks a lot of the time....

    ETA: the girls are 3.5 yrs and almost 2 yrs old.

  9. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    We trade off night or tag team different duties It really depends on what else we have going on, Whose not feeling it that night, etc. if he's doing bedtime I'm usually doing dishes and prepping for the next day, now that I'm pregnant I also guilt free take a shower and rest! If I'm doing bedtime, DH is usually relaxing. Our routine isn't that long though. It's basically Jammie's, books or an episode of Mickey, teeth, dump her in her crib and shut the door.

  10. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    It depends on the night, we only do baths when we are both home. We alternate nights most of the time and I usually work 2 or so nights a week, so he does bedtimes then. When we can, we'll gang up on them, brush their teeth and get pj's on and herded into the bedroom for reading then the bedtime parent takes over.

    Usually I cook and he does the dishes as our main evening chores. I'll do laundry here and there during the week, but my oldest has a fit when I'm home and skip bedtime, so usually I'll fold and put away his laundry so I'm present during reading time. Whoever is not reading does a toy sweep during the bedtime festivities unless I'm working that night.

  11. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    I do everything for the baby (diaper change,bath if needed, pjs and putting to sleep) while DH baths DD and gives her a snack. Often he does story too. Teeth and toilet either of us could do, depending on the night, and then I help her go to sleep.

  12. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    Dh gives dd2 a bath and gets her into her pjs and then I nurse and put her down while he hangs out with dd1. Then he gives dd1 a bath or I take a shower with her, he gets her ready for bed and reads to her and we both say goodnight. Sometimes I help with dd1's routine but usually I clean up in the kitchen so we can both relax after the kids are in bed. It works well for us.

  13. cam

    cherry / 157 posts

    If we're both home, DW puts him to bed and I do some other job, usually walking the dog or cleaning up the kitchen. There are a few times I just sit down if it's been a hard day.

  14. JenGirl

    clementine / 756 posts

    We take turns. So last night my husband did bedtime and tonight I'll do bedtime. We don't always exactly alternate and I probably do a bit more, but that's okay. Bedtime routine is turn off lights, change diaper while singing songs, into sleep sac, white noise, feeding (I breastfeed, hubby does a bottle), burp, into crib. Can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 45. Up to 2 hours on a bad night and in that case we may call in the other when we reach our whit's end. Meanwhile, the other cleans up or relaxes. I often shower or pump if hubs is doing bedtime. I like it because we both get one-on-one time and cuddles but both also get some free time. And we don't do baths with bedtime because we do baths together and not every night.

  15. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    if DH is home I will go up and start running her bath while he plays with her downstairs, tidies the playroom and gets her vitamins. While the bath is running I'll put away laundry or just catch up on emails/texts/IG/HB. Then I usually do bath, brushing teeth and pjs. Then DH takes over and does bedtime stories while I usually take a break.

  16. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    When it's just me, I do it all. On the days DH is home, he does bath while I clean up from dinner. Then we both put the kids down.

  17. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    Thanks everyone! Talked to DH and we agreed to split the days, I will do at least the 2 days that he works at night (obviously) and possibly another and he will do the rest. We will see how it goes!

  18. Andrea

    GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts

    Whoever does it, does it all. I do it during the week since DH isn't home and he does it on the weekends.


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