Quantum Physics / parallel universe / rhetorical question / friday silliness talk :
They say that when you make a choice, a version of parallel universe is created. While you lead your life in this existing universe based on the choice you made, there was another version that got created, reflecting if you made a choice in the different direction.
Where will the other versions of yourself be, and what will they be doing, in the other parallel universes that was created? Note that it is not any wild dream you have (eg I'd be an astronaut lol), but something that you would have been if you haven't made a certain life-changing decision.
For me, currently I am a WAHM in Atlanta GA. Several times in my life I came close to making a choice to study in NYC, or move and get a job in NYC. I feel that a version of me is probably living and working in NYC. I doubt I would have kids because it is so expensive there. I always have this crazy familiarity when I see pictures or videos of NYC subways, or when I go to NYC I feel like I have lived there or I am coming home, I don't know why.
Then, there would have probably been another version that I am in this same setting as of right now, except I am childless. I went through some struggles to get pregnant. When I was pregnant with DS, the GYN couldn't find the sac at ultrasound, and was convinced I would miscarry. I almost made an appt for D&C because DH was traveling a lot back then, and I'd rather have everything scheduled so I knew I woudn't be alone when I miscarried. I waited and GYN was wrong. I always wonder what would happen if I have gone ahead with the D&C. It was a very close choice that I almost made.
How about you?