I swear I'm not going to make as many sleep posts with this baby as I did with my first.

If you co-slept with your newborn, but successfully stopped while they were still a young baby...what did you do?

This baby is 8 weeks old- worn for all of his naps and sleeping in bed with me at night. So far my only sleep success has been that I manage to remove my nipple from his mouth about 75% of the time so he isn't actually latched on. The bar is that low- I'm just bad and lazy about getting babies to sleep.

We sleep trained my daughter at 6 months but it didn't fix much and months 4-6 were brutal. I'd really like to avoid all that mess if possible. I know it's still early but I'm trying to make a plan. He's without bedtime routine or bedtime currently because he just sleeps or nurses until I go to bed