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If you had better paid leave, would you have more kids?

  1. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    It doesn't really affect our plans, to be honest. While yes, we get a year off, the 55% of my salary that the govt pays isn't quite enough to sustain a bigger family, and we definitely couldn't afford 3 in daycare once I went back. If we could afford for me to be a SAHM after, then that would be different.

  2. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: kinda?? Aren't you in your third tri???? (just teasing, obviously!) It is what it is, you're right. But I hope that all goes well with her. So how much time will you get off with DD3?

    I also want to add that for me, I don't know that a ton of leave would help with the childcare costs. LO needs a lot of structure, and I am not good at giving it to her. She thrives in school, and I wouldn't want to take that away from her for an entire year, just so I could stay home. So, while I would like more leave for my own health, and it is a contributing factor for when we have more kids, it won't be the deciding factor.

  3. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @LovelyPlum: yeah... I'm a few weeks into my third tri.... whoops. In my defense I still have two months of leave left with #2, it's not like giving her two months notice is worse than the two weeks notice I'd have to give her if I were working right now.

    We've decided for me to stay home for the next couple years. Daycare for three is insane and eclipses my take home. So no leave with #3, but I'll be home.

  4. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    Nope! After realizing how hard it is - paid leave or not - you still have to deal with tantrums, lack of sleep and the overall expense.

  5. erinbaderin

    pomelo / 5573 posts

    I'm really really lucky in that I'm in Canada, so I get a year of leave, plus I work for the federal government so I get topped up to 93% of my full salary for the full time. That being said, that hasn't affected how many kids we're having, it's just meant that we don't really have to do any planning or saving to cover leave.

  6. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @oliviaoblivia: fair enough! If you're going to be SAH, G and I will have to come visit you and those three beautiful girls!

    And I can't even imagine daycare for 3...thinking of it for two makes my head spin as it is!

  7. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    No, more paid leave wouldn't influence my decision to have another, but I would stay out longer if I had additional paid leave.

  8. gingerbebe

    cantaloupe / 6131 posts

    I live in the U.S. and have a great leave policy for being here (4 weeks before delivery, and 6-8 post birth at 50% pay, then whatever PTO you have accrued with the option of taking it at 50% for twice as long, and the right to take a total of 1 year off (the remaining time being unpaid). I took the full year with my son, will probably take 7-8 months with my second.

    All this to say, no, it did not and will not affect our decision to have more kids. Pregnancy is and my son's infant days were, absolutely miserable for me and we are done (biologically anyway) at 2. Had I not had the option to take as long of maternity leaves I still would have had 2 but I would have quit my job and looked for something later.

  9. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    I get a full year off but only 13 weeks is full pay, 13 weeks at half pay, 13 weeks at statutory pay (£135pw) and 13 weeks unpaid. I don't think this has affected my family plans but I really don't know how those of you with 6 week leaves cope.

  10. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    No, it hasn't affected our decision about how many children we would like to have. It has affected our decisions about childcare - we've kept on our nanny longer than planned because we would like to have her for LO2.

  11. oliviaoblivia

    pineapple / 12793 posts

    @LovelyPlum: I'd love that!!

  12. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    Nope, wouldn’t impact my plans at all. Even if I got a year off at full pay and didn’t start LO in daycare at all until they were 1 years old, that’s still an additional $50,000+ in daycare expenses before Kindergarten for each kid I have. Maternity leave is such a small drop in the bucket in overall child costs it isn’t something I would take into consideration. I didn’t find that I saved money either while on mat leave because I am not able to stay home for days at a time – I need to be out A LOT (like, every day), which meant lunches out, trips to Target for essentials but ended up picking up other stuff we didn’t need, museums memberships, gas costs driving all over the place, $100 here, $100 there adds up quick, etc. etc. So for me, it wouldn’t be like extra leave pay without daycare expenses would be a huge bankable amount.

  13. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    No, I don't want more than 2. But more leave would be great anyway!

  14. MrsYellowJacket

    apricot / 378 posts

    I didn't realize there was a cap in Canada. Honestly - makes me feel better bc the max wouldn't make a difference compared to my current take home pay. We just saved and my company allows up to two years off unpaid. So I'm taking 6 months. So no - if we had a Canadian type policy it wouldn't change my plans since the cap is low. We'd still have to save up significantly like we are this time around. If there was a "top up," that might change things (maybe TTC sooner than anticipated)

  15. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    No, there's much more to a third than the benefits. I'm part time these days, so I don't get full leave that I got the first time around and I'm not sure how the insurance is going to be with my husband's job change. On top of all of that and the main reason- I'm so not mentally ready for a third. It will depend on how things are in a year before we decide to slam that door and padlock it

  16. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    For us no, but I really would have liked it with the first!

  17. Lilbear

    apricot / 451 posts

    It probably wouldn't affect my decision to have a 3rd child, but it would make things so so so much easier on us if I had a fully paid maternity leave! Especially if I was able to keep my health insurance while on maternity leave! I probably wouldn't change the spacing either way. I'm sure we would wait until LO1 was enrolled in the free universal pre-k program, just so we aren't paying for 3 kids in daycare.

  18. Mrs Hedgehog

    pear / 1812 posts

    No. I even had no paid leave for a few weeks and still had another. We have a number of kids in mind that will work for us and I refuse to let work get in the way of that.

  19. LilSprinkles

    clementine / 778 posts

    Nope. We are set on how many we want, and more money wouldn't change our decision.

  20. pinkcupcake

    cantaloupe / 6751 posts

    Nope. im more concerned about the larger costs like saving for an additional college education, another wedding...Those are the expenses I'm worried about.

  21. Mrs. D

    pear / 1852 posts

    The only way it affected our plans was it calculated into when we would try. I mean. we don't want to pay double daycare, so we took dd school start age of 5, and subtracted 12 months of mat leave (since we'll pull her out of fulltime care), then a further 9 months to our start date of ttc. AKa ,now!


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