Our poor little one lost 13% of her birth weight in her first 4 days, so we started supplementing with formula. My milk had not come in & I don't think we had nursing down enough for her to get much colostrum. Thankfully my milk has come in now, but I don't think it's enough. We have been nursing as long as she wants on both sides, and then offering a bottle. She usually drinks 0.5-1 oz. Since she has been taking formula, she sleeps a lot and goes longer between feedings - up to 4 hours. If I wake up her up and try to nurse, she fusses & won't latch.

She has already gained 5 oz in one day, and our pediatrician is confident that we can be done with supplementing soon. I'm nervous that introducing the bottle is going to jeopardize my supply. My doula is going to come over tomorrow to show me how to use my pump so I can keep my supply up, and also work with us on more effective nursing so hopefully we can wean off the formula soon.

Just wondering if you could share your experiences and/or your advice?