Just a diaper and a sleep sack?
Last night, we had a fan on in their room. The temp (from the monitor) said 86 degrees. At that point, it was way too hot for anything but a diaper.
I don't like opening a window because it could get very cool by the morning. I think it would be cold in the morning like too cold. I don't think a sleep sack would help.
It was 80 degrees this morning and I felt bad that they were cooler than how I would sleep. I would have at least a sheet to cover me up.
If you don't have AC in your house and it gets warm, what do you do?
Babies are sleeping through the night (8+ hours). Do I set my alarm at 12am and 4am to check on them and wake them to put them in a sleep sack?
Or do you turn on the fan really high and put them in the sleep sack.
I know in the winter their room is 68-70 degrees (as recommended) but they are in PJs and a sleep sack. So are they already used to sleeping in 80 degrees because of all the clothes and sleep sack they wear?
Is that what you do?
I guess, if you live in the PNW, you'll probably have this issue since it's not common to have AC in this area.