I used to nurse DS to sleep from about 2 mo-6mo or so. When we started sleep training, we moved the feeding from the end of our bedtime routine to the beginning in hopes of helping him sleep better at night. Recently, at 10.5 months, bedtime has become much more of a sh*t show then it used to be. DS screams while we're doing the end of his routine, when we're zipping him into his sleep sack and for about a minute after we leave his room. I hate it. He never used to do this. He would talk to himself for a bit or fuss around his crib, then lay his head down and sleep. No screaming at all. Tonight things got out of order & I ended up nursing him at the end of the routine. He was not fully asleep when I put him in his crib but he also wasn't screaming. He sang to himself a little and then went right to sleep. It was so much more peaceful and to be honest, I liked nursing him in that state since he normally is a squirmy worm and does acrobatic nursing during the day!!

So I'm considering flip flopping our routine again but I don't want that to have lasting consequences as I'm hoping to wean around a year (although I'm willing to keep the bedtime feed). He's consistently waking once during the night to nurse around 3am and Lord knows I do not want to ruin that!

I know many bees nurse to sleep for quite a long time so if you are one of those bees, does nursing to sleep negatively affect your baby's night time sleep?