If you breastfed for any length of time exclusively, did you ever (or do you ever) use formula even if you don't need to? Like for convenience, to give yourself a break during the night to let someone else feed them, etc.?

We supplemented the first 4 weeks for a variety of reasons and have been EBF/pumping since then. I fought hard to get to EBF (dealt with low supply from blood loss, bleeding cracked nipples, poor latch, etc.) J is 4.5 months old now. My supply is established, IF I make the time (which is rarely) I can pump extra to stash, but usually we use any fresh milk up pretty quickly, so my stash is very small. Someone asked recently why I didn't use formula now and then just to make it easier on myself. And I didn't really have a good answer. I know breastmilk is perfectly tailored to my son, and I love feeding him that way. But it made me realize that there have been occasions where I've turned down social outings or events because I haven't pumped enough to leave him or it would be stressful to feed him out and about (he is SUPER distracted in public these days, so nursing him on the go can be difficult).

For some reason I am just not ready to supplement, because I feel like I worked so hard to get to exclusive breastmilk in the first month and I don't want to let go of that.

If you supplement/ed and didn't NEED to, how did you decide to do it? How often do you do it? How long did you breastfeed (or plan on breastfeeding). When did you introduce the supplement? How did you feel emotionally about the change?