Disclaimer: I know it's a zillion times safer to be rear-facing. I know that many people would never, ever consider not rear-facing for any reason until their kid is 2 or much older. I respect and appreciate that, and even mostly agree with it. I, however, am currently living in a reality that involves two 15 month olds that scream unceasingly anytime we are in the car for more than 10-15 minutes, and we're going on our 4th weekend in a row of traveling with at least two more weekends ahead of us and I'm knocked up and can't even have wine at the end of the drive, so please be gentle with me and don't send me straight to mommy hades for considering this.

I have every intention of leaving our boys rear-facing in our day-to-day lives because I know it's safer and they deal okay with the seats for a little bit or we can handle the screaming in our shorter normal drives. We were contemplating turning them forward facing for our upcoming out-of-town trip this weekend to see if maybe they won't scream the whole 6 hours. They are both above the weight limit to be legally forward facing, but not be a ton (a couple pounds over) & their 15 months old.

If you turned your child around before 2, how old were they/what did they weigh? What made you decide to turn them? Did anyone else have luck turning them for long trips and leaving them rear facing the rest of the time?