I'm curious to hear what some of your experiences have been like as your LO's got a little older as it affects the length of/number of naps they take.

My LO is almost 12 weeks and we got a consistent EASY routine down probably about 3 or 4 weeks ago. He started sleeping better at night where now he sleeps from 9-3am usually then back down until 6 - 6:30 which is when he wants to get up for the day.

His daytime naps have becomes shorter though, usually just a half hour or 45 min. With a feeding schedule of every 3 hours, i'm wondering if he's beginning to outgrow the frequency of those naps and it would be better to aim for fewer naps that hopefully will be longer but he still wants to eat every 3 hours (we're EBF).

Anyone else have a similar experience? How did you guys adjust?