Hellobee Boards


If you wanted a med-free childbirth...

  • poll: I wanted a med-free birth and...
    I got one. : (46 votes)
    33 %
    I ended up not having one because I needed a c-section : (18 votes)
    13 %
    I ended up not having one because I got induced (and pitocin sucks…) : (16 votes)
    12 %
    I ended up not having one due to back labor : (11 votes)
    8 %
    I ended up not having one because I was in labor forever (and maybe just needed to rest?) : (21 votes)
    15 %
    I ended up not having one because the pain was just worse than I expected/could handle : (17 votes)
    12 %
    Other?? : (10 votes)
    7 %
  1. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    my water broke without contractions. i walked for 2+ miles to breakfast to get them going and labored at home until i threw up in the sink and realized i was in transition already. we got to the hospital 4.5 hours after my water broke and by the time i got checked, i was at a 9. i cried because i realized that i could do it med-free (which was my hope because i didn't want to deal with a cascade of interventions and i thought i could "control" the situation more if i let my body be in charge. but i wasn't married to the idea and knew i'd go in with an open mind). i was complete less than an hour later, pushed for 45 minutes and there was only one minute where i thought "i can't do this" and that's where my doula helped to get me through that!

    all in all, i was very lucky to have a quick labor, but also to have the knowledge that i didn't have to go to the hospital right away and that if no one checked me, there was much less chance of infection! my OB didn't tell me to rush in and my desire for med-free made me explore other options before going straight in. i think by staying at home and walking (not in the halls of hospital with a timeline) that helped me relax and get labor going.

  2. sotofamilia

    kiwi / 612 posts

    My labor started around 8pm and I was at a 5 when I went to the hospital. I was delirious with pain by 7am the next morning and was at a 7, and asked for the epi. I then got Pitocin and constant monitoring, basically the whole cascade. However, the epi let me rest enough and my body relaxed and finished dilating. I started pushing around 12:45 and my baby was born with minimal tearing at 1:33...so, I'm happy I got the epi because it let me rest and push him out!

  3. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    I had the perfect set-up to achieve an unmedicated birth - I read every book on it, took 12 weeks of the Bradley Method and practiced the exercises daily, had a doula, had a supportive OB and nurse team, but it wasn't meant to be. I had an asynclitic, posterior baby and I was in an undescribable amount of agony for 36 hours, before pushing for 4.5. My baby wouldn't engage at the proper angle no matter what we tried, so I had a (failed) epidural and vacuum assisted birth.

  4. Corduroy

    pomelo / 5258 posts

    I voted med-free although I did have a shot of turbuterol (spelling?) to slow my contractions right before pushing (I was told it was that or a C-section) and IV fluids.

    I made it through 51 hours of back labor. The pain was as bad or worse as I expected but it built up over time. By the time I was in transition I had already had days to build up my pain tolerance. I'm not trying to advocate for med-free and I'm not sure I would do it again but it is possible to get past the pain.

  5. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @bushelandapeck: I guess I was not clear, but you got it. I meant med-free as in-- no epidural. Not no pitocin (which I generally assume is not a choice!)

    @birdofafeather: Sounds as good as you could hope for! I hope for the same. Definitely plan to walk a lot, bounce on the ball, and wait as long as I can before going in. Where were your contractions at when you decided to go? I mean, ultimately I'll be in contact with my midwife and follow her advice, but just curious! We have about a 30 min drive to the hospital, depending on time of day, so I don't want to wait until the very last second… but definitely want to minimize my hospital time.

  6. JoyfulKiwi

    nectarine / 2667 posts

    I voted "other" because the options all sounded to me like they were referring mainly to getting an epidural. I was induced with pitocin and didn't have an epidural. However, pitocin is an intervention and I also received Fentanyl to take the "edge" off (mostly it helped me catch my breath, along with some oxygen, but didn't make me numb/take away any pain).

    I planned with my midwife to have the least amount of interventions possible, but had the mindset that the doctors/midwives are professionals and I'd be open to what they suggested (hence the Fentanyl; my nurse thought it'd be good for me). Sometimes I feel like I had a med-free birth, because I never got an epidural, but I really did get "medication". When I get pregnant again, I hope to have my same midwife and we'll discuss options for my 2nd labor based on my first delivery.

  7. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    I voted "I got it" but I actually went into the whole thing thinking "I'll see what happens and decide from there"

  8. Charm54

    cantaloupe / 6885 posts

    I wasn't die hard wanting a med free birth, more of going into it with an open mind and if I was able to go med free, great

    After 20 hours of very difficult labor and only getting to a 3, I caved and got the epi. Best .decision. Ever . I was able to sleep , relaxed enough to get to a 10 within 3 hours, and be rested enough for the 2 hours of pushing that lay ahead.

    Now I no longer have the desire to go med free for #2 lol

  9. kiddosc

    grapefruit / 4278 posts

    I also went into it with a wait and see attitude. After laboring all night, I was only a 3.5 and I was throwing up with each contraction. I got the epi and was in heaven. Labor continued to progress really well and I got to a 10 in 3 hours. Then I was able to labor down and only had to push through 3 contractions and only needed one stitch. It was a really positive experience.

  10. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @Mae: when my contractions got timeable (around an hour after they started) they were about 45 seconds to a minute and every 4-5 minutes. we were only 10-15 minutes drive to the hospital, so i felt good about staying at home until what i perceived was "the last minute." i went in when my contractions were coming on top of each other and i needed DH there to work through every one. i could no longer stop and relax between them (i was talking to my neighbor, putting away laundry, getting things together previously) and then i threw up twice in the sink and i knew i was closer than i realized. in my head though, i was prepared for the nurse to say i was at a 5 or something when i finally got checked. so a 9 was a happy happy thing!

  11. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    I went into both of my births with the idea of going med free, but definitely open to meds. With my first, my contractions started off so intensely, every two minutes, that I could not handle the pain. With my second, I wanted to try for it, had intense contractions from the get go again, requested an epi, but it was too late by the time the anesthesiologist showed up, so it ended up med free, but I would have taken the epi had I had time.

  12. loveisstrange

    pineapple / 12526 posts

    Sort of? I had an epidural because they weren't sur my heart could withstand the pain and stress. The epidural failed, so did he next 2. I went through 15.5 hours of maxed out pitocin (which is the devil) and pushed for an hour and a half on gas and air. I got a spinal when it was determined that I needed a forceps assisted delivery.

    I consider my labor to be med free. I do not consider my birth to be.

  13. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I was open to trying to go med free, but I wasn't adamant about it. I had an induction and after being in labor for about 12 hours I was asked if I wanted the epi and I agreed for several reasons. I hadn't made more than 1cm of progress the entire time, I was on pitocin and having pretty painful contractions, and baby was having a hard time being monitored (which is required on pit) so I wasn't allowed to move. Between not being able to move even to roll over, and constant interruptions from my nurse worried about DS's heart rate, there was just no getting away from the pain or figuring out how to cope with it.

    And btw, I was one of those cases where as soon I got the epi my contractions got even stronger and more regular because I relaxed. Didn't help me much because I never dilated, but that's another story.

  14. DigAPony

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Mae: I wanted a med-free birth and was able to achieve that goal. My entire labor was only 3 hours long, and even if I had wanted an epidural (which I actually asked for when I got to the hospital because I assumed I had like 12 more hours to go!) there wouldn't have been time. Like you're going to, I gave birth in a hospital with midwives with a very low intervention rate. All the nurses, doctors, and midwives were incredibly supportive and I had a great experience. I wish the same for you!

  15. heartonastring

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    In an attempt to make a very long story short: I agreed to induction at 42 weeks. My cervix was not favourable, baby was too high for AROM after removal of Foley catheter, so we had go to pitocin and in order to get contractions into a regular pattern they had to jack it way above the usual maximum level. After hours of back-to-back, double-peaking pitocin contractions, I stalled at 5-6 cm. I was so very, very, very tired (this was around 7-8 pm and induction had started at 11 PM the night before with insertion of Foley catheter) and just wanted to be able to take a nap, so I got the epidural. It allowed me to relax and get to 9 cm, but then DD's heart rate started dropping precipitously with every contraction and I spiked a fever. Hence, a csection.

  16. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    I wanted med-free but was open to changing my mind. Well my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was in agony. Then they checked me and I was still only 3-4 centimeters. I felt I couldn't make it with out something because they were already so strong and I was getting no relief in between so I ended up getting an epidural. I was very happy with my decision.

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @birdofafeather: This sounds EXACTLY like me except when they checked me--- I was 3.5cm. WHA?! Throwing up, one on top of the other, crazy pain..... I stayed home a long time and thought I would be like a 5 at least.

  18. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @Mae: My water broke before contractions started. I went into labor on my own but when I stalled at 3 cm they started pitocin. They upped the pitocin several times and my contractions and back labor were unbearable after a few hours. I got an epidural around 7 cm and was complete within an hour of having it.

  19. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @travellingbee: yeah, i was fully expecting to have much more to go through! who knows what i would have done if i was at 3.5 at that point! i had friends that went med-free for 24+ hours before getting the epidural and i think they are absolute rock stars because i didn't even go through that! i know how lucky i am!

  20. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    My goal was intervention free, I didn't want an episiotomy, forceps or vacuum. I had planned a water birth, but the though of the tub was so in appealing when the time came.

    I managed the pain by moving, I literally walked laps around the room.

  21. wonderstruck

    pomegranate / 3791 posts

    I checked off three different answers because they all fit me! I did end up with a c-section (which had nothing to do with my epidural, there were issues with my son and he was in danger) but I caved and got the epidural even before that. I had been super against getting one, but the pain of labor was WAY more intense than anything I could have imagined - I mean, obviously I knew it was going to hurt. I knew it would be the worst pain of my life. And I know everyone's labor is different, but for me it was just unfathomable how bad the pain was, and nothing helped - the tub, massages/pressure points, the balance ball, visualizing...I now laugh at the thought of any of that actually helping with active labor pains. Early labor? Sure. Active labor? HAHAHAHA. Like PPs have said, my contractions were one on top of the other, and was throwing up and just writhing in agony - I felt like I'd lost all control of my body, and I couldn't get it back, it was just a constant agonizing pain. I still managed to get through about 14 hours of early labor and about 7 hours of active labor, but after only dilating 1cm during those last 7 hours, I couldn't do it anymore. The second I got the epidural my body relaxed, I started dilated incredibly quickly, and it was just amazing.

    I don't have a set plan for next time - we'll just see how my body is progressing and I'll roll with the punches and figure things out as they go. But I will be much less hesitant to ask for the epi after how much it helped me last time.

  22. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    I was induced but didn't have an epidural (wasn't allowed one under any circumstances) I had back labor too.

  23. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    I voted other for the same reason as @maybebaby. I was induced with pit but had no pain medications.

  24. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I had a med free labor with DS.

    With S, I started out as med free, but after she had passed and I transferred, labor stalled and I needed pitocin and it was horrible stuff, so I ended up with an epidural.

  25. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    I had a Pain-Med Free labor (no eppi, gas etc.) and delivery but I was put on Pitocin so not completely med-free.

  26. shinymama

    persimmon / 1128 posts

    Other. I wanted all the drugs {because I am a coward} and ended up having a med-free delivery {not by choice}.

    In the end I was a happy camper because the un-medicated recovery was a breeze. Read: no IVs.

  27. Mrs. Chocolate

    blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts

    2 natural births

    Edited to add more: I always went in with the intention of natural with the right to change my mind since it is labor after all. My first was a long labor but relatively painless up to 8 cm. I was exhausted and desperate but my doula and DH helped a ton and I made it to 10 cm. Pushing was my downfall, it took 4 hours (midnight to 4 AM), needed a vacuum at the end to push out my huge (8lbs 8 ozs, Im very petite) posterior son. The second time around everything was much quicker and I wanted to cave but the nurse and my husband helped me a lot and it was much faster, from check in to birth was only a little over 3 hours. I pushed for an hour still since I stink at pushing but yeah the 2nd time around was faster than pushing out my first,.

  28. MoonMoon

    pomegranate / 3393 posts

    I didn't want an epidural and didn't get one, but my labor wasn't med free because I got relief from IV narcotics, which lasted about an hour. All I can say is, no regrets, back labor is a bitch!

  29. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    I voted "I ended up not having one and had a c-section" and Other.

    With DS, he was breech and I had an emergency c-section, with DD I had an epidural because I was attempting a VBAC and my OB very strongly recommended having one in case of an emergency/uterine rupture.

  30. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I got exactly what I wanted. A natural birth with zero interventions. I credit it to being at a birthing center with wonderful midwives and no option of an epi even if I wanted one.

  31. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    I had a med free birth! I went in hoping for one but open to an epidural if I needed it. My birth story is here if you want the long story: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/baby-foodnerds-birth-story

    I stayed home as long as I could- first contraction was at 6:30 am, left for the hospital around 3 am. I hit 5-1-1 much earlier but the contractions weren't that painful so we waited (and midwife agreed). Same as you, I delivered with a midwife practice is a hospital. The drive to the hospital was seriously no fun but I never felt like I needed the epidural until I was in transition, and hearing I was almost done gave me the adrenaline to literally push through!

  32. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    I was aiming for a med-free birth (I even had a home birth midwife) but my labour stalled 19 hours after my waters broke and I was therefore at risk of infection and need Syntocinin to get it moving again, at which point I opted for the epidural. Ironically enough my labour stalled because my waters had been broken for so long and LO didn't have enough fluid to get herself rotated into an optimal position but my progress was still slow even with the meds.

    My epidural had to be repositioned as it wasn't 100% effective and by the time I was ready to push (ten hours later) it had started to wear off so I could feel my contractions but thankfully couldn't feel my episiotomy!!!

    All up my labour was roughly 32 or so hours from waters breaking to delivery and I was ok with the interventions and meds required to get my daughter here


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