Did you find it harder to commit to TTC for a third more than you did your other two??
I'm wondering if it's just me! We absolutely want a third and maybe fourth - we can't picture our family in 10 years without a third and I can't wait to have another baby to snuggle. So we know we will TTC and likely soon...but oh my goodness, committing to TTC is so much harder this go around. Our first two we NTNP and I wasn't scared to see the positive tests when they came but this time I'm more nervous. I feel like a third is going to really add some stress for a bit. I even think of the logistics of going to the grocery store by myself with three and become overwhelmed or doing bedtime by myself with three on the rare night that my husband is gone.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has been more nervous about adding a third than they were their other two? Or am I alone in this?