I was talking to a 23 year old about Steph Curry, and mentioned that while Steph was great... he didn't deliver in the Finals like Michael Jordan did back in the day. The 23 year old looked at me confused and said, "Who is Michael Jordan?" I felt so old haha! It got me thinking about all the things that I only know or remember, because I'm old.

Here's a partial list:

I'm so old that I would have to rewind videotapes that I rented from Blockbuster, or else they would give me a fine. Now Netflix remembers the exact spot I left off, in every movie I've ever started watching.

I'm so old that I remember life before Google Autocomplete. You would type in your search, and nobody would help you finish it! You would just search for the first half of your query and read the excerpts carefully to see if you could figure out what else to add to your search. Now sometimes I don't even have to do the actual search because the answer shows up in the AutoComplete!

I'm so old that my cars couldn't park or drive themselves. You had to parallel park using nothing but your own skillz. The first time I saw a rear-facing camera display embedded in the dashboard, I seriously thought, "Ugh, that is totally cheating!" Now you can push a button and your car will park itself.

I'm so old that I remember when hashtags first came out. I thought they were so dumb. Now I use them myself, but not the long ones that are complete sentences because I still find those annoying. #youknowhatimean?#theyspelloutwholesentencesandyoureadthembuttheyarerarelyworththeeffortlikethisone

I'm so old that I used to own a dictionary, an atlas and a thesaurus. Oh and an encyclopedia! Ooh and an almanac too!!

I'm so old that I used to have a printed newspaper delivered to my house by child labor. You wouldn't know what had happened in the world until you read the newspaper, unless you listened to the radio or watched the evening news. Now I don't even own a radio (or get the newspaper, except on on my phone).

Basically I'm old. I'm so old that I remember when you had to change the TV channel by walking over to the TV and twisting a little knob (the way I remember it, wireless TV remotes didn't really get popular til the 80s). Plus you had to touch the antenna to get a clear picture! You were always touching your TV, one way or another.

I'm so old that the other day I was talking to an American expat about the LA riots, and she was shocked as she never heard of them before. She said that they happened before she was born, and my mind was blown. I've also had that same conversation online with people about 9/11: "Oh I wasn't born yet." Blows my mind every time.

Anyone else old here?