Happy Friday!

On 11/18 I was 5 dpo and had a bright red blood when I wiped. It was about the size of a nickle. This has NEVER happened before. That was the only episode of spotting that I had. After that, I began getting creamy white discharge. I don't check my cervix, just what lands on my panties. Today, I am 8 dpo and have had minimal discharge.

My boobs have been increasingly sore/feeling full/heavy since 6 dpo, but my nipples are completely normal.

5-7 dpo, I have dull AF-like cramps which stopped today at 8 dpo. AF is not due for another 7 days.

My temps dipped on 5 dpo when I experienced the bright red spot, and have slowly increased from 97.6 to 98.07.

I usually start pre-AF spotting at 6 dpo, so the fact that I had creamy white cm on 5 and 6 dpo made me really happy!

I thought I read that you can test positive 3 days after IB, but I tested this evening and got a BFN. What do you think of my chances? If you had IB, when did you test positive?
