-lady in Nordstrom talking to me about my baby

1. Please don't touch my daughter--I don't know you or where your hands have been!

2. She continued to say, "I guess...things are different now? I always had my children bundled up even when it was warm. She feels cold."...this lady was about mid-forties so "in her day" was not that long ago.
And my daughter was wearing pants, socks, a long sleeved onesie, a sweater, while I was wearing her in the front carrier (so skin to skin contact) and she was covered in not one but TWO blankets. We were inside! I did have a hat on her while we were outside though.

I could sort of understand if she didn't have socks on or didn't have a blanket covering her...but still! Unless you are genuinely concerned, why make my baby your business?