We're lightly potty training my 32 month old. She knows what it means to go, she's comfortable doing it, but as is typical, we have a really hard time getting her to to stop whatever she's doing to go. She doesn't yet recognize the need to go, so we follow the same schedule her daycare does to take her potty. There's no issue at daycare, since it's basically a group activity, but at home there's very little that will motivate her to stop playing to go.

I've tried incentives - marshmallows, her favorite books right near the potty, other toys, etc. - but they usually only work for a day or two and then she loses interest in the motivator. The only thing that could work is letting her play with the PBS app but then I'd never pull her away from that.

Just wondering if others have found ideas that work for the duration or do we just keep mixing up the incentives to keep things fresh?