I'd been totally certain that I'd get car seat + base until I read an article about the convertible car seats... I didn't realize they could even be used for infants! The author went the route of the convertible because she knew she wouldn't use the carrier. The carriers she'd looked at in store were already pretty heavy and bulky, she said she couldn't imagine trying to carry an infant around in one of those.

Have any of you used the convertible car seat for infants? I'm really thinking of going this route, considering we have a 2 door car and I think it'd be a serious pain to pull the carrier in and out of the backseat, rather than just reaching in and unbuckling baby. BUT, my concern is, what do I put baby in if not for the infant carrier? I suppose I could use a baby bjorn, but that limits me to wearing the baby, whereas if I were to have the carseat carrier, I could sit in the baby on a table or upside down restaurant high chair...

So many things to think about! What route did you go?