kiwi / 526 posts
@kentuckygirl: Yes, finally! Now I'm officially somewhere in the tww, although where exactly I'm not sure. I hate living life in two-week increments of pre- and post- ovulation! How have you been? Did you get your insurance stuff straightened out?
pear / 1786 posts
@alie: Good luck! I also hate living in 2 week increments. I can't wait until we all move onto thinking about weeks and months of pregnancy!
I still don't have everything sorted out with insurance and just realized they could be closed tomorrow with the MLK holiday. Hopefully not, because I probably need more medicine by Tuesday night.
pear / 1786 posts
I thought it might be helpful if we all give an update. Maybe something like this:
# cycles TTC or TTC since: 15th cycle
Current fertility treatments, if any: Will have IUI #2 sometime this week. I am on injectible meds (Menopur), estrogen patch to improve my lining, will have HCG trigger shot, acupuncture.
Next bloodwork/POAS date: Around 2/6
honeydew / 7916 posts
# cycles TTC or TTC since: cycle #11
Current fertility treatments, if any: Starting IVF in 2 weeks! On antagonist protocol, using Menopur, Bravelle, and Ganirelix, triggering with Pregnyl, and using Endometrin and Estrace after retrieval
Next bloodwork/POAS date: None this cycle, probably CD2 u/s and b/w on 2/7-ish
Should note that initially we thought our issue was MFI and now it's DOR. Fun times!
pomelo / 5228 posts
Since I'm procrastinating starting work today, I'll play along too
# cycles TTC or TTC since: On cycle 11, but taking this month off.
Current fertility treatments, if any: Acupuncture + herbs, treatment/detox for MTHFR, gluten free trial for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis...
Next bloodwork/POAS date: Early March, ie. forever from now!
February WILL be our month (yes, I realize I'll be devastated if its not). I really wanted to be pregnant before 2 people close to me give birth in late feb and late march...
kiwi / 526 posts
TTC since: January of 2012... one loooong year.
Current fertility treatments, if any: Clomid (50mg, days 3-7) and Metformin (1500mg daily)
Next bloodwork/POAS date: If AF hasn't yet arrived, I'll POAS at the end of this month (1/31)
I am trying, as always, to not symptom spot, but it's basically impossible. I am having some weird, low pressure that my heart says is a little embryo getting cozy in my uterus, but my brain says is a figment of my imagination and/or nothing.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@alie: "Cozy", love it! I sure hope its true I agree, that not symptom spotting is impossible, no matter how hard we try! Since I'm taking this month off, I'm curious to see what my real AF symptoms are, since there is 0% chance.
honeydew / 7916 posts
I am having a freakout moment here. My dr just called and told me they need to do the trial transfer again - possibly more than once. The REs met and decided the catheter may not have gone all the way in, and they found out about my comment to the nurse that I had a failed IUD insertion years ago. So they want me to come back in so they can try it again with ultrasound, and if that doesn't work they want to try it with hysteroscopy and anesthesia. Apparently in addition to my cervix being at an angle, it's "very long". I kind of want to cry a little bit.
coconut / 8472 posts
@spaniellove: Aww, I'm really sorry you have to go through that again :(. But the important thing is that they figure it out and get it right, instead of getting your hopes up on a transfer that will fail.
I had a really up and down day today. I had another ultrasound, and I was really upset, because even though on friday I supposedly had 2 follicles around 11mm, at today's she couldn't find any over 10! I thought I was pretty much out this month. But the nurse called and they're going to up my femara dose and have my try that, starting tonight.
# TTC since: June 2012
Current fertility treatments, if any: Just finished 5mg of Femara, which didn't work, so on to 7.5mg today. If this doesn't work, we're on to injectables next month.
Next bloodwork/POAS date: B/W on Saturday. If I've made progress, it'll still probably be a couple days after that before I can trigger, so fingers crossed I can start POAS at ~10DPO on 2/9.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: I bet with the u/s they'll have much more luck. I mean you had an HSG right? So at some point they got that catheter up there with no problem. I hope you don't have to go the anesthesiology route but if you do, just remember it's for your baby, and it will all be worth it.
@mrscb: I'm really sorry to hear about your follicle sizes. But if they think this new med will up them right away, then try to keep up the hope!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@marionberry: I was wondering how they did the HSG and IUI?! It seems like they use different catheters for IVF. I'm kind of freaked out about the anesthesia because I've had some bad experiences with it.
@MrsCB: Sometimes I think u/s measurements are subjective and totally up to the person taking the measurement. Last cycle when I compared my day to day numbers they didn't make sense at all, unless follicles were disappearing and new huge ones were sprouting up overnight. So there's still hope! How many days are you on the 7.5mg?
coconut / 8472 posts
@spaniellove: Yeah, the ultrasound is pretty subjective. The sonographer did say that one of them might have been a cluster of smaller follicles, but to make that mistake for two follicles? On different ovaries?! I'll be 7.5mg Femara for 5 days again, so today - Friday, then another ultrasound on Saturday.
coconut / 8472 posts
@spaniellove: You're right! And don't give up on yourself either. I know this process is so tough on all of us. Maybe you can talk to your doctor about your fears about the anesthesia?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@MrsCB: Yeah, we did mention it at our first consult and I know he's worried about my pain. But when the nurse calls me about all this I'll certainly ask for more details. Thank you!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Yes definitely talk to your provider about past experiences. It may mean that they give you a general anesthetic (which just numbs) versus full on knock you out or something. Are these catheters for the egg retrieval, meaning they have to get all the way up to your ovary? I could see why that could change how the catheter would act and how they could move it around (or not) based up on your cervix and uterine cavity.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@marionberry: It's for the embryo transfer, so I think they're trying to measure the distance to the top of my uterus. For the egg retrieval they'll be using a needle that goes through the vaginal wall (eww) and I'll be under some kind of anesthesia for that too. They just called and scheduled the redo for tomorrow, so hopefully by tomorrow evening I'll know whether I have to do the hysteroscopy version!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@spaniellove: Ya it seems to me then that it should be very similar to IUI. I mean isn't it all going to the same place? I'll be looking forward to hearing how tomorrow goes. Good luck!
nectarine / 2705 posts
I was so good, for the whole time. I didn't pee on a stick at all. I had my bloodwork done this morning at 8:45, and I tried to fill my time as best as I could. But 4 hours later, I peed on a stick. Negative. So I tried to hide my disappointment, and assume that the blood test might show something different. I went to the movies. I had popcorn, twizzlers and soda for lunch. I came out of the theater, listened to the voicemail. It's confirmed. My first IUI didn't work.
I'm trying hard to not be angry right now...but when the process now involves money and angers me even more. This is so unfair. Why can others get pregnant so easily?
TTC since July 2011
Next steps : I'll discuss with my doctor tomorrow. I'm trying to stay positive and hope that the next IUI will work
Reality : this blows.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
TTC since: November 2010 but I'm on cycle 11 or 12, I think? I can't believe I started TTC 2 years ago and still no baby.
Current fertility treatments, if any: Femera with trigger shot. This will be IUI #2 (redo).
Next bloodwork/POAS date: Waiting on AF to come then I'll know. I got some cramps today so I think AF should come today or tomorrow.
So, I started looking into adoption process and it's 20K to adopt an infant. Fostering to adopt will cost about 5K. Wow!
I, also, started looking into finding another fertility clinic and found that there's the IVF program. You pay about 18K-24K. Plus, there's the ability to get 70% of your money back if your 6 cycles don't result in you taking a baby home. Hmmm, IVF might be possible. I have to talk to the DH, though.
Ever heard of Attain IVF Refund Program?
pomelo / 5041 posts
@sweetooth: I'm really sorry. I know you were hoping for a BFP. We all were hoping for one for you. Our RE said to do up to 5 iui's in our conception plan and I've often read on here stories where it took at least 3 tries. While that won't make you feel better right now, it should give you hope that you increase your odds each time you do one. Big hugs coming your way!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@bluestriped bee: I know our clinic has a guarantee to refund a lot of your money if you don't get pregnant on IVF. I would think that is fairly common. As you'll see though, clinics usually average a pretty high IVF success rate. Also, there are loan programs (it's the same company that offers dental loans) to help pay for IVF. It's a high interest rate but it means paying up to $500 a month (based on the plan length you choose..some are less than that) instead of $20k up front. That's what we figured we would do if it reached that point.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@sweetooth: Aww, I'm sorry your first IUI didn't work. It sucks. It really sucks. Take all the time you need to be angry. I'm considering starting a thread asking "If you had trouble conceiving, could you afford IUI or IVF?" Although, I'm afraid of the answers. I'm afraid some might say, "If I couldn't do it naturally, I don't think I would have kids." Part of me, wants them to know how lucky it is for them and hard for us and how expensive it is. Although, I could just be a pessimist, right now.
kiwi / 526 posts
@sweetooth: I'm so, so sorry to hear this I hope your next IUI is successful!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@sweetooth: Boo, sorry to hear it didn't work this time But like the other ladies said, sometimes it takes a few tries. Glad to hear that you took yourself out to a movie and enjoyed some of the day.
@bluestriped bee: Sorry to hear about your frustration! I know nothing about adoption or IVF/IUI, but I did do a little research about Seattle area Fertility clinics since SRM rubs me the wrong way (bad Yelp reviews, creepy radio commercials...) I found this one that seems much more friendly. They also have a refund policy, though its not nearly as good. If we end up needing to, we'll start there. Also, let me know if you want my acupuncturist's info, shes in Capital Hill and has made the Top Doctors list for 2012 (and maybe more).
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Mrs.Someone: Oh, cool! Hello! I was wondering if there was anyone else in the Seattle area.
Actually, the one you suggested is the one I'm currently at. I'm thinking about getting a second opinion and SRM was the next one on my list because it's close to work.
Yeah, it would be great to get your acupuncturist.
pomelo / 5228 posts
@bluestriped bee: Ahh, ok then I'll get your opinion on the two if I ever need it.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bluestriped bee: I might suggest thinking about all of your financing options before committing to a refund/guarantee program. They don't include medications, which can be $3000-6000 a cycle, and you won't get any of that back. I've heard that it's extremely rare to get a refund, so in the end you're going to be out that money anyway, in which case it might be better not to pay it upfront if you don't have to. But considering you've only been through one IUI so far, I think you have a lot of chances to get pregnant before you really have to think about IVF!
ETA: You probably don't want to see people's answers about IVF. I've learned a lot of people on HB are against IVF and it's rather depressing.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Mrs.Someone: OMG. Those SRM reviews on yelp are scary. Maybe I'll think about finding another clinic.
@spaniellove: So, I'm still kinda new to the IVF process. How do the meds differ from IUI?
pomelo / 5228 posts
@bluestriped bee: Yea, they seem more of a business than a doctor's office. Seattle is big enough, I'm sure there are plenty of options. Though I hope your next IUI works and you don't need to search anymore!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bluestriped bee: I have a list further up on this page of what I'm taking. Usually people take BCP and Lupron injections (downregulation, to quiet down the ovaries) the cycle before the actual IVF. It's the injectibles that are expensive and tend not to be covered by insurance. If you do a few IUIs before IVF your dr might have you do an injectible cycle, in which case you'd have some idea what the injections feel like and what your response might be. In that cycle you'd hopefully end up with more follicles, though the drawback is obviously the cost and having to stick yourself!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@sweetooth: I'm so is such an awful feeling. I hate that you have to go through this right now! Hopefully tomorrow your doctor will come up with some helpful ways to tweak your protocol.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@sweetooth: My first IUI failed a year ago yesterday. I still remember the heartache and confusion and anger. It was such a low point for me after a year of TTC...the lowest of the low. Definitely let yourself be angry and cry cry cry. I was so bitter that I gave up and skipped IUI #2. We got pregnant naturally the next cycle and spent yesterday cuddling with our DD on the exact same couch that we cried together last year. Keep hoping...
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Problem with infertility, you buy stuff to make yourself feel better. I just bought a Cricut... usually $199... on sale for $79.
coconut / 8861 posts
@bluestriped bee: I fully support buying something to make yourself feel better during TTC. I bought an iPhone case and other things when it didn't go our way during that time. Do what you need to feel good.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Mrs.Someone: Just called and left a message for an acupuncture appt. Wondering when she'll be able to see me. Thanks! Should I give your name when she ask if I was referred?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@cascademom: Thanks! I do feel a little guilty because if I was pregnant, I would keep myself from buying things I don't need but buying things to distract me from my rough times is good, right?
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