pear / 1786 posts
@sweetooth: Soooooo very excited for you and your rising numbers!!!!! Happy and healthy 9 months to you and baby sweet!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@spaniellove: *hugs* sorry u feel that way. I know it's hard. IF is definitely a real thing. I do have to say tho that I do think u appreciate your babies that much more if you've been thru IF.....
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Ok, I'm kinda upset right now.
So there's been something bothering me that happened a few months ago. It's partly why I started this thread:
My DH's best friend had their daughter 8 months ago. A few months after his wife gave birth, my DH told me I should send her a card a 'thinking of you' card because she just gave birth and all. I told him I would (well, I never got around to it). (BTW, we did send well wishes and gifts when their daughter was born.) But my DH wanted me to do something coming from me. A big reason why I procrastinated on sending the card is because of our infertility. It was hard. We both started trying around the same time they started. (Actually we started before they did by a couple months.) They had past medical issues that could have given them trouble TTC. (I felt a little better knowing that we could support each other.) Well, you can assume who got pregnant... They did after one month of trying and you know what happen to us. Going on BFN #12. I'm happy for them and their little growing family but I'm a little sad and hurt that we aren't pregnant.
Anyway, I never told my DH about my real reasons on why I never got around to sending the card. Tonight, we were talking about whether we should take a break or continue TTC. Well, I thought it was a good time to open up to him about this little secret. I didn't want to tell him this before because I was afraid that it would seem very very selfish and he would take it the wrong way or that he wouldn't support me. Selfish thought: That maybe I should be getting a 'thinking of you' card because of our struggle TTC. (But I realize now from the responses from that thread I started that non-IFers don't get it and that it's hard for them to relate...)
Well, I was right. I told him. Really opened up to him.
His response, "Well, you shouldn't feel that way because it's two different situations that shouldn't affect each other. Us having trouble getting pregnant shouldn't change sending someone a card for having a baby."
What?!?! Did he really just say that? Did he pretty much say I have irrational thoughts and that my infertility woes are not important? Am I being super sensitive? Would you guys be mad if your husband or significant other said that? You know last month, he was telling me how upset he has been that we aren't pregnant yet and I really felt bad that our infertility was affecting him like that. I was really concerned about him and I came to you guys to ask how he could get some more support. You know since I have you guys, at least. He talks to his best friend and that's it?
I'm just so upset. Why couldn't he support me? Why couldn't he say I'm sorry I felt that way. Why couldn't he comfort his wife. Instead he made me feel like scum for thinking that way. He just doesn't understand it. He just doesn't understand me and the crapiness of infertility.
You know I understand that we as women might be affected by IF differently than men do. I get that but, shesh, did my husband really have to be heartless and say that to me? I don't even know what to do with him. You know I thought we were a team and we were in this difficult TTC process together. Clearly, this is why I need your support instead of his.
What do you think? Would you be hurt if your guy said that to you? Am I overreacting? Am I an oversensitive IF-er?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@bluestriped bee: It is very hard pulling together the strength to congratulate new mothers when we're going through IF. And it's a shame your DH can't empathize with you at all.
It's actually a little strange to me that he specifically pushed you to send a card, when you guys already sent gifts - it would be appropriate or at least acceptable for him to address a card from the two of you, since it's his friend. Cards are not the most necessary thing in this situation. Personally I've found it easier to just go online and order something nice and pampering for the new conveys enough "girl-to-girl" emotion without me actually having to pour my soul into it.
Do you think you'd consider finding a therapist who deals with IF and seeing them with or without your DH? It might be a helpful thing to do so you can find coping strategies and get on the same page as a couple, which will also help once you become parents.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@bluestriped bee: First, you're not an oversensitive IFer - this shit is tough. Second, did you and your husband continue to talk through things last night after he said that? I think this journey is different for men, but if you talk about some of your thoughts and feelings you can make them more aware of how it really affects you. I would probably be upset if my husband told me I should be sending out "yay you're pregnant" cards while dealing with infertility. But then I would talk with him and let him know why it upsets me. Communication is so important. (hugs!)
nectarine / 2705 posts
@marionberry: You're right, I remember last summer when I went in for my annual appointment with my OB and I had filled out some paperwork. I stated that I had been TTC for a year and she asked what that stood for. Not that everyone needs to know acronym speak! But I do think the infertility world isn't an OB's specialty.
@justdarling: Thank you so much! And I think it's great to hear that you're having fun that it's helping your mood to try the "old-fashioned" way SO much luck to you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@spaniellove: Is the switching insurance plans related to a new job? Did you find out from a doctor that another IUI is definitely out? I can understand the panicked feelings - I hope there's still a chance that you can try IUI again before jumping into a second IVF.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@kentuckygirl: thank you!! And thanks for the mention of "baby sweet" It made me smile thinking about that
pomelo / 5073 posts
@bluestriped bee: hugs! I would have reacted the same way. I think that men can distance themselves a lot easier than women can. My DH thought I was nuts for bawling my eyes out when we found out his cousin and wife were pregnant. We started at the same time and they got pregnant like that (snapping fingers).
IF is hard and I second @spaniellove: suggestion to find a therapist or at least someone you can talk about this with and who gets it. My DH couldn't understand how I couldn't separate our failure with others success. Logically I know that others successes have no effect on our failure or success, but emotionally I had trouble separating that.
pear / 1531 posts
@spaniellove: Glad you said something. That thread was really bothering me too! Like the reason for my infertility will just magically go away with the second. Maybe these are people who think "having trouble" means 4 months of trying.
@bluestriped bee: I am so sorry you are feeling bitter. That feeling used to be so foreign to me until I faced infertility. I think I have changed so much in that regard. I try, however, to also focus on how I have changed for the better--I have deepening appreciation, sympathy, and patience (although not so much during this IVF 2WW :)). I also know how frustrating it is that our husbands are not always on the same page. My niece is due right around when we will find out if the IVF is successful. If I have a BFN, I am worried I will be too upset to enjoy her arrival. DH says of course I will be thrilled. I'm not so sure although would like to think so. I am sure I will be ecstatic to have a niece, but at the same time may feel like I should suppress feelings for her to protect myself from the possibility I will never have one of my own.
apricot / 452 posts
@bluestriped bee: You are not being over sensitive at all. Men just do not get it. I'm so sorry he reacted like that. I totally have a hard time when someone announces a pregnancy or birthy. Last week my sister-in-law gave birth and while I was happy for her, it was just another reminder that I am so far from that. She struggled with IF for 4 years and has been a great support to me, but it was still hard. I agree that you need to communicate this to your DH. He needs to support you through this.
@sweetooth: Thanks. The old fashioned way still has lots of thinking and discussions about IVF and the next step. We have checked out two IVF clinics and decided which one we will go with. DH also went to a urologist and found out that he does have a blockage so now we are deciding if he should have surgery or not. At least we are getting some answers.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: wow, this is so different from my process. First we had to have been NTNP for at least a year and then we did 2 months of CD3 bloodwork before I was prescribed clomid, then the clomid didn't work so they prescribed an HSG which I never had to have. The next step was several more months of clomid and then IUI.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: I think it really depends on the practice and your insurance. We paid for everything out of pocket so we didn't have to wait a set time, and had already gone 9 cycles and done 2 SA's before getting there so they knew it wasn't an issue of us just not waiting long enough. Did you see an RE or your OB? I've found that REs seem to move right into work after the initial workup versus OBs who like to keep you trying for a long time in their offices. Both processes benefit the provider financially (working quickly with an RE and working slowly with an OB) so it makes sense that they'd take those routes. Since we have an infertility diagnosis and we'll still be paying out of pocket, I think we'll go straight into a second IUI without having to do many of the steps again. It's not like our infertility will reverse itself.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@marionberry: OB and we had no infertility coverage but they somehow coded all of it that we've only gotten 1 bill and paid for the clomid out of pocket. It sounds like the RE vs OB is the difference. Its interesting, thanks for teaching me something new!
nectarine / 2433 posts
Ladies I'm back from my wonderful honeymoon with an awesome suntan. The break was sooooo nice. I want to get on a plane and go back right now.
AFM: I had my beta this morning and just got the call to let me know that I'm not pregnant. I was really hopeful that this IUI would be the one for us. I am at work and on the verge of tears. I don't know what to say to my DH when I go home tonight.
@raintreebee: FX that your TWW flies by and you get a BFP out of it!
@bluestriped bee: I don't think you were being too sensitive about the situation. I know that my DH just doesn't understand why I get so upset every month about something I have absolutely no control over. I tried to explain to him that I feel like it is my "job" to get pregnant and every month I fail for reasons that I can't control. I asked him how he would feel if every month he failed at something that everyone else seems to be able to do. I agree with the others you may want to find someone you can talk it over with aside from your DH.
@sweetooth: So happy to hear that your numbers are increasing. Wishing you a H&H nine months.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@jetsa: Anytime! I figured you had an OB. So glad the Clomid worked for you!
@mrswin: I'm so sorry that it didn't work. What a crummy way to end your honeymoon. I remember that beta call day well and I just don't know what I would've done if I'd heard bad news. My heart is aching for you. Can you leave work early? I find it really hard to work when going through something emotional like that.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@mrswin: welcome back! I'm glad you had a good honeymoon. Sorry that your cycle wasn't successful
grapefruit / 4703 posts
Tomorrow is my HSG and I can't stop googling "my hsg experience"... make me stop!!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Shutterbug: Mine was actually great. Super easy and pretty pain free (minus a little cramping). I know others have had totally different situations, but you just never know. Either way it'll be over in about 15 mins. Don't scare yourself. It is kinda messy and gross though as the liquid drains out. My only complaint.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@justdarling: I remember you saying that your husband needed to gets some tests run. Good to hear that you have answers, sorry to hear you have to decide if surgery is in his future. How is your husband handling it?
@mrswin: thank you I'm glad that you had a wonderful, relaxing vacation. I hope that you can mentally "escape" back to those warm sandy beaches as you work through the sadness of this cycle. I know I was crushed after my first negative results call. I can't imagine being in the office when I got that call. Hopefully you are able to leave early? Take good care of yourself. It always helped me to have little treats to look forward to - little purchases I would make or maybe a dinner that I could only indulge in if I wasn't pregnant.
@Shutterbug: HUGS! It's going to be ok. Just think, only one more day and then it will be behind you! (stop googling!!)
apricot / 452 posts
@sweetooth: We haven't found out the extent of the blockage yet. He has an appointment on Friday with the urologist to talk about it. He has had many SAs done which show low volume and low motility, but the count is good. We need to find out if the surgery will increase the motility. If it isn't going to help much, then we won't go through with it. He handeling it pretty well but I can tell that he doesn't like the idea of the surgery. I guess we'll find out more on Friday.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@spaniellove: @sweetooth: @Jennimac: @raintreebee: @justdarling: @mrswin:
Thank you, thank you for making me feel like I didn't over-react. Just checking in real quick since I'm busy at work but I'll write back this evening. Good news is that after we had a night to cool off and think about it, the DH apologized today. He admits that he messed up and his word choice was completely off and insensitive and he didn't like seeing me so upset last night. We are going to talk about it more when I get home. Thanks everyone!!
Oh, and, thanks for the suggestion for finding an IF therapist. I have seen inklings here and there for the past month that I'm not coping really well with having IF. I think I am having a hard time with it. I've seen therapist in the past but unfortunately stopped going. I think it's time to start going back. Thanks everyone!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@marionberry: I hope mine is like yours!! Did you take any meds (Advil, etc) beforehand?
@sweetooth: thank you!! I keep telling myself by this time tomorrow it'll be over, and that's helping.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@Shutterbug: They prescribed me doxycycline to take before the procedure (which I proceeded to vomit right up). It's an antibiotic they give you to prevent infection from the procedure. I didn't take any Advil or anything basically went into it cold turkey. I didn't have a need to take anything else afterward either. You could probably take an Advil about 30 mins beforehand if you're worried though.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@MrsCastro: sorry if I missed your update... How was your phone appointment? Are you getting any testing done?
nectarine / 2600 posts
Hey ladies...well...I think I'm pregnant. I'm really scared. It's been a year since my MC. DH and I are both trying not to get excited (isn't that awful?) and are really nervous, but as my test lines got darker today it's seeming more real, at least for now.
I'm sorry I was on here for such a short time. I can't believe that this happened the same month I discovered HB!
For what it's worth, I think the things that may have helped me finally were getting the HSG this month (some say it helps to clear the way so to speak) and I started acupuncture and Chinese herbs about 2 months ago. I def. noticed a difference in EWCM. I used to almost never notice any, and since I started w/ acu/herbs, I noticed a lot more.
I pray pray pray that no one has to stay on here for very much longer. xoxoxo
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: OMG!! Congratulations! I read your blog post about your HSG - glad all that stress and pain helped get you pregnant, haha!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@justdarling: I hope Friday goes well. And I wish this wasn't so complicated. Sometimes I feel like there should be a "sex ed" class later in life to help you learn about this stuff. There's so much to take in, process and understand.
@bluestriped bee: Glad to hear that guys are talking through it
@TheSwissWifeStyle: No need to apologize! I think it's fantastic that you were only here for a short time! Congratulations!
nectarine / 2433 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Congrats! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!
@Shutterbug: My HSG was totally painless. I took 2 advil about an hour before. To be totally honest I have had paps that were more painful than the HSG. FX for you today.
@sweetooth: Thanks for your kind words. I wasn't able to leave work early since it was my first day back in the office after vacation and I need to keep on top of my billable hours.
Yesterday was a really hard day but I managed to hold it together at work but I was an absolute mess by the time I got home. I broke down when I told my DH that it didn't work this cycle. He was super supportive and made me a jackfruit milkshake which always makes me feel better.
We also talked about switching doctors at the clinic because I am really unhappy with the one I have been seeing and would prefer another doctor that I have had a couple of times during monitoring. My doctor is young and doesn't explain things, just gives me the protocol and off he goes. I never had a follow up appointment after my Lap to discuss what they found and how severe the endo was, he just told me "it went well, we got lots out". He also refused to test my progesterone levels after ovulation because he says that since I ovulate and have a 15 day LP that its not a problem.
pear / 1786 posts
@mrswin: I am so sorry this month wasn't successful :(. Hugs. I can't imagine getting that bad news at work, I don't think I could have held it togther like you did. I hate to hear that with all the struggles of IF that you also have to deal with a doctor like that. I hope you can switch to the other dr. in the practice.
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Congratulations!!!!! So glad your stay here was short! Happy and healthy 9 months!
pear / 1786 posts
So based on the creation of a new IF board (yay!!!), I wanted to offers some suggestions to help us all keep track of each other and keep our thread shorter and more inviting.
1. What if we do a thread that is just updates on #cycles TTC, current treatment, etc. Similar to our recent updates. It could start with one long list at the beginning, but then as we each have updates, we can just post our own update. If it is just brief updates on our current status, the thread will remain shorter and easier to quickly read when we want to refer back to where somone is in their TTC journey. What do you think?
2. We could do an IF chat thread or just IF Support - Part 2 with our more detailed conversation about how we are each doing and feeling day to day. We could start new threads more frequently (i.e. IF Support - Part 3). It sounds like the length of our current thread is daunting and may be less welcoming to those who might want to join us. Thoughts?
pear / 1786 posts
3. I know many of us are doing either IUI or IVF. There was an IVF chat thread but maybe we start an IUI thread, just so that people who may want advice or to learn about IUI have one concetrated thread to read with info on that topic. Maybe there could be a Clomid/Femara thread? HSG thread? etc... While we tend to talk about those things in our regular support thread, having separate threads on the different treatments could help ladies quickly find info on a certain topic. However, I realize this would mean we are repeating some info on more than one thread but I am willing to do that if it seems like it could be helpful. What do you think?
honeydew / 7916 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Congratulations! And really the goal is to have a short stay here; don't feel bad! Wishing you a H&H 9 months!
@sweetooth: Hope today's beta goes well!
@mrswin: I'm so so sorry about this cycle. I don't know what a jackfruit is, but that milkshake does sound like your DH knows what he's doing. You have a good man. It seems reasonable to switch doctors if you're not comfortable with the one you've been working with, and they probably wouldn't think much of it. IF treatments are a lot to handle, so it's important that they involve you and help you feel comfortable.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@kentuckygirl: I can't seem to figure out how everything would work best. I've spend some time lurking on other IF boards and noticed that they do well with their format because they have a large volume of users and because their sites always separate each board - they're never mixed together like they are here. So because of the structure, posters aren't as likely to miss each other in a thread or miss an IF-related thread.
I'm not sure I'm ready to be pigeonholed into an IVF thread, partly because it got lonely and partly because it's not clear what we're doing next. I like seeing what everyone is doing...but maybe that's just me.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@spaniellove: @kentuckygirl: I think it's a great idea to try and distribute some of the information we have in this thread across other new posts. I know that everytime someone new joins, it feels like they probably have no clue what they might have in common with everyone on this thread since it's over 70 pages long.
I hear what you're saying about the other infertility boards on the internet and the size of their user group. I might feel lonely if I started a board that said "IUI with Bravelle" since it's such a specific protocol. But at the same time, I would think that if any new bees come looking for support they would like to find themselves, no matter how small the group. I know what you mean about pigeonholed though, spaniellove.
@kentuckygirl: I think having a thread with only our recent updates sound like a great idea. It is place that people can consult and then it won't fill up the support thread. Maybe the IF Support thread could be broken out into "IF Support - Financial Chat", "IF Support - Day to Day"...I don't know, I'm with you. We should figure something out. Or we could also propose more detailed categories to Mr Bee under our Infertility category.
nectarine / 2705 posts
I will say I like "IF Support" instead of seeing the word Infertility over and over and over....bleh. Like we need to be beat over the head with that awful term.
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