pomelo / 5228 posts
@sweetooth: If you're already supplementing then I don't think you'd need to test it. Thinking positive thoughts for you, have a speedy weekend!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
AF came today so I'm scheduling all my tests and follow up with the RE! I've never been excited for AF before, haha. The plan right now is to do everything this cycle (follow up appt included). Depending on what we find out, and when I ovulate this cycle, we'll either start next cycle or wait a cycle, because we have a trip to Mexico booked for early May, so I'll be unavailable for monitoring, IUI, etc for that week.
pear / 1531 posts
@sweetooth: I am so excited for you. Yay! Will be thinking good thoughts for you over the weekend.
@Shutterbug: Exciting that the next step is here! Good luck with the tests.
Went in for ultrasound today. Doc thinks I will have 8-12 eggs retrieved. ER will be either Sunday or Monday depending on my estrogen levels. Will update you guys later today!
pear / 1531 posts
Hi all. My estrogen levels are high enough to trigger tonight. I am scheduled in the OR for egg retrieval at noon on Sunday!
honeydew / 7916 posts
Clomid/other meds:
@Kentuckygirl – 17th cycle TTC – cysts/on BC before starting 3rd IUI, Menopur, estrogen patch, progesterone, acupuncture.
@Sweetooth - TTC since 7/11, unexplained infertility, uterine fibroid removed in fall via hysteroscopy, Clomid with two failed IUIs, currently in TWW of 3rd IUI with Bravelle
@Bluestriped Bee
@Alie - 15th month TTC, waiting for 3rd Clomid cycle to be over to start 1st IUI/Letrozole cycle.
@ineebee - 16th month TTC, first IUI + Clomid
@Raintreebee: First IVF cycle in March. TTC for 15 months with 3 failed IUIs. Diagnoses=endometriosis.
@Derevival: Failed first IVF antagonist protocol in Feb 2013, waiting to start FET in April (hopefully)
@justdarling - waiting to start 1st round of IVF in July. TTC for 15 months with 3 failed IUIs.
@pastaandpotato - starting 1st round of IVF this month - TTC for 18 mo.
@Shutterbug - TTC since 4/12, mild hypothyroid, low progesterone, short LP, first RE appt was yesterday - BW, U/S and HSG & SA planned for next cycle
@Mrs.Someone: TTC since 3/12, m/c 12/12. Recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and compound heterozygous MTHFR. Seeing a naturopath and acupuncturist (for herbs only this month).
@MK0180 - TTC since 10/11, ectopic 01/13 from first IUI + Clomid. In the midst of first cycle post surgery. Natural cycle this month (still TTC) then off to clomid + IUI again in April
@Mrs.Halfsie - continuing to try to conceive naturally until this summer. Gluten-intolerant, vit. D deficient. Got all tests done w/ RE, minus HSG - everything looks good. Currently seeing ND.
@Suzimo-hoping to start clomid this cycle, will try for a few months and then onto RE.
@Spaniellove - TTC since 4/12, IUI and IVF (antagonist) = both BFN. Waiting for WTF appointment, may try IVF#2. Low AFC and AMH.
@BB@TheSwissWifeStyle - TTC since Dec. 2011, one MC 4/12. All tests good so far (HSG, blood tests, multiple scans) On a monitored cycle right now, also doing acupuncture and herbs.
@BluestripedBee - TTC since 11/2010, with a couple of TTC breaks, Technically 11th cycle, 2 unsuccessful IUI, 2 cancelled IUIs, Femera 2.5 mg, acupuncture, DH -history of low morphology, Me- all tests are normal.
Congratulations Graduates
@Grace, @Trailmix, @Greenthumb, @Marionberry, @Ladybee, @MrsCB
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@raintreebee: yay!!! Good luck tonight and Sunday! I'll be looking for your update after the ER!
pear / 1786 posts
@sweetooth: oh my gosh!!! So excited for you & hoping for great news on Monday!!!!!!!!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@sweetooth: that is weird that she said she wanted to see 100 unless they already measured u once and u need at least 100 to be doubling. Mine was high but I was carrying twins. Good good good good luck!!! Hope it comes back with good news on Monday! Cautiously excited for you!
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@sweetooth: two lines??? Ahhh!!!! Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts and luck to you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Shutterbug: yay for starting the process to get answers that lead to your BFP! Also, yay for an upcoming trip to Mexico!
@raintreebee: sending you lots of positive and relaxing vibes today! Hope tomorrow goes really well!
@kentuckygirl: Thank you!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@tequiero21: I think she said something about 100 is what they like to see. I've been doing my best to not think about it too much, and just hope for the best. It's all I can do! Thank you for the good luck!
@bluestriped bee: Thank you so much! I hope you're close to starting another cycle that leads to good things for you and your husband!
pear / 1531 posts
Thank you my sweet ladies for all the well wishes! It made it so much easier knowing you all were rooting for me. ER went very well. Sixteen eggs! Way more than expected. I am a little sore and the anesthesiologist mangled my hand so not much typing today. But very happy overall. Fertilization report tomorrow....
pear / 1786 posts
@raintreebee: Woooohoooo for 16 eggs!!!!! Hope you are taking it easy and resting today!
pomelo / 5228 posts
@raintreebee: Yay, thats awesome! Looking forward to hearing how the rest of it goes
kiwi / 526 posts
@raintreebee: that's awesome! fingers crossed things continue to go just as well!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@raintreebee: Happy to hear things went so well today! Hope you had a lot of good rest time today and that more positive news comes your way tomorrow
nectarine / 2705 posts
Looks like I'm going to have to wait one more day to get my follow up bloodwork taken care of. Mother Nature decided to gift us with a snowstorm that has actual accumulation this morning. Enough to make me think twice about braving it all for a 5 minute bloodwork appointment.
honeydew / 7916 posts
@raintreebee: 16 is awesome, and hoping you get a great fert report today! I know waiting for that phone call is hard but I bet you'll get great news!
@sweetooth: The extra day must be hard to wait after you've waited so patiently all weekend...but try to enjoy the beautiful snowstorm and just think, you're going to have an even higher beta tomorrow!
kiwi / 526 posts
@sweetooth: Boo - we have snow here, too. Well one more day means 24 more hours for those numbers to climb higher!
kiwi / 545 posts
@sweetooth: Arrrr - that is so frustrating. We got a lot of snow for Denver, too. I'm hoping for positive news from you soon
@raintreebee: Sweet 16! That's so exciting!
AFM - back on the saddle. Called the doctor today as AF showed up yesterday. Before we can even begin IUI and clomid I need to get a HSG done to make sure my tubes are still clear which I didn't know I had to do. I wish I knew this beforehand otherwise I would have done this last cycle. I am very frustrated - I know that I should see that there was no damage but I am also getting impatient and want to get the show on the road, Now there is no chance for a baby in 2013 and I am so so sad. And this will be my 2nd HSG - this is not exactly an awesome procedure.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: Ugh, I was hoping you would get some answers today! Just another reason to hate snow!
@MK0180: Sorry you have to get another HSG Mine is still all too fresh in my mind!
AFM: 8dpo, so- in the middle of the waiting game Trying not to drive myself crazy but....yeah. DH is getting another SA tomorrow, then the lab will do semen/mucus penetration test. (Sounds icky.) Then we have to wait 4 weeks, 4 WEEEKS to see the results of that, and what my Doc recommends. Blaaah.
pear / 1531 posts
@MK0180: @TheSwissWifeStyle: Sorry you both have to deal with more tests before getting the show on the road. All of this waiting is enough to drive a person mad.
Fertility report came in, which was very good. 16 out of 16 fertilized, and 13 embryos resulted (3 arrested overnight). I am cautiously hopeful and breathed a big sigh of relief. Now just five more days of waiting until we get the next report on the embies. Thank you ladies for being with me through all this!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@spaniellove: @raintreebee: @alie: @MK0180: @TheSwissWifeStyle: You guys are great The day is halfway over, I can do this! And yes - let's hope this just provided my body with another day to produce even higher numbers!
@raintreebee: Yay for big sighs of relief! 13 sounds like a great number! Here's hoping for beautiful day 5 results! Happy to be here to cheer you on!
honeydew / 7916 posts
@raintreebee: Awesome fert report!! Grow little embies! You're going to have such great blasts to transfer.
pomelo / 5041 posts
@raintreebee: That's a fabulous report.
@sweettooth: Wow you have way more patience than me. I'd be finding a way to get there through the snow. I'm sure tomorrow's numbers will be really high and you can start to relax. I think waiting on hCG numbers was one of the most anxious parts of my early pregnancy.
@mk0180: That sucks that you have to do an hSG again and even more so that they didn't tell you before now. I agree it would've been nice to have gotten that done before this cycle. When I had my hSG I did it on day 5 or 7 but is it because they don't want to give you clomid with a chance of ovulating from a blocked side that they won't do that this cycle?
@theswisswifestyle: That's such a long time to wait. Bummer, but hoping this cycle works out for you! Only a few more days until you'll know for sure. Hang in there.
kiwi / 545 posts
@raintreebee: That's awesome!!!! I hope you get a really great outcome!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: That's a long time to wait for results - do you know why? Also, I hate to ask this but I'm curious - what's a penetration test? Is it in conjunction with a regular SA?
@marionberry: I didn't think to ask if I could start clomid - I was trying to wrap my head around the fact I had to do another HSG. I wouldn't take it anyway this cycle if I couldn't do an IUI. I'll be doing the HSG on CD 8 or 9 since I'll be out of town the rest of this week and so getting in an IUI in the same cycle just won't work. And as much as I want to get all of this stuff done - it would be too much. My last IUI was not exactly fun and HSGs are not a pleasant stroll in the park either I already ovulate on my own so even if the tube is blocked there's really nothing I can do about it (God I hope it's not!)
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: I'm actually curious too - like @MK0180 - is the "semen/mucus penetration test" one that takes place shortly after intercourse? I always wondered if I had hostile mucus, is this a test that can tell you that? Also - that is a CRAZY long time to have to wait for results!
@MK0180: Is an additional HSG recommended after an ectopic? I'm sure it's frustrating to find out that you have to fit that in right now when you're ready to get started. I'd be annoyed that they didn't tell me earlier. But in the end, having the "all clear" will be much better than encountering any problems along the way. (I hope that doesn't come across insensitive, not my intention whatsoever).
@marionberry: I'm actually pretty amazed by my patience today. But I'm also nervous, so having some more time to chill out is good. I'll be a wreck tomorrow
nectarine / 2600 posts
@MK0180: no, I don't know why! Everything here seems to take forever, though I can't really complain so far since we've been seeing this fertility specialist. The last time Dh had an SA I remember it took forever for us to get the results, so i guess this lab is just slow.
A penetration test is when they take a sample of sperm from dh and a sample of my ewcm and see how they react. How the sperm do at swimming through it, etc. If his sperm don't look like they are doing too well, they will repeat the test with donor sperm. If both sperm samples don't do well, then most likely there's a problem with my cm. If just dh's sperm die or something, but the donor sperm is fine, then it is most likely a problem with Dh's sperm. I don't think it is part of the normal SA.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@sweetooth: the one that takes place after sex is the post coital test. In that, they take the cm, and sperm is already supposed to be present, and you see what's going on. We did that a few months ago with my old doc, and we only had 4 sperm seen, and they were dead!
This may have been due to the test being done too early in my cycle, and the fact that my test was like 14 or so hours after sex. Guess we'll get some more answers in a month!
kiwi / 545 posts
@sweetooth: Oh no it wasn't insensitive at all - I agree 100% and I think it's a good idea to make sure all is ok otherwise it could cause more problems down the road that may have been prevented or fixed. I was just mentally prepared to start again and my RE said we could start anytime we wanted I'm not sure a HSG is recommended after an ectopic at all dr's offices but it makes complete sense to get one.
BTW - FX crossed for your news tomorrow and then some
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Ohhhhhhh the name now makes sense - I've heard of the post-coital one but not this type of test. Hopefully the results will be faster than 4 weeks (maybe the lab will be really slow this month :))
nectarine / 2705 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: interesting - thanks for the further explanation! I hope you get the answers you're looking for with the test.
@MK0180: thank you!
- - - - -
I should totally go to bed right now, but I just kind of had a freak out moment. My symptoms for my first ever pregnancy have basically been NO symptoms, you know? Like clear skin, no sore boobs or lower back, no twinges...I'm not complaining. But as the sore boobs creep in it makes me nervous about the results tomorrow. I guess all I can do is go to sleep, get up, get the blood drawn and wait for the news.
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