Let me first start with this fact. Today I am 28 weeks 5 days pregnant and I did not deliver the baby today--thank Gcd!
Today I was rear ended on the highway (thank goodness at fairly low speed due to already heavy traffic). I almost avoided the car in front of me (I like to leave a lot of space in front of my car), but ended up tapping it and denting the car in front's bumper.
I was sent to the ER for various pains and then L&D. Do you know what L&D does after trauma? They hook you up to some little monitors--one for your uterus, and one for baby's heart beat. And then you sit there for 2 hours if your belly didn't hit anything, and 4 hours if your belly did hit something.
Well, due to the shock and trauma, your uterus can have irritable contractions. So... I got to spend 6 hours hooked up to monitors before they let me go home.
In the end, the placenta is still attached and baby is fine (though he was in normal position and is now breach and on the opposite side of my belly). His HR is good, and he is not bleeding.
I learned a whole lot of fun things at the hospital today--like 2/3 of patients at that hospital get epidurals! And they keep you in these mini "holding pens" until you're 7cm dilated. It was pretty cool listening to the various women/moms/moms to be coming in and out the L&D place. Also, that hospital does cord blood DONATION. COOL!!
Anyway, just wanted to share, because I've never heard of irritable contractions before. And I (and my husband) and super relieved that the baby was not born today, so I just had to share that little bit of very good news. I mean, our crib is ready for pickup at the store today, but WOW, I need a little more time to get ready for the little kicker.