in regards to healthy-eating and nutrition, there is so much to know and learn. I love being as healthy as possible, and getting pregnant really jump-started me on the track to making better lifestyle choices and I've drastically changed my eating habits.
However, there are so many misconceptions concerning healthy eating; the FDA tells us one thing (those insane commercials that high fructose corn syrup is really no different from corn... say what?!), but the opposite is true.
I've been learning more and more about this stuff. And it's crazy how much there is to know. Fat is good, it's sugar that makes us fat. Eat healthy fats (butter is healthy), use only natural sweeteners (raw honey) etc...
However, some people I've come across say they avoid learning this type of stuff because they'd rather not know what's bad for them and just eat how they want to.
What is your opinion? Do you want to know EVERYTHING there is to know about eating healthy, or would you rather not know?