(Sorry in advance for this fairly TMI post)
Let me preface this question by saying that I am 23 weeks pregnant and my discharge is generally fairly watery anyway. My OB asked me to go to L&D yesterday because I had some minimal spotting (now gone) and cramping, and said everything was fine.
At about midnight I noticed I was excreting a really watery substance, no smell, dries fairly tacky. I wiped it away and went back to bed. Same thing again at 5 A.M., and when I stood up both times there was no trickling etc. Baby has been active this morning and kicked away the doppler pretty fiercely, so I assume she's fine.
Is this normal discharge for this gestation? It was even thinner than my usual discharge, didn't smell like or look like urine (I went and peed after and there was a distinct difference), and didn't seem like sweat. I REALLY don't want to go back to L&D because with all my other issues I'm sure they think I'm nuts and just love the hospital anyway.
Any thoughts?