R has been a pretty good night sleeper from the beginning and by that I mean, she STTN sometimes, but even when she wakes up, she nurses and falls back asleep and we are all happy even with a MOTN waking. she was this way from week 1 probably. now at almost 8 months, the last 4-5 days have been an absolute terror. it started with her having a tough time falling asleep. just crying, needing a lot of hugs, sometimes nursing again only an hour or two after her whole nighttime routine. the last 3 nights though, she either had a REALLY hard time falling asleep (crying off and on for 2.5 hours, overtired, etc) or woke in the MOTN and could.not.fall.back.asleep. i had two weddings out of town so i was actually not there for one of the nights, but i still slept horribly, so when i couldn't fall asleep last night because i was too stuffed up and then she woke up right when i was drifting off and wouldn't go back to bed for an hour or so, i was pretty dead when we woke up again this morning. i tried to pawn her off to my parents (we're staying here because the weddings were close to them) but i still couldn't go back to sleep because i had a stuffy nose and a sore throat.

i don't know if i need advice or just to complain for a minute. it is really making me miss my good sleeping girl! i don't know if it's a tooth (her second is about to poke through) or what, but i'm going crazy! any commiserate after a long tiring weekend?