I know there was a thread about your health and body in the last couple of years and it got me wondering if your SO is overweight and if he/she is doing anything about it.

Since I started dating the hubs, he was 140lbs lighter. I won't hide that I was 30 lbs lighter too, but i still have baby weight to lose. (and then some)

It really bothered me to know that the hubs gained 40 lbs when I was pregnant with my first (I only gained 30lbs and I was the PREGNANT one!) Now clearly his weight is affecting his lifestyle and our relationship.

He's been getting hurt because of his weight, and the doctor told him if he didn't take care of himself he'd have a heart attack by the age of 40! (which is super scary knowing his mother has health problems)

I just find it hard, because I love my husband but I don't think he understands the issues in it's full complexity and clearly I don't want my children to be fatherless in a couple of years. I've tried making him healthy meals, and participating with im so that he feels motivated but nothing has worked. He just keeps gaining.

Then the hubs got hurt at work and has been on disablitly since. Now it's affecting our finances and seeing we have another baby on the way, it scares me for what can be next. The doctor decided to give him diet pills and told him if he didn't lose 100 lbs in 1 year, he would have to go the surgery route.

I DON"T WANT THAT AT ALL... yet I think he sees the pills and the surgery as an easy way out. He doesn't excercise, his sex drive is really low, the fact that he's hurt and can't work isn't making him motivated at all. I keep telling him if he can't do it for himself to do it for the future of his kids, but I can't be his mother anymore. I'm tired and I don't know what to do.

Is your SO overweight? Anybody have advice to make this momma feel better?! (or make her hubs lose weight?!)