Have you seen this? Its a good reminder to all of us to take minute and make aure our LOs are safe!!
Have some tissues around, it's so sad!
Have you seen this? Its a good reminder to all of us to take minute and make aure our LOs are safe!!
Have some tissues around, it's so sad!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
This is one of my worst fears, actually. It seems like it could be SO easy to be distracted and just forget. I don't think I could ever forgive myself--or DH.
pomegranate / 3890 posts
omg I cant handle watching the whole video, that boy reminds me of my son so much for some reason and its just so sad/heartwreching seeing him sitting there oblivious to it all and sweating.. but I agree it really can happen to anyone.
ok watched it, bawled my eyes out to my husband. omg im a mess right now from watching that video.
coconut / 8305 posts
I can't watch the video... as soon as I saw the preview pic I knew what it was & had to close the page!
My heart aches everytime I hear of this happening... those poor parents, that poor baby being all alone, ugh. Seriously my heart groans in pain for them!
This is one of the reasons I'm glad we have our mirror & we check it when stopped at lights... sometimes I forget I DON'T have P until I look & remember she's not there. It's so hot here in Texas that it's always something I think about.
bananas / 9357 posts
I don't know if I can watch it all. But I know if I saw a kid in a car alone, I would call 911 and not just walk away like that lady! This is one of my worst fears. It really can happen to anyone. We have started doing the stuffed animal trick where it stays in his car seat and then gets moved to the front when he's in his car seat.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
Crying! I am glad we have a mirror for this and I put my purse in back.
pomelo / 5607 posts
I plan on getting one of these. It's not worth the risk. I grew up in Memphis, which for some reason had the highest rate in the country of this happening in daycares. It scared me (not that I was in daycare, but I knew about it), so I've always had a fear of that.
pomegranate / 3858 posts
No way I can watch it. I got a lump in my throat before the video started playing. So sad...
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
I started watching that video last week and I couldn't finish it. I remember reading an article about a few babies who died this way and it absolutely traumatized me. I still can't get the horrific mental images out of my head about the descriptions they gave of the kids when they were eventually found. I cannot.
persimmon / 1230 posts
This is an important issue and one that terrifies me. I can't watch the video, I will get too upset. What happens to the little boy?
cantaloupe / 6610 posts
I just can't deal with any of these campaigns lately...That other thread had an article that I partially read and someone mentioned that a baby girl left in a car pulled all of her hair out. So after that, I just cant. At all.
I actually told DH about it, and neither of us can imagine forgetting her back there. I dunno, I guess we're just constantly so focused on her and she's ALWAYS with us (or me)...I just cannot imagine.
One thing is for sure. If I ever (God FORBID) had a hand in harming my daughter or something happening to her, that is the only scenario I could imagine as reason enough to kill myself. I'm totally serious. I would basically immediately blow my brains out or something worse/more deserving,. No f'ing way am I going to be here without her, and Oh Dear God, if I ever contributed to her harm, count me dead by the next day.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
This is my biggest fear! I think about this ALL THE TIME.
If you haven't read it, here's the heartbreaking article that brought this to my attention:
nectarine / 2132 posts
i made it to the point where the little boy starts whimpering. it literally makes me sick to my stomach. i guess that's the point though.
kiwi / 500 posts
Ugh, video was sooo sad. I can't imagine ever forgetting that I have our baby with me.
pomelo / 5326 posts
So awful. Watched the video and read the posted article.
@Katrocap: think the worse, that's what happens to the boy.
For those who watched the video, I don't understand why the two women who looked in the car did nothing, or am I missing something? My husband and I found a boy last summer in the back of a car. The person had parked way in the back of a grocery store parking lot and was no where to be found. We are lucky to have even seen him in there. We notified security at the store right away.
Man this just breaks my heart. One child dies in the states every 10 days from being left in a car. There has to be some way to stop it.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
I am sobbing, I can't even stomach the thought of this happening to any child, much less my little girl. I read the article posted in the other thread and literally cried all day. I couldn't stop talking about it to DH when he got home from work that night as the thought terrifies me beyond belief. Thinking of what those poor babies must have gone through breaks my heart in more ways than I ever thought possible.
One of my biggest fears in life is having something happen to my little girl and having her wonder why mummy isn't there to help her. I would not be able to live with myself if that ever were to happen. I am so grateful to be a SAHM right now because she is always with me and I don't have a routine of dropping her off, so if anything, my routine is to park the car and walk around to the passenger side to get her out. We also have a mirror on her seat so I am constantly looking at her in the rear view mirror.
I just can't think of a worse thing to live with than knowing that you accidentally killed your own child. Why, why isn't there some technology out there to try and prevent this from happening?! I know it comes down to personal responsibility and you can't prevent everything, but cars have so much anti theft technology nowadays, surely there must be something that can alert a parent to a substantial weight being left on the backseat. Surely there could be a sensor that could be placed under each seat that would alert someone that a substantial weight was still there after the car had been turned off. My car reminds me to turn my lights off and lets me know when the keys are still in the ignition, surely it's more important to remind someone that their baby is in the backseat?! I just can't believe it would be that difficult to come up with the technology for this. They've figured out how to install sensors and cameras on the back of cars to reduce the number of children being run over, this isn't that different, is it?!
Sorry, I've moved from a sobbing, hormonal mess, to getting up on my soapbox!
grapefruit / 4819 posts
@Katrocap: this was a recreation of what could and does happen - if you watched through to the very end, they had the director, and other crew all credited. It would be beyond cruel to film this happening for real.
@delight: I think it's just showing that that is what a lot of people do. They don't know exactly how to respond and are afraid of getting into legal trouble if they break a window to get in the car, so they just walk on by and pretend they never saw the baby. To be honest, before I became a mom, I'm not sure what I would have done if I saw that. I like to think I would have called 911 and done whatever possible to get in the car, but as a young 20 something, I didn't know how quickly a baby could overheat and die in a vehicle. If there was no store security, I may have just done the same thing. I like to think not, but I don't know.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Katrocap: it's a reenactment, not actual video! It's a video made to warn people about the danger.
@Ree723: I think I was just confused about those two women because at the end of the video they are standing around glaring at the mom. I was like "but he was still alive when you saw him in the car! You could have saved him!"
At any rate, it's hard to watch, but it happens frequently enough that it is an important message to get out there!
grapefruit / 4006 posts
that washington post article is heartbreaking. i can't believe i read the whole thing, i felt ill the entire time.
clementine / 930 posts
I read the article last week and just watched the whole video and I'm sobbing. This is a serious fear of mine. There was a quote in the article, that if you could forget your cellphone, you could forget your baby. So many people say its bad parenting, or that it would never happen to them, but we live such distracted lives I can really see how this could happen to anyone. The article was saying that the technology is available, but no one wants to believe it could happen to them, so they don't "need" it. Our baby isn't here yet, but I think I'm going to do the stuffed animal thing, and also keep my bag in the backseat as precautions. I would rather be safe than sorry.
bananas / 9227 posts
I had such a hard time watching that video! Every once in awhile I hear of a parent that's forgotten their child in the carseat and goes to work only to realize later that their baby was still in there. It's so heartbreaking!
I can not believe there were ppl in that video that just walked away! Even that it's just a video, that really frustrates me!
bananas / 9227 posts
@Adira: thank you for sharing, but I'm now asking myself why I'm reading this while my baby's not home with me it's just so incredibly sad. I can't seem to rejoice in all this silence when all I can think about is my little girl.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
I didn't watch the video but I read part of the article. I accidentally locked DD in the car at daycare (she was playing with my keys and hit the lock button.. I forgot to grab my keys before closing the door) and I was freaking out for the 10 min it took for the fire dept to get the car open. I can't imagine what these parents are going through.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Crumbs: I know what you mean! I was.... fortunate? enough to have read it LONG before I had Xander, so it wasn't as hard of a read, though it was still heartbreaking. I think about it EVERY TIME I put Xander in the car, especially since it's currently summer!! And every morning, I worry because my husband is the one that handles daycare drop-offs!!! It's so scary that this can happen to anyone!
watermelon / 14467 posts
I read this article last night, and knowing that someone invented the technology but that marketing studies said it wouldn't sell infuriates me. My car tells me when my lights are left on, when the seatbelts aren't being used (if someone is in the seat), and when my tire pressure is low, but they won't put something in to alert you when a person has been left in the car because people don't think it will happen to them?
I couldn't watch the video, but I don't think I would be able to walk by and not help. I've reported people who have left their dogs in the car when it's too hot. How could I walk by and leave a child in distress?
I plan on having a mirror back there and keeping my purse back there. I will probably bring a teddy bear in the car to remind me.
persimmon / 1230 posts
@ree723, @delight: Reenactment, of course! Duh. I think I was too upset to think that through.
@princessbaby: I agree with you that this is the only scenario in which I could imagine killing myself. It is unfathomable to think that I could go on living after being responsible for such a thing.
@babyboecksmom: That must have been terrifying! I'm so glad your LO is okay. I try to leave the passenger door unlocked when I'm getting in/out of the car to avoid locking LO in, but I sometimes forget.
Let's all just be diligent and trust that our worries about such tragedies will help us never forget our LOs in the car.
papaya / 10473 posts
Unfortunately this happened to some close friends of ours. The husband was late for work, and his baby girl went to daycare at his work also. He ran inside for a meeting and forgot her in the car. She didn't make it. To add insult to injury, he was convicted of a felony for it and lost his job, and can no longer obtain decent employment due to his record. They are wonderful people...he just made a horrible awful mistake.
As a result I have near-paralyzing anxiety about it. I just extended my maternity leave yesterday so that my baby won't be in anyone else's care until mid-fall. I will probably always call my sitter and my husband after drop-offs. It sounds crazy but it just hits too close to home for me. I have nightmares about it.
persimmon / 1230 posts
@grizz: I am so sorry for your friends' loss and the terrible situation the husband is in. That's one of the most horrible aspects of these tragedies is that good people can make awful mistakes. I hope your friends are able to find peace.
persimmon / 1116 posts
@evansjamie: I think putting your purse back there is a great idea! I might get used to seeing the teddy in the front? Idk. But I never leave without my purse.
clementine / 930 posts
@grizz: what a horrible situation. I'm so sorry for what your friends went through and the felony conviction. I think these parents punish themselves enough without jail time or the like. I can so understand why you would have terrible anxiety over it. Maybe some counseling would help? I also suffer from anxiety and it is such a difficult thing to live with and to make other people understand. Thinking of you and your friends...
coconut / 8681 posts
This was devastating to watch. I wanted to stop the video the whole time but I couldn't. I'm a SAHM and E is always with me- j can't imagine forgetting him but I still have a paralyzingly fear of it happening. I couldn't live with myself.
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