I'm having the copper IUD inserted tomorrow at almost 9 weeks PP. If you've had an IUD, how was the insertion and recovery process? Anything you wish you had known or done beforehand?
I'm having the copper IUD inserted tomorrow at almost 9 weeks PP. If you've had an IUD, how was the insertion and recovery process? Anything you wish you had known or done beforehand?
pear / 1563 posts
I got Paragard at about 10 weeks PP. I took ibuprofen about an hour before. The procedure took maybe just like 30 seconds to a minute longer than a pap. It's not comfortable, but wasn't exceptionally painful for me. I had some cramps for a few days afterwards but pretty much felt totally fine afterwards. I haven't had a period yet (have heard they can be heavier with Paragard) but so far I've been really happy with it. Good luck!
pomelo / 5258 posts
I had Mirena before and after pregnancy. I had mine inserted at 8 weeks pp and I wish I had waited until sex was bearable. I should have known just from the exam that my body was not ready. It's not that insertion was that bad - it hurt about as much as sex at that time. We weren't able DTD until 10 months pp (not due to the IUD).
cantaloupe / 6164 posts
I got the Mirena (which my body eventually rejected.. ugh) at 8 weeks, and it wasn't painful for me at all. BUT, I've never felt any discomfort from paps or cervical checks either. Either way, it's super quick. I would expect some cramping afterwards though!
pineapple / 12566 posts
@Revel: good idea to take a pain reliever beforehand. How far are you PP with no periods? I've also heard that heavy periods and lots of cramping are common side effects.
@Corduroy: we've tested those waters and it seems that everything is fine down there.
pear / 1563 posts
@lamariniere: I'm almost 8 months PP. We are still nursing, including usually 2x overnight so that's my guess for why I haven't had it back yet, or I'm just one of the lucky ones!
I've heard the same thing about side effects but I decided I preferred to take the risk with the possibility of those side effects versus my known issues with hormonal methods.
blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts
I got Mirena put in at the same time I got a flu shot, and the flu shot def hurt worse I had some cramping for about a day though.
eggplant / 11824 posts
I've had a mirena both pre and post LO. Pre-LO insertion hurt like a mofo - seriously bad pain! Post-LO, it wasn't pleasant, but it really didn't hurt much. Either way, it only takes about a minute to insert. I had no recovery or anything after either insertion, just went about my normal life.
Both times, after several weeks of on and off spotting I've had no periods at all, which is awesome.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I tried to have the Mirena inserted 6 week PP, and my uterus would not allow it. Instead of being shaped like a T it decided to curl up into a C shape after giving birth, so no matter how much my doc tried to straighten it to insert it it wouldn't work. I was in pain for a few days and still no BC.
honeydew / 7444 posts
I had Mirena inserted at 9 months post partum. It was awful!! But recovery was fine, and i had really light periods after that. The only thing i disliked was that it felt like i was constantly spotting.
@yoursilverlining: Maybe it was really a minute, but i felt like that thing was clamped on for 5! I guess i'm just a wuss.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@Revel: same here. I did not like hormonal birth control which is why I'm opting for the copper. I'm hoping EBF will keep AF away for a long time!
@yoursilverlining: I've heard several women say they don't get periods with the Mirena, that must be awesome! It's tempting to get one, but I just don't want to do anymore hormones at all.
eggplant / 11824 posts
@Freckles: you're definitely not a wuss - the first time I got an IUD was some of the worst pain of my life! I cried lol
persimmon / 1101 posts
I had the Mirena inserted at eight weeks pp, and the actual insertion didn't hurt at all. For a couple of days afterwards, though, I had a lot of downwards pressure/light pain. It felt a lot like the pressure you feel after the baby drops in the last few weeks of pregnancy. I also had a lot of bleeding for the first month...but overall, totally worth it!
pomegranate / 3917 posts
Just make sure you have a follow up xray to ensure it is in the proper place after insertion
pomegranate / 3917 posts
@lamariniere: I learned on here that with some doctor's it is common practice about 6w following insertion.
Given what happened with me, that would have been brilliant. (6m following insertion I finally listened to my gut and asked it to be removed after something didn't feel right, couldn't find it, two surgeries later (it was embedded in my abdominal wall), two lovely scars, it's out....so I'm just super paranoid for others now, but recognize this doesn't happen to everyone thankfully!)
kiwi / 633 posts
Make sure you eat/are hydrated that morning! I don't know what it is about touching the cervix, but i've seen so many patients have vaso-vagal reactions (fainting or coming close to it). It seems worse when people forget to eat breakfast before coming. And like @Revel: said, take the pain reliever an hour before.
You'll be fine!
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@yoursilverlining: A friend of mine (who has not had a baby) got a Mirena a few years back and said it hurt so much that she cried for like half an hour.
I got the Mirena 14w pp. It hurt for a split second, but it was over really fast. At my midwife's advice I had taken two Tylenol before going in to the office. Afterwards they gave me a pad for spotting.
I lightly spotted for around 6 weeks after before it stopped. No other known side effects. I've gotten more migraines, but it's just as easily because of the nutty quick weather changes we've been having the past year or two...I'm very susceptible to them then.
I did have about another 6-8w of spotting 6-7 months after I got it. I actually thought my period was coming back. But it stopped again, and we thought it was possible that I had gotten pregnant and miscarried/didn't attach/whatever. No bleeding since then.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@thismustbetheplace: interesting. My appointment isn't until 5pm, so I'll be sure to have a snack before.
grapefruit / 4049 posts
I've read that IUD insertions are more painful if one hasn't had children yet. For that reason, for a long time, it was only recommended to those who have given birth, but that's since changed.
Anyway, I got mine after my first child and it was super fast and pain-free... It just felt like a normal pap. I didn't need ibuprofen or any sort of "recovery period" at all.
Hope it goes smoothly for you!
pineapple / 12566 posts
Thanks for all the input yesterday!
I had the IUD inserted today along with a Pap smear and I didn't feel anything at all with either! So far, I have a vague sensation in my uterus, it's not cramping or pain, just a feeling that something is going on in there. I also have some very very light bleeding, but I think that may be from the pap. I'm really hoping the IUD will work well for me.
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