Hellobee Boards


IVF Thread #4

  1. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @yellowbeach: So glad you have a solid plan in place. I remember that being very comforting. Enjoy your trip to Denmark and rooting for you big time lady! You have endured a lot and your attitude is incredibly positive. Awed by your strength. You got this!

  2. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Kaohinani: I plan to blog again this trip if you still have that URL from your email

  3. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: I’m glad your doing another retrieval, I think you would be left questioning if you didn’t. I think we might be close to the same transfer schedule now, although I get super confused about timing lol.
    Enjoy your trip!

  4. Kaohinani

    grapefruit / 4144 posts

    @yellowbeach: Good to know! I will be checking in on your travels (with much envy 😉) then!

  5. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @yellowbeach: Good for you, gorgeous. I am so hopeful for this round. As someone who's done multiple untested stims, and had a random fluke T21 pregnancy/missed miscarriage (amongst other things).. the worry will always be there, but it's so so out of our control. We'll be here to hold your hand!

  6. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just landed at Dulles, and wanted to come back on the grid. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my RE to start ER #4. Really hoping this is our lucky round. 🍀

  7. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @yellowbeach: Welcome back hun!!!

  8. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: welcome back!

    So, afm, I had my retrieval last month, period came exactly on time. This month I am four days late (not pregnant). I have never in my 6.5 years of tracking had a cycle this long, and I’m attributing it to the retrieval I guess. Anyone else have this issue?

  9. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: certainly could be retrieval related. All bets are off those rounds. Keep testing though

    Went to the RE this morning for my baseline US and all looks good (ovaries doing nothing). So my meds are coming tomorrow and I have a calendar for everything. We decided we are NOT going to do any PGS testing this round and will do a fresh transfer. Our LC and only successful IVF was a fresh transfer, and that’s the one thing we haven’t done with these 9 failed frozen transfers. Hoping that might make a difference.

  10. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @LAZB: My cycles were super wonky after meds/retrievals/all the things up in my lady parts related to IVF. Hang in there! You are doing an FET in August right? Everything retrieved in June was frozen?
    @yellowbeach: Rooting for your big time!!!

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs. Pajamas: yep! Hoping for mid August, was going to start bcp to line up timing, but maybe I don’t have to if af stays away a few more days

  12. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Started injections tonight. DH is at work so had to give them to myself. Somehow went from feeling optimistic about this cycle this morning to feeling like an old woman in denial and beating a dead horse tonight. Someone tell me I’m not crazy. Can’t even blame it on the hormones. 🤷‍♀️

  13. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Literally Lost count of how many transfers we’ve now done, so decided to update my list:

    ✅ ER#1, Fresh #1 -July 2016: Successful 👧🎀
    👼 March 2018: Natural pregnancy, ended in TFMR

    ❌ FET #1 - Aug 2018: Unmedicated, 1 PGS-nl, Failed

    ❌ FET #2 - Sep 2018: Unmedicated, 1 PGS-nl, Failed

    ❌ FET #3 - Nov 2018: Medicated, 1 PGS-nl, Failed

    ❌ FET #4 - Dec 2018: Medicated, 1 PGS-nl, Failed
    ❌ ER#2, FET #5 - Feb 2019: Transferred 2 PGS-nl, Failed

    ❌ ER#3, FET #6 - Mar 2019: Transferred 1 mosaic, Failed
    ❌ FET #7 - May 2019: Transferred 1 PGS-nl, Failed
    ❌ FET #8 - June 2019: Transferred 3 abnormals, Failed
    🌀 ER #4 - tentative date 7/24. Hoping for something to transfer.

    Some spotting today after stopping OCPs for this cycle. Otherwise just the waiting that’s killing me. I did manage to clear out three days in my work schedule early on to ensure I don’t have that last minute stress of having to find work coverage if the retrieval gets delayed.

  14. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @yellowbeach: so sorry you are feeling down and like you are beating a dead horse. I can certainly understand that feeling after multiple failed FETs. Hang in there! Your rainbow baby is just waiting for you! Hugs!

  15. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: seeing it all types out like that is tough, you’ve been through so much! I’m really glad you decided to do another retrieval, I REALLY hope this is the one!

  16. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I officially decided to just wait for my next cycle for transfer. Since my period was late it didn’t make sense to take bcp for such a short amount of time to accommodate our next vacation. Now I’m estimated to start af the day after we get back, so that would actually be perfect.
    Now I think transfer will be the very end of August if af is on time next month.

  17. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: You are so patient! Can you share some of that with me pretty please??? 😉

    AFM, estradiol this morning was only 69, so my RE wanted to push all our appointments back a day, but my schedule just wouldn’t allow it. So we are skipping our planned appointment for Thursday and I’ll see him Sat for another estradiol level and an ultrasound. Doesn’t feel good to already be behind coming out of the gate.

  18. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: patience is not usually my strong suit, but I think knowing I have three good quality embryos on ice helps. Odds are at least one will stick, so I want to have the things I can control (like stress and timing to some degree) in as good of shape as possible so I can’t “blame” myself for screwing up what should be really good chances.

  19. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Also, this is really only delaying things like 2 more weeks, so I can’t pat myself on the back too much lol

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: one more thing. Hindsight being 20/20 and all, my estradiol levels were very low to begin with and never got crazy high, and I ended up with a fair amount of eggs/embryos, so maybe it’s not all bad?

  21. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: That's what I'm hoping. I've also never been on OCPs leading up to a cycle, so maybe that is making my response a bit abnormal. I go back Saturday morning for an ultrasound and labs. I really hope things aren't way off track in terms of our retrieval date. The biggest stress in all of this for me is rearranging my work schedule. Retrieval was projected for 7/24 so I took off 7/24-7/26, but if we have to push back past that it's going to stress me out. Just the nature of my job isn't very forgiving of people who are constantly looking for shift coverage. You are seen as "needy" or unreliable.

  22. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Just got home from my appointment. Lining is 6.4 with a scant amount of fluid. They want to see that gone before transfer but won’t impact retrieval at all.

    19 follicles all about 11mm and under. Will likely retrieve at least a day if not 2 or 3 days later than originally thought.

  23. Mrs Lavender

    apricot / 302 posts

    Hi all. I took a break from posting (I was at a real low) but have been silently cheering everyone on! Wishing you the best of luck with your retrieval, @yellowbeach.

    I've got some news - I'm pregnant! We had our 3rd FET on July 3rd and it worked! We changed up my protocol to a semi natural cycle and added baby aspirin, lovenox, and prednisone. 1st beta 959 13dpt, 2nd beta 1,977 15dpt, and we had our first US on Friday. We got to see the gestational sac and yolk sac. Hoping to hear the heartbeat next week. I'm cautiously optimistic but very nervous!

  24. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: omg what amazing news!!!

  25. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @yellowbeach: All systems (almost!) go... eeeep!

    @Mrs Lavender: That is wonderful news!!!

  26. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: congratulations!! Great news!

  27. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: timing is so hard, but that sounds like a great amount of follicles!

  28. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    So, I took opks, and got a positive today at only cd10 which means I’ll get af earlier than I want, which means my transfer will get pushed back more 😩 I don’t know what is going on with my body, it’s all over the place. Also, I think I’ve mentioned before, but the urge to bd when I have a positive opk can be so strong. Even though I don’t want a natural pregnancy, it’s hard to not go for it.

  29. Mrs Lavender

    apricot / 302 posts

    @LAZB: @jaguar: @yellowbeach: Thank you, ladies!

    @LAZB: You may be able to go on birth control for a few days once your period starts and then go off. Your hormones would still be low and your cycle would start when you stop them. That's what my clinic would suggest rather than waiting until your next cycle. They do this sometimes to sync patients cycles together.

  30. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LazB: Yep exactly what @Mrs Lavender said... OCPs can help get the timing on track.

    AFM, just leaving my ultrasound. Today looks much better. The small amount of fluid in my lining is gone. There are 18 follicles, similar in size. He’s projecting most likely a Friday retrieval, but possibly a Thursday retrieval. Phew. I was so stressed about the possibility of a Saturday retrieval and having to find last minute coverage at work. Plus my mom is available to come with me. I just had my estrogen level drawn and will get that this afternoon.

  31. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: @yellowbeach: I know I can, that was the initial plan this month, but I’m wondering if I should? Like, is this my body’s way of telling me to wait? Or should I just continue on as planned?

  32. Mrs. Pajamas

    kiwi / 702 posts

    @Mrs Lavender: Wonderful news!!!! Yay so happy for you!

  33. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    @LAZB: I think either way you'll be fine - I was always just terrible at waiting plus was trying to do things around a very fixed schedule as far as work. If you have the flexibility and patience (good on ya) then I'd probably wait. As they say, less is more sometimes.

  34. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Estrogen is 1242... hoping this means I can start Ganirelix tonight and retrieve either Thurs or Fri as planned. Please universe, anything but Saturday.

    Edit: originally said transfer, meant retrieve.

  35. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: sending all the good vibes into the universe!!

  36. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Ultrasound was good today - 20 follicles 19-16mm each. Triggering tonight for a retrieval Friday. They have to call me with specific times because apparently 4 women might all retrieve Friday.

  37. Mrs Lavender

    apricot / 302 posts

    @yellowbeach: Wow! Great news! And you get your Friday retrieval! 🙌🙌

  38. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @yellowbeach: wow, that’s amazing!

  39. yellowbeach

    nectarine / 2648 posts

    Trigger at 8pm for a nice and early 8am retrieval on Friday. DH has to work, so my mom is coming into town tomorrow to spend the night and take me in the morning.

  40. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @yellowbeach: Bring on Friday!!!!

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