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IVF Thread

  1. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @kentuckygirl: I know it is!

  2. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @Leialou: So glad to hear that the transfer went well! Thinking good, good thoughts for you and your husband.

  3. msmug

    apricot / 403 posts

    @apex: congrats!
    As for me.. I've poas twice and both came back negative. I have my beta Tuesday so I'll know officially then. I'm pretty bummed, frustrated, disappointed, sad... I just don't get it.. Everything seemed to fall into place. Its this last part..implantation.. Just wont stick. I'm dreading the prospect of having to do thus All over again.

  4. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @msmug: I am so sorry to hear this.

  5. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @msmug: I am so sorry. Hugs!

  6. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @msmug: (hugs) I'm really sorry.

  7. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @msmug: I'm so, so sorry.

  8. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @msmug: I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs

  9. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @msmug: I'm so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you and sending hugs.

  10. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Leialou: Congratulations lady, those are some good looking blastocysts right there.
    @msmug: For some reason, i still have hope, so i'm holding my breath for you until your beta results tomorrow.

  11. PointeShoesTutus

    clementine / 797 posts

    @Leialou: such an amazing picture! Fingers crossed that those embryos are nestling in tightly for a nice long stay.

    @msmug: so sorry about the BFNs. Perhaps you'll get an unexpected surprise with your beta though.

  12. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Leialou: That picture is amazing! Those look like some awesome embryos! Glad your transfer went well and crossing my fingers for you that the next week goes quickly! When are your betas?

    I go in for my first beta tomorrow. My office says they won't call me tomorrow - they will wait till Friday after my 2nd beta because they want to see doubling before giving me any news. AGHHH how will I wait till Friday to find out??!!

    I was so zen up until yesterday when I woke up feeling like death warmed over and started to think maybe I'm getting real symptoms and not just progesterone symptoms. So now I'm chomping at the bit to POAS. This morning I peed on an OPK because I wanted to POAS so bad. And the OPK was SUPER positive. Like I've never seen the test line that much darker than the control line before. I KNOW I can't rely on that as an indicator of anything real, but now I'm sort of freaking out. I think I probably need to get some HPTs tonight and take one tomorrow before my beta. Do you think that would be bad? Or maybe I should wait till Thursday.

    Has anyone gotten a positive on an OPK and then gotten a BFP? I'm not sure how (if at all) all the progesterone in my system would affect an OPK so I should probably let this go, but you know I'm going to be googling this all morning, haha!

  13. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @twodoghouse: it's September 11th! I think it's a bit cruel they won't call you tomorrow. Waiting until Friday will be so tough! I would definitely POAS tomorrow. I wish I could give you an answer about using an OPK as an HPT.

  14. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @twodoghouse: I vote for just using an HPT! I got a positive on an OPK in the cycle after my loss when I still had a small amount of HCG in my system and didn't realize it. So yes it can happen!

  15. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    Oh girls you're making me freak out. I'm definitely going to have to take a HPT tomorrow!

    @spaniellove: How are you doing honey? Are you going in for more bloodwork or are you just in the wait and see time frame? I've been thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way!

  16. justdarling

    apricot / 452 posts

    @Leialou: Your embabies look so good!!! Congrats on getting through the transfer. I really hope you have great news in 2 weeks!!

    @twodoghouse: Since you used an OPK, you might as well POAS! I really hope it's positive!!!!

  17. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    So, I'm crazy. We are driving a sick toddler 4 hours for our baseline appointment today. We both have to sign consents and he got sick last night. Can't send him to preschool so he comes with us. It will be my first ultrasound without my husband (we aren't taking the toddler in. He will sit in the car with him and then I will).

  18. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @brownie: Oh my gosh, that sounds crazy! I hope it all goes well and that your little guy starts feeling better. Good luck at your ultrasound too!

  19. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @brownie: oh wow! Do you have to drive 4 hours for every appointment? I hope your lo feels better soon.

  20. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Leialou: yup every single appointment. It is one of the top ten clinics and recommended by my husbands cf clinic. They sometimes don't take that into account when they schedule us (8 am beta means leaving at 4 am or going the night before).

  21. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Apex: when do you get your beta results back? I'm curious about your levels!

  22. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Leialou: I'm waiting for the results, I should get a call back later today.

  23. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I just heard that we have 4 to freeze!

  24. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @Leialou: Yayy for 4 snowbabies!!!

  25. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    Oh, my RE's nurse just called. According to her, i am VERY pregnant with a beta of 1850 at 11dp5dt

  26. brownie

    grapefruit / 4110 posts

    @Apex: wonderful!!!!!

  27. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts


  28. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Leialou: Woo hoo, that is great news!

    @Apex: Holy mackerel girl! I can't wait to find out how many babies you have in there!

  29. spaniellove

    honeydew / 7916 posts

    @Apex: @twodoghouse: Huge congrats to you both!!!!

  30. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    @Apex: that's wonderful!!!!
    @twodoghouse: oh yay!! Congratulations!!

  31. PointeShoesTutus

    clementine / 797 posts

    @Leialou: Hurray for 4 to freeze.
    @Apex: So exciting! Is there a chance there's more than one in there?
    @twodoghouse: congrats! That's a great looking

  32. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @spaniellove: @Leialou: @PointeShoesTutus: Thanks ladies! I cannot even really believe it. Tomorrow and Friday I have betas, so I'm going to be cautiously optimistic until then. After 2.5 years of stark white tests, I am just grateful that for right now, right this second I am pregnant.

  33. Caly

    nectarine / 2765 posts

    @Apex: Congratulations! 1850, that's amazing! Sounds like you have at least a couple in there...heh...my 1st beta was 760 (15dpet) with twins...so exciting!

    @twodoghouse: Yay! Congratulations!

  34. tequiero21

    honeydew / 7968 posts

    @Apex: woooooo hooooooo!!! Really hoping for 3!!!!

    @twodoghouse: omg omg congrats!!!!!

  35. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @Apex: What a wonderful beta #!!! Congrats momma! I see multiples in your future

  36. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @twodoghouse: Wooohoooo! I love that second line!!!! Congrats momma!!!!

  37. kentuckygirl

    pear / 1786 posts

    @twodoghouse: So you are 9 dpt today? and @Apex: are you 10 dpt?

    I obviously don't need it yet, but does anyone know a reliable website for gauging beta results, including indications of potential multiples based on the #s?

  38. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @twodoghouse: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that is awesome news, can't wait your beta #'s tomorrow. So exciting, i'm glad you decided to POAS. Hopefully they would give you your #'s tomorrow

  39. Mrs. Jacks

    blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts

    Look at this thread be so on fire! Congrats to apex and two dog. I'm thinking of very sticky things for you like sap and marshmallows and jam.

  40. Apex

    clementine / 770 posts

    @kentuckygirl: thanks lady, I'm 11dp5dt today.

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